It seems like there are no hot chicks where I live. I have zero motivation to game them because I´m just not attracted to them. Where I´m from 90% of the girls are mediocre looking and they smoke like crackheads, are fat, drink alot and they believe they are the hottest chicks in the world. Most of them have AFC boyfriends, too. However I just don´t wanna date any of them. If I´m lucky I get to see an HB8 once a month without a real chance to approach her cuz they usually are there with their boyfriends. Even when I go clubbing I hardly ever see any hot girls. It seems like I live the town with the most unfriendly and ugly chicks in the whole world (people here are known for being very unfriendly). How can I motivate myself to go sarging?
ps: I´m 18 and from Germany in case it matters...
ps: I´m 18 and from Germany in case it matters...