I don't expect many replies here, but anyway...


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Here's my question anyway. What's a situation where YOU've been played by a girl? What's something a girl has done to you where you feel you've been played like a violin? It's ok, we're all anonymous here.

Like I said, I don't expect many replies excepts for the guys with cajones. Let's see...lol

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
The list is endless.

The last example was a few weeks ago. A friend with benefits came over and and said she "JJ, I have a sore back, will you give me a massage?"

"Of course I will, Poppet."

She smiled, took off her top, took off her bra, gave me a smouldering look and then lay down on my bed.

I got out my best massage oil and focussed on doing a great job (hey I like giving massages).

When I was done she sighed "that was great."

I rolled her over and started fooling about. She responded enthusiastically. But then "my shirt got itchy" and I need to take it off. As I did that she jumped up and put her bra back on.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I just wanted a massage."

"You're a little ****ing tease." I told her.

"I have my periods."

She got a massage and validation. I had tired hands and stains from the massage oil on my sexy new bedspread. But I wasn't pissed. I was pretty amused. She won that game, but there's alway tomorrow.

I just love women and if they wanna play that's cool. Its what chicks do. If you just laugh about it they realise you are the coolest thing ever.

Thats why its "the game", coz its playing.

Remember its not if you win or lose... its how you play the game.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Before I stumbled upon this site I was dating this girl who I thought I could trust. See we were friends before and I foolishly thought that the rules of friendship will always apply in the relationship (that we are both honest with each other and we don't play games). booowaaahaahaaaaaaa I wish I could go back in time to give myself a fat kick in the ass.

Anyway I was infatuated with this girl in the worst case of oneitis. A month and a half after we started dating she stopped answering my calls or get back to me and when she did she said everything is cool between us that she is just "busy" with moving (she was moving to another house at the time) a week before her birthday. At that time I did not supsect anything because I gave her the benefit of the doubt (stupid for me to listen to her instead of looking at her actions) and she told me not to worry about other guys (I foolishly told her about my insecurity that she was so pretty that every guy wants to date her).

Anyway I was suppose to take her out on the day of her birthday just the two of us but she told me that she doesn't like to go out the day of her birthday because it brings her bad memories of her ex-boyfriend (Big red flag). So I took her out the following day to a nice resturant, drinks, games, and even spend the money on a nice present for her (night for the two of us cost me like $150 and she didn't even let me fvck her). Anyway after that day she complelty ignored my calls until I finally caught her on the phone and wanted to know exectly WTF is going on and she without hesitation told me that she has been seeing another guy for a month (whom I later put the two together that it was he who took her out on the day of her birthday and fvcked her).

The funny thing about all this is that I remember that I spend hours and hours helping her with her school work and it didn't matter because the guy she was fvcking was her own Professor......

This chick took me for a ride for all I had and didn't blink once about it. That is when I realised I been duped by her and especially I have been duping myself. When you don't understand women or undestand how they operate and believe the crap society tells you about them that is when you will fvck up.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
In the fifth fvckin' grade . . .

I would daily carry home all of Charlene and Regina Johnsons books and school sh!t while they walked a good block ahead of me. This lasted until X-mas break when I figured out I was just a tool for these two and unless I got to get my fingers wet they could lug that sh!t every day all the way down the yellow brick road.

I don't know if this constitutes me getting played because I did end up fingering both girls and still had those b!tches carry thier own sh!t from then on! Hahahaha!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
My now ex-fiance played me worse than anyone with little things for months.

She wanted dogs so we got dogs - I love dogs, so I had no problem with her request as long as she did her share to take care of them. First it was her feeling extra tired in the morning a little more frequently than normal, so I'd be strapped with walking two dogs in the morning. Then she would get frustrated over things, not talk to me about them, and lock herself in the living room to watch TV and thrust me into the rest of the apartment with the dogs because "she needed to unwind." Oh, but it gets worse. She would call out my name while I was reading or doing work and ask me to walk the little puppy. Every time she would start one of these new "habits" she would be feeling under the weather so I would do it out of respect. Then she would just expect me to do it.

I confronted her about all this once she started pulling it when she wasn't actually sick or tired and she'd storm out of the room and leave me to... well, take care of the dogs.

She did not put two and two together that I was unhappy and willing to leave until the week I left, and by then it was too late. The small thing that makes me smile about the day I left? She was sick with the flu, came home from work and expected to curl up and relax, and instead I left her with the dogs and no escape from taking care of them in between sessions of puking her guts out.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Until I learned that I didn't have to play by the rules of society I use to take women to dinner in an attempt to impress them. :kick: