I cheated on my gf now what?


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
Im in a 3 yr ltr with my gf and we live together. For the last couple of months she has been saying she wants to leave when the lease is up yadda yadda. I think she might be fvcking around behind my back because of a couple of things I dont feel like typing right now.

Anyways Im frustrated with her because every weekened she just sleeps at her friends house or so she claims and during the week she just gets home from work late and goes to sleep.

This weekened I got p1ssed because she just doesnt wanna put in effort to fix our sh1t. I said some stuff to her nothing to bad though but she said some fvcked up sh1t. That was friday night. She slept at her friends house again. She got home and I was like wtf your problem yadda yadda. Then we made up and I was like lets go to dinner tonight because Im sick of feeling awkward around you because I really do. She said ok but will have to cancel on going up to see her friend because it was her sons bday and she said she didnt wanna go anway.

I go to the gym and get home and shes gone. I call her no answer then I text. She replies like an hour later "im sooooo sorry I had to come up and talk to so and so (a friend she had a falling out with a while ago) so it was believeable but she didnt even bother calling me to tell me.

So I said fvck it. A couple of weeks ago i ran into an ex i dated years ago and we didnt talk for years. Anways we end up making out for a tiny bit. We exchange phone numbers and the next weekened i ask her to come down and she said no cause she was sick. So yesterday i was like fvck it im going to try one more time and she ended up coming down.

We get drunk. She knows i live with my gf. she was like so what does gf think about you hanging out with me i was like shes out of town. Then shes like im sleeping in your bed yadda yadda. She had two friends with her. One of my friends ended up taking one home and another friend came to my house with the other friend and it was me and the ex. My friend ends up passing out on the couch which I never see him do that often despite the fact the girl was on top of him ready to fvck. We go in my room and immediately the ex takes off her clothes (my gfs pajamas i let her wear, ya its fvcked up). we start making out I eat her out for a little then her dumb friend comes in b1tching aobut my friend being passed out. Then the ex is like yea i feel uncomfortable because theres pictures of your gf and Im wearing her pjs etc. Im like who gives a fvck. But she gets up kisses me and says call me when you break up with her. so they leave.

I dont know what to do. Part of me wants to tell my gf what I did just to see what she would do because I think it was spike her interest level big time obviously. But then again she could see that as an easy out.

Regarding the ex i dont know what I wanna do with her. part of me wants to pursue her and another just wants to fvck her and thats it. We dated for like a month so we were never in a huge ltr or anything.

Im going to ask the ex to come down again next weekened becuase I know the gf will want to do her own thing. I wanna take the ex around and atleast have a friend of my gf see me with her. i would rather stay with my gf and i think she would realize sh1t if she saw me with another girl espcially because she is very good looking. seriously its to the point with my gf that I cant just talk it out I got take action and break out the big guns to make her realize sh1t I think.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah what Stephane said. This isn't healthy, as you know.

best of luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I agree with Stephane here, it's time you break up. If your relationship is in such a **** state as it is now, you're going to need relationship counciling to make it work again. However, have you ever asked your girlfriend what's going on? And I mean as in: Sit her down, and explain how you feel and blah blah blah? Even if that **** isn't going to save your relationship, it might tell what went wrong.

As for the cheating: Do not tell her. It will not spark her interest level in you. Will you feel more interested you in girlfriend if she blew some other dude? I'd personally kick her out of the house instead of being like 'Oh, I love you so much more now that you cheated on me'. F*ck that, it doesn't help you in anyway, so don't tell it.

And yes, it sounds somewhat fishy, but what I don't seem to understand, you say she wants to leave when the lease on the house ends... WTF? Have you asked her what that f*cking means? If that means she doesn't want with you anymore, just tell her to pack her **** and get the f*ck out of your house. It's time for you to take charge of your life and end it. Make sure to burn your bridges so you can't go back, because the first few months after the break up will be hell.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
How much longer on your lease?

until, then, I'd consider her your roomate, cuz she aint acting like a girlfriend. She obviously wants out of the relationship, or she wouldnt act like this. Dont try to salvage it, or you'll prolong the inevitable. Dont tell her about other girls, but have some ready, cuz it'll help you deal with the breakup.

You should understand that its over between you. I dont think you cheated on your GF, I think you cheated on your roomate.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
sounds exactly like my exwife at the end of it all. sleeping, hanging out with friends, not returning calls. she's cheating and waiting to leave you. Dump her now. Later you can figure out what went wrong...but for now, follow your gut. You went and got another woman because you don't have one right now. Sorry man, good luck.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol welcome to the real world man, and join the club of cheating boyfriends!

Haha, anyways, its definitely time for you to dump this b*tch. Shes cheating on you for sure, theres no doubt about it.

PS: If you really wanna get back at her, maybe post some pics of you and your ex in your gf's pajamas on facebook or something. haha that would get her so pissed lol
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Im in a 3 yr ltr with my gf and we live together. For the last couple of months she has been saying she wants to leave when the lease is up yadda yadda.
It's over already. I am normally furious about cheating because it's a disgusting act, but you did nothing wrong in my opinion. Get yourself a better girl. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
hey dude, i agree with everyone in here. its over dude, because im going thru one right now where I'm the one cheating and all the things she's doing to you, im doing to my soon to be EX wife...im already gonna file for a DIVORCE and nothing will change my mind about it...

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Just break up. In fact, be the first to do it. And about what someone said about counseling, forget it. All you end up doing is re-hashing old fights that get you nowhere.

Also, I don't advocate cheating for the simple fact that if you make an agreement to be exclusive, you live by it. I'm not saying you stay together no matter what, but if you give your word it should mean something. That being said, don't cheat on her. Break it off and then get the other girl. It's the last little "FU" you can do to put the nail in the coffin. You break up after she's been dissing you; you meet another woman so she knows how she messed up thinking you would go to pieces without her; and you get to be happy screwing someone else till she leaves the apartment. All I'm saying is instead of being a man caught up in the waves of life while being considered a jerk for what you do, do it the right way and really get her goat by doing the right thing.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
We were together for 2 years and broke up and got together again about 1 year ago. So ive been here with her already. Last time i packed my sh1t and just left. I cant get into everything this b1tch has pulled on me but its some fvcked up sh1t. I would love to get back at her. If anyone knew what she has done to me in the pass you would be like yea show her your ex. I still might this friday. Gf/roomates friend works at a bar down here. If the ex comes down this weekened I might swing her through real fast just so she can see her. It will cause drama hurt her etc. possibly but payback is a b1tch. I would never think about messing around with another girl but I got so p1ssed and said fvck it.

Ive caught my present one making out with a co worker. Ive seen texts from other dudes, ive seen her hanging on some dude she use to fvck when she thought I wasnt around, years ago she left me in her bed to go down the street to fvck another dude. She is basically one of the biggest AW's. So now everyone can see why i feel this way. Alot of the fvcked up sh1t happened the first time around and thats when we broke up. I thought she was calmer and changed but apparently not. This time around I just saw her making out with her coworker. I stuck it out with her she was begging me not to leave her so I didnt. Now she doesnt wanna even fix sh1t. Its not whether its a good idea or not but its the principle of her not even putting in effort for me. So payback migth be coming her way. I know she will flip a lid if she saw me with another girl. A while back i was talking to a cute girl I knew at a club and she just fvckin lost it. So i know this would make her squirm.

Im just confused right now about everything. I dont know how to handle the ex, if i want anything with her and deal with her, I dont know if i wanna payback the gf or what. The ex and I dated for a short time. She was 19 I was 21 so we were pretty immature and broke up over stupid sh1t. Now im 27 and shes 25 so the maturity has developed so I dont know how it would be this time around if i decided to pursue her again. I could be wrong though. I met the gf at 21 and she was 23, now shes 28 and still acts the same.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I still think your immature grow up and break up with her for good.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
acehole said:
We were together for 2 years and broke up and got together again about 1 year ago. So ive been here with her already. Last time i packed my sh1t and just left. I cant get into everything this b1tch has pulled on me but its some fvcked up sh1t. I would love to get back at her. If anyone knew what she has done to me in the pass you would be like yea show her your ex. I still might this friday.
What I don't understand is...what is the point of all of this?

She does things to hurt you,you do things to hurt her.

Is this what you had planned for the relationship when you first approached her and asked her out?

It just seems like you should have better things to do with your time than to daydream about how your going to hurt somebody.

acehole said:
Gf/roomates friend works at a bar down here. If the ex comes down this weekened I might swing her through real fast just so she can see her. It will cause drama hurt her etc. possibly but payback is a b1tch. I would never think about messing around with another girl but I got so p1ssed and said fvck it.
Let's say you pull this off like you plan to do and you hurt the girl. She breaks down,cries,feels hurt and depressed and all that.

Ok,so you've hurt her. Then what? Hurt her again? Continue to stay with her? Surely you don't think that you doing this to her will "teach her a lesson" that'll straighten her out,do you?

What is it you want with this girl? Once you get finished hurting her or whatever it is you plan to do,what's the outcome you're hoping will happen?

acehole said:
Ive caught my present one making out with a co worker. Ive seen texts from other dudes, ive seen her hanging on some dude she use to fvck when she thought I wasnt around, years ago she left me in her bed to go down the street to fvck another dude. She is basically one of the biggest AW's. So now everyone can see why i feel this way.
Well yeah,we can see why you feel that way,but what I don't see it WHY you'd continue to be with someone who causes you to feel that way.

acehole said:
So payback migth be coming her way. I know she will flip a lid if she saw me with another girl. A while back i was talking to a cute girl I knew at a club and she just fvckin lost it. So i know this would make her squirm.
All that just to make her squirm. And after the "squirming" has stopped,then what?

acehole said:
Im just confused right now about everything. I dont know how to handle the ex, if i want anything with her and deal with her, I dont know if i wanna payback the gf or what. The ex and I dated for a short time. She was 19 I was 21 so we were pretty immature and broke up over stupid sh1t. Now im 27 and shes 25 so the maturity has developed so I dont know how it would be this time around if i decided to pursue her again. I could be wrong though. I met the gf at 21 and she was 23, now shes 28 and still acts the same.
Obviously you're connected emotionally to this girl,I mean you've invested 3 years into a relationship with her,but the relationship seems to have run it's course.

It may be difficult to do,but it'd seem so much easier just to end things and find someone you can be happy with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Granted your emotional at the moment, but reading that post sounded like what i would expect from a 20 year old kid. Your 27 bro, yet your plotting and planning in the most childish ways.

Help us understand why you continue to stay with this head-case????

"SHE'S REALLY HOT!!" ---- If that's why you let your girl treat you like a piece of $hit, then you have a lot of learning to do when it comes to women.

Furthermore, this byatch has already cheated on you a few times that you know about. Imagine how many times she's fuvked some other dude that you DON'T KNOW about!! When you take a cheater back, your telling her that you don't have any self-respect. She will continue to push the limit on what she can get away with, because she knows at the end of it, you'll stay with her.

If you really want revenge, if you REALLY wanna rattle her cage; stick it out until the end of the lease. Then just drop off the face of the earth. Don't cuss her out, don't formally break-up with her. Just go complete no contact and start banging your ex.

This will make you feel better, your emotional stress will vanish and best of all, it WILL get to your girl. She'll be calling, and calling, and calling; begging you to answer, begging to see you etc.

The best sort of revenge is the type that has a long lasting effect on the person. Being seen with another chick will only effect her for a moment. However, dropping off the face of the earth with no explanation, will drive her nuts for a long time.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
acehole said:
Ive caught my present one making out with a co worker. Ive seen texts from other dudes, ive seen her hanging on some dude she use to fvck when she thought I wasnt around, years ago she left me in her bed to go down the street to fvck another dude. She is basically one of the biggest AW's.

no, she is one of the biggest wh0res. Attention wh0res tease and flirt - your girl is just a plain old wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
acehole said:
We go in my room and immediately the ex takes off her clothes (my gfs pajamas i let her wear, ya its fvcked up). we start making out I eat her out for a little then her dumb friend comes in b1tching aobut my friend being passed out. Then the ex is like yea i feel uncomfortable because theres pictures of your gf and Im wearing her pjs etc. Im like who gives a fvck. But she gets up kisses me and says call me when you break up with her. so they leave.
lesson for you all, LOCK YOUR DARN DOOR! dude what's your freaking problem not locking your door while on sexy time! :nono:


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
If you really want revenge, if you REALLY wanna rattle her cage; stick it out until the end of the lease. Then just drop off the face of the earth. Don't cuss her out, don't formally break-up with her. Just go complete no contact and start banging your ex.
Why wait til the lease is up? Start banging your ex in secret now (since your girlfriend is 99.999% fvcking other guys when she's sleeping at her "friends").


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
You can't cheat on a relationship when there isn't one there to cheat on. Tell the "Girlfriend" to get out, or leave yourself is your name isn't on the lease.