I can't read her. She's been a friend for so long..how do I cross the line?


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
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I apologize in advance for the background info to be so long but please help.......... Its starting to effect my everyday life.

It all started 2 years ago. Im a Sr. Manager of Operations and I hired this girl who I really got to know pretty well. What I mean is that we hit it off right from the start of the interview talking about the position, what she likes to do, personal goals, etc. So for the past 2 years we have been good friends outside of work. She tells me that I am one of her only guy friends she can turn to and that I always think of others before me. Well, I started having feelings for her about a month ago since we started hanging out more, like 1-2 times per week. Trust me, its better than the 2-3 times per month. The weird thing is that we dont really talk on the phone that much.... The only time we chat on the phone is when we want to find out whats going on for the weekend then we make plans. So this is where it gets tricky. She decided to leave the company I work for to pursue her true goals. Well, it turns out that she hit a bump in the road and needs help financially. I helped her out because we're good friends and she paid me back 2 weeks later as promised. Now it was difficult for her to come to me because shes the type that's self dependent so I was glad she was able to turn to me.
This past weekend, one of my co-workers had a going-away dinner/show so I decide to go and ask my friend to accompany me. She gladly accepts. This dinner was not perceived to be a date. That whole night, we stayed by each others side, she held my ARM (not hand) when we walked. I dont think she knows how I feel but I want to tell her so bad. But Im worried that we'll lose our friendship over it. Well, when I dropped her off at home around 2:30 in the morning, she kissed me on my cheek with a hug. Now im not trying to read into it as much as I want to but it was a quick kiss on the cheek. She then closes the door, leans through the door window, and tells me to call her when I get home so she knows I got home safely. She walks away and looks back once when she walked away. Are these signs? Is it worth finding out how she feels about me by me telling her and possibly losing our friendship?

Thanks in advance!


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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the answer is in the thread title. You are, and have been for a LONG time, in the friend zone. Nothing but a miracle will help you now, my friend.

Although, there is no accounting for little deviations from the norm. If you value the friendship, don't try it. But if you don't care, go ahead.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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A friend is someone you enjoy spending your time with and you do not care if anything more could happen. You may like to get intimate with a friend, but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't really bother you. Plus you are more than capable of trying to get intimate with some other girl because you do not think that this 'friend' of yours is the one and only one.

If you think she's the one or she could be the one, then go for it. Because, technically speaking, she's not a friend but an interest. And what do guys do with girls they're interested in? They go for it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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New Member
Aug 30, 2005
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New Member
Aug 30, 2005
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This is my first post. woot! Now that the celebration is over I'll give you a few words of advice. First off your interest level in this girl is WAY too high! Don't ever tell her how you feel about her let her do the initiating. Tell her that you like her and you miss her when she is not around. It's nice you got a little kiss on the cheek, but people do that to strangers everyday.

I was in the same situation 5 years back with a girl "friend" I met at work. We hung around each other a lot for about 3 years. During the summers we hung out almost every day. On a scale I would rate her a fair 7. We knew everything about each other, we came from similar backgrounds, went to the same school, basically we had a lot in common. We both dated other people throughout the years but one night I decided to make a move. So while she was driving I started gently massaging her leg/knee. I think she was kinda shocked at first but we got back to her house... just me and her watching rescue 911 some boring **** on t.v. were laying on the couch and she asks me if i want to feel her up so im like ok. I wanted to take it farther but her parents were upstairs and she didnt want to wake them up. (they were very strict) so i ended up getting a *******

so about a week later i drive her to the river and we get drunk. i call my friend to give us a ride after we are plastered im sitting in the backseat with her and were making out im feeling her up and stuff. we get back to her place she takes me to the basement.

I say if you think she is really truly worth it go for it, what really have you got to lose? Let your actions speak louder than your words and see how she responds. If she responds negatively, move on. There is many many fish in the sea....:cool:


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
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It is good to actually hear from somebody who has successfully crossed the friends barrier.