I dont know how but...I just got LJBFed


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the help on my previous post everyone. Somehow, I went from getting this girl to go to prom with me and going on a 1st date last night to now...where she sends me a message OVER MYSPACE, of all the ways, to tell me that she is sorry for leading me on and all this bull s*** and then says we should not do prom. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but this has happened for the past 4 relationships. I keep on somehow being told that I am just a friend. I have actually been looking at this site for one year now and obviously it hasnt paid off. I work out, eat right, do good in school, have a job, im not a bad looking guy, im not a loser in school. I don't know what it is. I think im just gonna give up. I dont know why I am just a friend. Im not a nice guy that just kisses a girl's a** all day. I didn't do anything wrong with the past 4 girls. I know this isnt the dj way to complain and be negative but I don't know how much more of this I can take. I cant keep working so hard to be a MAN and then get my hopes up and confidence up and then get denied anytime I try and do something. How can you remain confident if you are kicked down all the time? How? Ive read the article about how its good to get rejected and then you learn and blah blah so please dont post that for me. I have tried so hard for one year now. Im sure a lot of other guys have seen good right away. I just dont know what else to do

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
u got rejected four times in a year? The people in those posts get rejected four times an hour.

Anyways thats besides the point. You are 16, u are ready to quit on something that can change your life forever. Before you read so souave, how many girls did u even have the guts to try and game?


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
42-Colrath said:
Thanks for the help on my previous post everyone. Somehow, I went from getting this girl to go to prom with me and going on a 1st date last night to now...where she sends me a message OVER MYSPACE, of all the ways, to tell me that she is sorry for leading me on and all this bull s*** and then says we should not do prom. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but this has happened for the past 4 relationships. I keep on somehow being told that I am just a friend. I have actually been looking at this site for one year now and obviously it hasnt paid off. I work out, eat right, do good in school, have a job, im not a bad looking guy, im not a loser in school. I don't know what it is. I think im just gonna give up. I dont know why I am just a friend. Im not a nice guy that just kisses a girl's a** all day. I didn't do anything wrong with the past 4 girls. I know this isnt the dj way to complain and be negative but I don't know how much more of this I can take. I cant keep working so hard to be a MAN and then get my hopes up and confidence up and then get denied anytime I try and do something. How can you remain confident if you are kicked down all the time? How? Ive read the article about how its good to get rejected and then you learn and blah blah so please dont post that for me. I have tried so hard for one year now. Im sure a lot of other guys have seen good right away. I just dont know what else to do

ha, I've had my last gf BREAK UP with me over myspace. Pretty pathetic.

You need to have the mindset of "I don't need chicks. I'm to busy with other things to do in my life. They would make a nice commodity, but I don't need them to live."

But you need to start getting 'sexual' with them. Get up close, then go away. Confuse them. Confusion somehow makes a girl want to f*ck you. Don't always be around either. Hell, I'm just getting sh*t from the bible. So just read over the bible in Attraction and do a search on 'true alpha male'. It should give you good results.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah man, don't give up. It's happened to me too. I've been rejected more times than I can count, but I've also gotten more numbers than I can count.

Get out there and meet some new girls!