I Feel Like A Punk

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Like the title says.
So the other day me and this guy I don't know started jawing off. Dude just pushed me as I was walking towards the bus. So me being me I shoved him back. Duke shoved me and then got in my face. He backed up and threw off his bags and ****. I threw mine off but I thought about it and quickly reneged and picked my stuff up after I saw about 6 or so of his boys starting to form a circle. He backed up as soon as security saw the commotion and started coming over.
Afterwards I got on the bus and was subject to a few jokes from some of these girls I knew but I was so angry I just looked forward and waited from my stop to come up. Worst part was by some freak occurrence these two girls I had been gaming missed their bus and saw the whole thing. I haven't really talked to either since but that has nothing to do with this. I don't usually care what other people say but I just feel like a little punk in my mind. Dude is a known thug and its rumored he's killed a guy before. I dunno but the way I feel is like less of a man for backing down.
I saw him at school today and he didn't say anything though he did look my way. I'm not a soft guy by any means but I feel like all fluff right now. I'm somewhat stressing about this like people always do before a fight. I'm pretty sure its over with now and I can't just go up and snuff him or anything without looking like an ass.
I'm just gonna chalk this up as an L and keep my head held high but **** I already feel sore about this. Someone just tell me I was in the right for dropping it so I can feel somewhat justified.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Dude don'w worry about it. The guy was a fcking bad ass, you don't get a rumour about killing someone by being a weak little nerdy boy. Hell, if he had some of his boys there you could have saved you life. What were the girls saying? It's kind of an achivement to have stood up to him for that long. Fighting is anti-social behaviour and doesn't gain you rep anyway. Unless by 'rep' you mean 'people think I've killed a guy'.

It aint like he punched you and you ran away. Barely even worth worrying about. Probably wont even affect those girls opinion of you.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
These were a few girls I had known before I started DJing and they were just feeding into my self doubt. Just saying things like what were you thinking, that dude would have tore you up, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Take it from me. My rep has been slaughtered for all of high school because in middle school I used to fight alot of my current classmates. It's completely anti-social behavior.

Remember, self doubt is all in your mind. You don't know, they could really have been impressed by your show of defense! You didn't really seem like a punk there.

If she DOES say something like "that dude would have tore you up," you could easily reply back "well duh he had 6 of his goons with him."

Defending yourself is fine, to a point. You did it just right. Don't even mention it to the girls, if they bring it up they will probably only support you because honestly who is going to win a 7v1 without weapons if the kids have even the slightest amount of fighting experience?

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
True enough. Some guy tried to clown me on it today on the bus. It was right when we got to my stop though so I didn't get a chance to back myself up but its over with. You guys made me feel better about it, thanks.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
you did the right thing. this dude is a bad ass and even if you would have beat up him and his crew you would have been dead for the rest of high school. even if you said some smart ass stuff you would have been beaten up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Fvck those slvts.

They aren't going to come and visit you in the hospital and give you an HJ or BJ to progress your recovery after that guy and 6 of his fellow cowards jump you so forget about it.

Their opinion has about as much worth as a pile of rhinosaurus sh!t.

Fighting has no honor these days anyway unless you are an MMA fighter in a scheduled competition.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Dude, you shouldn't even have got into any kind of argument with a kid like that. Those kids are below you. They mean nothing to you. They aren't even worth looking at. They aren't on your level, they aren't worth your time.