I don't want my children to be AFCs...


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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I really do not. I am seeing how little boys and girls play together and realize its a path towards becoming AFC for boys! How do you convince other children's parents to STOP letting girls and boys hanging out together and be just friends?
They are too little to have sexual vibes, so is it best to just separate them?


Nov 27, 2006
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Lol... you HAVE to let the play with girls, its importent for there development.
When they go into there teen's and they ASK for help, help them.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2006
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Dartmouth NS, Canada
I feel sorry that you feel that AFCs are formed by interacting with little girls at a young age. It simply is not true. AFCs are formed by positive reinforcement by mothers - by being a good little boy in the eyes of mom.
To prevent the tragic feminitity that is an AFC, then all you have to do is to pledge (and follow thru') to spend time with junior. Take him fishing, shoot baskets and deer, teach him how to be a MAN.

Teach him how to be confident WITHOUT being insecure. Teach him how to lift weights safely and properly - encourage him to do sports, make him realize there is more to life than his little microcosm of school and parents. Get him to volunteer.

It isn't the little girls - it the lack of MEN in boy's lives.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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California, SF
let me tell you bro, i worked with 5 year old preschoolers for the past 2 summers. they are more confident than a lot of AFC's in their teens. some boys would walk up to a girl, slap her in the ass, get on top of her, and go "yay horsey!!" and the 5 year old girls would laugh and play along. they are fearless.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Babnik said:
I really do not. I am seeing how little boys and girls play together and realize its a path towards becoming AFC for boys! How do you convince other children's parents to STOP letting girls and boys hanging out together and be just friends?
They are too little to have sexual vibes, so is it best to just separate them?
Hate to tell you this, but it's the parents who have the most influence into the personality to which they grow into. If parents aren't engaged in formation of their personalities, society will become the child's influence.

Also I agree with Precursor, children are fearless until they start learning about fears (although teens guys slapping a girls ass is more of a hormonal thing ;) ). Ironically, most of a child's fears are learned from their parents.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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AFCism is mostly due to lack of strong masculine figure in their life (e.g. Dad).

It is VERY important for boys to interact with girls at an early age.

If you want your boy to NOT act like an AFC...then YOU must not act like one. And YOU must be involved in his development.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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Fathers should stay MEN and be in charge in the household. AFC fathers who let the mother decide what goes on within the household are a bad influence for little boys. Dumb AFC fathers who get violent out of insecurity are even worse! You should be in control of yourself AND your family.

As a father you must be man enough to handle your woman in all circumstances, and be able to convince her to follow your lead. Take full responsibility for your family. Every decision should be approved by the man of the house.

I think a TRUE DJ has all the qualities for being a succesful father.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Hate to tell you this, but it's the parents who have the most influence into the personality to which they grow into. If parents aren't engaged in formation of their personalities, society will become the child's influence.

Also I agree with Precursor, children are fearless until they start learning about fears (although teens guys slapping a girls ass is more of a hormonal thing ;) ). Ironically, most of a child's fears are learned from their parents.

Right. I love my parents to death, but my Mom is one of the most manipulative people I have ever met. Playing sick, crying, all types of tricks to make guys supplicate. She even TRAINS little girls how to be *****ES!

I heard her telling my sister, "For a guy to even have a chance he has to be a gentleman!"

And guys don't talk about the other side of the coin NEAR enough. We just put our little tigers in baseball camp, and hope for the best. The father son relationships, I think as a trend across the nation, SUCK!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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Styles said:
Right. I love my parents to death, but my Mom is one of the most manipulative people I have ever met. Playing sick, crying, all types of tricks to make guys supplicate. She even TRAINS little girls how to be *****ES!

I heard her telling my sister, "For a guy to even have a chance he has to be a gentleman!"

And guys don't talk about the other side of the coin NEAR enough. We just put our little tigers in baseball camp, and hope for the best. The father son relationships, I think as a trend across the nation, SUCK!
Er...whats wrong with a guy being a gentleman? And how is that being a b*tch?

Gentleman does not = AFC...


New Member
Jul 29, 2006
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The key to stopping your own children becoming AFCs is to understand why it is that so many young men turn into AFCs in the first place. There are two primary reasons why, in this feminist era, so many men turn out this way. They are a) the influence of society, for example television and b) the influence of parents and role-models, especially mothers. Without going into detail both young men and women are constantly bombarded from all directions with propaganda telling them that women should be put on a pedestal. Ultimately, this creates a situation where men believe that women are superior to them and that they have to treat all women like princesses. Conversely, women begin to believe that they are superior and this serves only to exacerbate the situation.

Now to stop your own child becoming an AFC you have to set a good example yourself. You have to teach him to respect himself, have confidence in himself and makesure that his mother/teachers do not negatively influence him. You can do this not by separating him from young women, but by making sure that he is confident around them. Help him improve his social, leadership, sporting and educational skills. Remember women are attracted to confident and successful men. Don’t be scared to discuss these issues and drop subtle hints as he grows up. Overall and most importantly, to combat AFCism in children, men have to act as positive role-models, and unfortunately this is something many men lack.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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You are in for a challenge because society is designed to make people (all people, not just guys) into pussies. It's designed to make people "domesticated" to the system so that they don't try to do anything in life which they can't predict for: so they are easily controlled and don't rock the boat which the social elite control.

The behavior that marks AFCism and people in general exhibit is that they "Accept what life gives them" rather than the more masculine approach of "I want something >> How do I get it? >> Taking action to get it >> Get it."

The public school system is going to do a very good job at making your boys into domesticated little pussies, so that they do what society tells them they should do (Check out John Taylor Gatto's website and his book the Underground History of Public Schooling or something like that which is available to read free on his website).

In order to avoid your boys becoming complete pussies, they need to set goals of their own choosing and then following them through to their completion. They also need to see you setting goals and accomplishing them, preferably not superficial goals like, "I want to buy a lexus or an HD TV" which are material goals and not real goals. The goals they/you should be trying to accomplish are goals which make them a more powerful, well-developed person through the process or gain them experiences and enrichment in life not I want to have X, where X is a particular object.

One of the common themes in becoming a DJ is personal development, so that they gain the skills to get women, self-confidence in their personal achievement, and ***** in the process. This idea should be molded into their lives, because that's what masulinity is: "I want something, I'll figure out how to get it then I'll get it." If they are used to accomplishing goals, then when the time comes they will want ***** or a girlfriend and they'll try to achieve it. They'll fail some in the process and become men along the way.

Don't let them do too many passive activities where they don't experience life, but instead only observe it, like sitting in front of a TV most of the day, or on the internet all day, or whatever.

I wouldn't worry too much about them hanging out with girls because if give them exposure to masculine concepts of life they'll naturally enjoy those things because men gain pleasure from building towers and conquering life.