If I didn't know better,I'd say you seem a bit erked,a bit angry,if you will.
So what's wrong? Did you go out and fall on your face a few times?
Why do you think this forum is here? If you already had this thing all figured out,you wouldn't need to be a member here.
Let me guess: You're upset over the situation that happened in your other thread,the one where you said you'd "blown your chances" with a certain girl.
I read that thread. The outcome was predictable. I've been through that scenario you described a thousand times. You said it was over when she told you she had a boyfriend,but really,it was over looong before then.
You just didn't realize it.
If you seriously,SERIOUSLY want to get better at this "dating thing",you'll need to give us an account of how you normally approach a girl.
Don't sugarcoat it,don't alter it or change it in any way.
Tell us...
How you approach a girl.
What you generally say when you approach her.
How women generally respond to you.
When do problems start to show up when you interact with a girl? Is it during the approach,after you approach but before the first date,or after the first date has already happened?
The problem with the girl in your last thread was as clear to me as the sun shining in the sky...
You said it yourself: You kept putting off,procrastinating,and delaying asking her for her number or asking her out. You said you didn't know why you kept doing it,but I knew why.
It's because you were scared. Scared of getting turned down. Afraid of rejection.
you are feeling and experiencing an emotion while your talking to a woman and in her presense,she'll "sense/feel" the emotion you're giving off.
Even though you were repeatedly in this girl's presense,you didn't ask her out because of fear,and obviuosly,she "sensed" your hesitation. So when she felt your nervousness/fear,it made her feel uncomfortable.
When this happens,she CAN'T FEEL ATTRACTION for you.
You know why?
Because instead of her relaxing and enjoying the feelings/attraction
you should have been generating in her,she was too busy trying NOT TO HURT
your feelings.
If you approach a girl all nervous and scared and about to wet your pants,YOU put her under pressure. She FEELS like she
has to say yes because if she doesn't,it'll break your poor little heart.
Women don't want that. They want to say yes because they like you and are attracted to you,not because if they don't it'll destroy you.
They don't want to feel responsible for you feeling bad if they're not interested.
Like I said,if you want to start to turn this thing around,answer the questions I asked...HONESTLY,ACCURATELY.
Plus,if there's anything else you think might be helpful for us to know,share it as well.