I felt as if i had no chance.


New Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Garfield, NJ
Awhile back a friend sent me a link to this site after I made a comment on myspace when asked the question, "Single, Why?" and i replied, "Becaues girls would rather be with a jerk then a guy like me." So now i've read a good amount of articles and posts here, and i've come to realize that there is not going to be one magical piece of advice that will make everything easy. So i'm just going to tell you my story and hope that I can gain something from your replies.

I figure some background information on me would help you better understand what i'm going through. I'm 19, somewhat shy and i've only asked 3 girls out and i've been on 1 date and it wasn't even with any of the 3 i asked out, the one date became a "relationship" if you can really even call it that, it lasted a little over a week.

Since finding this site and othes like it i've come to realize that I have to stop looking at situations and thining "that i have no chance at all".

So one day at work, i'm talking to one of my co-workers and in walks this girl who works in another department, she is just my type, so my co-worker says that i should go talk to her and i replied that he was crazy and that i have no chance at all with her.

A month or so later, she gets set up with a different co-worker of mine. They go out on a date, end up making out and the next morning she texts him and says that things are moving too fast and she breaks up with him. Now shes 17, a quiet girl, not many friends, people have told me that shes a loser and has no friends. That information didn't really bother me becaues it came from a person who dosen't really like her. Now throught the people that set them up, they end up back together for about a month. Doring this month, sometimes she dosen't talk to him and at one point the guy had to find out from a friend of hers if they where still going out.

Eventually she breaks up with him and says that she just wants to be friends. I though that was great, i was ready to make my move and ask her out. But there was problems, even thought i was told by the guy they had broken up, she still would come in and talk to him and it allmost seemed like they where still going out. So one day I decided to ask the guy whats going and he told me that he dosen't even talk to her or see her out side of work, except for the once or twice they went out with a group of friends bowling.

I didn't want to be a jerk and go behind my co-worker back and ask her out, so i decided to talk to him about. He told me to go for it, he all ready had met another girl, who is now his girlfriend.

So i wait her for to be somewhat alone and i go up to her and say that i think she the prettiest girl in the whole store and asked her if she would like to go out sometime. She smiled, she seemed falttered and said that she was kind of seeing someone. I left dissapointed and feeling like ****. So i went to my co-worker who she had be going out with to see if he was the guy she was kind of seeing, he replied "if it was me, it would be news to me."

Now eventually she finds out that he has a girlfriend and stops talking to him. I realized that I went about things the wrong way and i shouldn't have just went right up to her and asked her out, hell i've never even talked to her before that and i'm not even too sure if she knows my name. So now i so badly want to just go up to her and talk to her or even be able to just say hi but for some reason i can't do, i chicken out and i look at her and say to myself "what am i crazy why would girl like that want to be with me." I know its a bad way of thinking. I went to anther girl she works with to find out if she knew if she is seeing someone, she told me that i should ask her out. So now any chance that I see her i either chicken out completly or can't even bring my self to look at her.

The last girl i was really interested in, i got her number without even trying, we never ended up going out, but now i feel with this new girl i'm interested in, i'm going back to my old ways.

And can someone tell me what "hooking-up" means?

I posted this on another forum, and for some reason i withheld some information, so i'm hope to get a better response here.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Jesus guys, at least the guy is trying to turn his situation around here.

Ya know, I don't know how many supposed "DJ's " on this site actually get C&F.
Because they do nothing but make lame remarks like the ones above. How about trying to encourage the guy, offer a tip, help him instead of acting like your gods gift, cos if u were, you'd never be on this site in the first place.

C'mon guys, help people here, don't make a situation worse for them!


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
I'll help buddy.
I'm 19, somewhat shy and i've only asked 3 girls out and i've been on 1 date and it wasn't even with any of the 3 i asked out, the one date became a "relationship" if you can really even call it that, it lasted a little over a week.
That's not a relationship, that's just a 'thing' to keep it simple, or if you're really interested in knowin what happened, it was super-temporary interest or pity. Good mindset though. :)
I went to anther girl she works with to find out if she knew if she is seeing someone, she told me that i should ask her out. So now any chance that I see her i either chicken out completly or can't even bring my self to look at her.So now i so badly want to just go up to her and talk to her or even be able to just say hi but for some reason i can't do, i chicken out and i look at her and say to myself "what am i crazy why would girl like that want to be with me." I know its a bad way of thinking. I went to anther girl she works with to find out if she knew if she is seeing someone, she told me that i should ask her out. So now any chance that I see her i either chicken out completly or can't even bring my self to look at her.
Tell me you know the Nike commercials! Pleasssse! Good. Go up to her and conquer your fears of talking to her. When you are about to do it, take a breath, tell yourself you are the man, walk up to her and just ask. Don't make it fancy, I want you to say the words 'Hey [name], would you like to grab some lunch in a hour?'

I don't care about her response and neither should you! I want you to do that for me and I want you to come back telling me just how relieved you are of actually talking to this girl! Tell me how, she really isn't that scary. Tell me her answer. Tell me how you feel after you asked, and how you feel now thinking about it. That's step one, and it MUST be done!

Hop to it! Just do it, and then we can work on other good stuff :)
And can someone tell me what "hooking-up" means?
Anywhere past 'friends', ie) NOT hugs, NOT cheek kisses, NOT Flirting. It is going above and beyond those friendly things!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Badmannaz said:
hooking up=kissing a girl...fingering a girl....getting your jimmy shucked anything pass 1st base is hooking up 1stbase= hugs kiss on cheek etc
And it has noting to do with being "more than friends".

That's not what it means - "Let's hook up" - means "lets get together" - you know, as a coat "hooks" on a hanger -- they come together - simple.

Devildude, I'll give you points for having yhe nerve to approach -- this is a good start - at least we know you are not afraid of women. But you put the cart beforre the horse and when the cart goes before the horse you can't move forward.

A slower approach would have been better -- you should have had your dude department friend to introduce you to her in a group setting with others around - maybe over lunch break and then you could have started an informal conversation with her - and watch for signs of her interest in you,

I am a Grandmaster so don't try this at home but do some reading of these boards and soon enough you'll know the do's and don'ts of pursuing women.

Take your time - you have learn how to walk before you can run!


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Nice! goodjob!

Only thing I could say you did wrong was say she was the prettiest girl in the whole store.

Ya know, I don't know how many supposed "DJ's " on this site actually get C&F.
I know what I'm doing. My girlfriend calls me a A$$hole everyday, ****y son of a B!atch once in a while and conceited only once. I also get called Ridiclous, wierd, funny, dorky, messed up, goofy. Thats all I can think of atm. Its not bad and I dont mind it, she says it and hits me, and we know hitting is GOOD, sometimes gives me a weird look and wants to kiss, o_O

This is the funniest relationship Ive every been in. Were alot alike, well think the same, we've said the same things at the same time alot, think the same things, oppions and ect... Funny stuff, we like purposefully make each other Jealous and say mean things about each other... I think were both Jerks that are ****y and Funny. Sometimes its scary were so much the same. I mean REALLY SCARY.

Little background weird stuff about our relationship. Before I asked her to Prom (she thought I was joking at first and she thought I hated her!) that weekend I kissed her I was half drunk and kissed her (I got tricked[kind of] well I wanted too) Ohh, and the whole time shes was going out with another guy at this time, she broke up with him that week. :p Well that was a while ago.

Yeah so, if A girl likes you, she will let you kiss her and kiss u back?, and go to prom w/ you behind the other guys back, then break up w/ him. :D All I have to say is Attraction isnt a choice!!! right guys!

Well not every girl will do that, im sorry, I'll shut up and im just happy!

If you need information or help; just PM me.