I can't seem to imagine what this is ? HELP


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hey! I'm Dennis! I salute you all!

1. I met 60 days ago a girl on a dating website.
2. During 20 days of acting like a *****, being ****y/funny like ****, not exaggerating, i made the girl get interested in me (i searched google for my own psychotic curiosity and this girl has an account to every well known dating site in my country; done that recently :p, i wonder who's more psycho, me or her?) ; i mention that i didn't called her for 20 days ; just talking on the IM , being funny, ignorant though sometimes sweet (very rare) , practically a cool guy to hang out with.
3. she very well agreed the 21'th day to meet me. we went in a park, she seemed so sweet and innocent at fist; the she asked me if we could step on the grass; i agreed; we started kissing; then the hard stuff begun; she went all over me; she started rubbing me, allowing me to put my hand on her butt, bitting her neck, and when (i always end the first date) i wanted to end the stuff (why ? : because i'm stupid ) she tried to grub my **** , and tried to make me lick her tits, :D.
3'. OK. This may seem like a 90% succes date; the girl is all over you trying to
make out with you as much as posible; BUT, for me, it's the first kind of girl like this.

4. Three days i didn't call, just SMS'd her once to met me again . She agreed. We met in the parc in the weekend . The same stuff. I grabbed her butt, kissing, sweet stuff, tolled me i'm her lover and she will never cheat on me, funny stuff like that! We had hun! THOUGH this time i didn't end the date , she ended it after 3 hours, cause her mom was waiting her !

5. Cool stuff. I never called her for 1 week, we just sms each other. PRACTICALLY , she sms'd me and 50% of times i answered the SMS (EX: her: "what do you do?" ME: " hei! picking up girls ! Miss you! :* ; that kind of stuff)... Now i sms'd her the next week, probably 3 times, trying to meet her , and she always said "OK", and two hours before (because i told her if she flakes to tell me 2 hours in advance) she flaked telling me she has her driving licence **** , practically started to play hard to get ! in the weekend she went to the mountains ! I SMS' her (SMS: " A HUG" ) , she responded (sexual SMS , which i didn't respond) and i called her : SHE said all the *****y stuff like "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL" , "THE MAN HAS TO CALL", "WILL YOU WAIT FOR ME" , **** like that !

6. All being done, we met the next weekend , and I did the best ****y/funny routines on her i could imagine. I treated her like my bratty little sister and she all laughed and seemed to like the **** very well.
So while we were doing this , she called SOMEONE (SHE said it was her 30 year old GIRLFRIEND) and asked(HER/HIM) whether he/she would meet her this sunday :)D in front of me) to drink coffee :D . I of course acted ignorantly and never bother asking who she called . I even drove her to the MALL where she suposedly would meet this chick!

7. REMEMBER ! I called this giri very rarelly ! ONCE A WEEK MAX! the next week when i get online she was very upsey with all kinds of **** like:
a. You were looking at other girls while being with me
b. You never kissed me goodbye.
c. You're very rude and you never call mer; I'm sick calling you !

So she said why should i met you again !

8. After she said that before we met the 4-th time she became very flacky! AND with my stupidity i accepted that !
We met the 4-th time, we kissed and stuff, we made out but not as hot as in the first date. She ended the date of course, beause she GOT a SMS from who know's who and that's it!

9. Since then it's 1 MONTH ! We just chated on the IM and , all the CHATTING WAS STARTED BY her ! I played "WALK AWAY" ! 3 days ago i called her , she seemed HAPPY and stuff !

10. Friday i sent her an SMS tellling her i want her to meet me sunday , so she better not "REFUSE" me ! She said ok , we'll TALK ! :D

11. Today , SUNDAY , I ENTER THE IM , SHE CALLS ME , starts kissing me and **** , i ask her "WE GO OUT?" , she says "MY MOM DOESN'T LET ME" :)D she's 19 by the way) but she says when the first salary comes she will by me dinner and take me to the theatre ! AND SHE KISSES ME AND THAT's ALL!


I've BEEn COOL , never called to often ! Sometimes sweet !

What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?

She is starting to flake ! WHAT TO DO ?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Are there any hills in the park where you meet this girl? If so, I suggest you run for them....
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
parrot84 said:
Hey! I'm Dennis! I salute you all!

1. I met 60 days ago a girl on a dating website.
2. During 20 days of acting like a *****, being ****y/funny like ****, not exaggerating, i made the girl get interested in me (i searched google for my own psychotic curiosity and this girl has an account to every well known dating site in my country; done that recently :p, i wonder who's more psycho, me or her?) ; i mention that i didn't called her for 20 days ; just talking on the IM , being funny, ignorant though sometimes sweet (very rare) , practically a cool guy to hang out with.
3. she very well agreed the 21'th day to meet me. we went in a park, she seemed so sweet and innocent at fist; the she asked me if we could step on the grass; i agreed; we started kissing; then the hard stuff begun; she went all over me; she started rubbing me, allowing me to put my hand on her butt, bitting her neck, and when (i always end the first date) i wanted to end the stuff (why ? : because i'm stupid ) she tried to grub my **** , and tried to make me lick her tits, :D.
3'. OK. This may seem like a 90% succes date; the girl is all over you trying to
make out with you as much as posible; BUT, for me, it's the first kind of girl like this.

4. Three days i didn't call, just SMS'd her once to met me again . She agreed. We met in the parc in the weekend . The same stuff. I grabbed her butt, kissing, sweet stuff, tolled me i'm her lover and she will never cheat on me, funny stuff like that! We had hun! THOUGH this time i didn't end the date , she ended it after 3 hours, cause her mom was waiting her !

5. Cool stuff. I never called her for 1 week, we just sms each other. PRACTICALLY , she sms'd me and 50% of times i answered the SMS (EX: her: "what do you do?" ME: " hei! picking up girls ! Miss you! :* ; that kind of stuff)... Now i sms'd her the next week, probably 3 times, trying to meet her , and she always said "OK", and two hours before (because i told her if she flakes to tell me 2 hours in advance) she flaked telling me she has her driving licence **** , practically started to play hard to get ! in the weekend she went to the mountains ! I SMS' her (SMS: " A HUG" ) , she responded (sexual SMS , which i didn't respond) and i called her : SHE said all the *****y stuff like "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL" , "THE MAN HAS TO CALL", "WILL YOU WAIT FOR ME" , **** like that !

6. All being done, we met the next weekend , and I did the best ****y/funny routines on her i could imagine. I treated her like my bratty little sister and she all laughed and seemed to like the **** very well.
So while we were doing this , she called SOMEONE (SHE said it was her 30 year old GIRLFRIEND) and asked(HER/HIM) whether he/she would meet her this sunday :)D in front of me) to drink coffee :D . I of course acted ignorantly and never bother asking who she called . I even drove her to the MALL where she suposedly would meet this chick!

7. REMEMBER ! I called this giri very rarelly ! ONCE A WEEK MAX! the next week when i get online she was very upsey with all kinds of **** like:
a. You were looking at other girls while being with me
b. You never kissed me goodbye.
c. You're very rude and you never call mer; I'm sick calling you !

So she said why should i met you again !

8. After she said that before we met the 4-th time she became very flacky! AND with my stupidity i accepted that !
We met the 4-th time, we kissed and stuff, we made out but not as hot as in the first date. She ended the date of course, beause she GOT a SMS from who know's who and that's it!

9. Since then it's 1 MONTH ! We just chated on the IM and , all the CHATTING WAS STARTED BY her ! I played "WALK AWAY" ! 3 days ago i called her , she seemed HAPPY and stuff !

10. Friday i sent her an SMS tellling her i want her to meet me sunday , so she better not "REFUSE" me ! She said ok , we'll TALK ! :D

11. Today , SUNDAY , I ENTER THE IM , SHE CALLS ME , starts kissing me and **** , i ask her "WE GO OUT?" , she says "MY MOM DOESN'T LET ME" :)D she's 19 by the way) but she says when the first salary comes she will by me dinner and take me to the theatre ! AND SHE KISSES ME AND THAT's ALL!


I've BEEn COOL , never called to often ! Sometimes sweet !

What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?
What to make of THIS?

She is starting to flake ! WHAT TO DO ?
Yeah, it sucks when girls act like that. To be honest, I think she's losing attraction for you. I don't know ...