I dont get this AW


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
So Ive known this AW for a while hung out on spring break etc blah blah and hung out a sh!t load but didnt mess around. She has a bf, that she is obvious with for the wrong reason. i know AWs i dated one for two years. Anyways i know how she is and everytime i see her out at the bars i totally ignore and walk by her. she 100% of the time comes up and says hi and even grabs me and pulls me over etc. I always act like oh hey. one time she came up and was poking my chest and i poked hers back. she grabs my azz when her bf is standing right there and i grab it back. its funny and weird. last night i see her again. her bf is right there. i ignore her while my friends talk to her. i have my back turned and she starts grinding me from behind rubbing my chest and starts biting my neck. right when her bf is there. i leave later on and i grab her azz without saying anything and leave.

I never text or call this girl but last night i was like alright im going to test out the waters cause she is grabbing me everytime im out and blah blah i know shes an AW but fvck she surely doesnt act like that with other dudes atelaset from what i see. i text her and just say an inside joke - youre a goody too shoes vampire(from the bite on the neck) (i was calling her a goody too shoes on trip cause she thinks shes a crazy girl, which she is).


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
She is using you to keep her boyfriend under control with jealousy as well she has judged you a good candidate to let her get ego validation off of that she is still attractive.

She knows that other men will put a stop to that immediately if there's going to be no payoff of some hot solid fvcking but not you since you will accept being strung along because you simply do not recognize her exploitation of you for what it is.

What you should do is secretly invite her over to your place and if she shows up she was actually interested at which point you two can get your fvck on.

If she flakes, makes an excuse or just doesn't show put a stop to her touchy feely games immediately.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
ive told her i was with an aw and know how they are and i also said shes not my type and disqualified myself in other ways. I guess i didnt know why she would bite me, grab my azz, let me touch her boobs, etc. let alone in front of her bf. My ex never did that in front of me probalby behind my back but never like this girl. when i see her i neg her and say sh!t to her also. if invite her over its game over. A girl like her will grab what she wants. Im curious to see how she would be when her bf is not around.
so what do you suggest i say next time she molests me?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Don't say anything.

Walk away and give attention to other girls right in front of her face.

Should drive her wild for you which will immediately cause her to go into jealousy games mode and be all over her boyfriend or some other guy.

Also suggesting she come hang out with you sometime would not be game over as its all in the phrasing. When things are presented casually to these fish and not expectationally they tend to bite as they love to be in control or at least have the idea that they are.

In reality its game over or game go nowhere if you keep allowing her to use you as an attention sponge with no payoff.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
so youre saying ask her to come over one night or the other choice is totally ignore her and make her jealous


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pretty much.

Remember though asking her over isn't really you asking its more of a casual suggestion than anything.

Its critical AW believe they have all the control over who they have sex with so they can still view themselves as an innocent child and merely a victim of passion and circumstance.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
aix237 said:
so what do you suggest i say next time she molests me?
"Hey! You gotta wait your turn, or at least buy me a beer."
<walk off>
<open new set>
<Spin a new plate>

Say no to this ho
if you want it to go.
Say hi,
if you like pie.

What is this girl's boy doing when she mackin' on you? Sitting there watching?

She's swinging... branch to branch... till she finds a big tree in the forest