I cant believe its this easy!!!


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
I cant believe how much time and money I wasted on this community. All the time they spend telling you the rules and how to act and what to think -- all these elaborate things to get you in the frame as bringing value and being the sex guy?

It can be all summed up like this:

Have confidence to act however you want to, be lighthearted and have fun -- dont take anything she says too seriously and don't be too serious. Don't be needy for the interaction to end up any way like girlfriend or sex. Just be the guy who is spontaneous and in the moment who isn't looking for anything serious but appreciates her and will screw her when she feels like being screwed with no strings attached -- who gives off hints of that animal he is capable of being, that you can get her in touch with that submissive feminine side she craves so she can feel taken and dominated -- if she is a good girl.

That's it folks. All there is to it.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Sounds good and simple until you find that you are competing with 50 other dudes for the same girl... Good read though
competing?she is the one who should be competing for you:up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Playboy said:
I cant believe how much time and money I wasted on this community. All the time they spend telling you the rules and how to act and what to think -- all these elaborate things to get you in the frame as bringing value and being the sex guy?

It can be all summed up like this:

Have confidence to act however you want to, be lighthearted and have fun -- dont take anything she says too seriously and don't be too serious. Don't be needy for the interaction to end up any way like girlfriend or sex. Just be the guy who is spontaneous and in the moment who isn't looking for anything serious but appreciates her and will screw her when she feels like being screwed with no strings attached -- who gives off hints of that animal he is capable of being, that you can get her in touch with that submissive feminine side she craves so she can feel taken and dominated -- if she is a good girl.

That's it folks. All there is to it.
There it is! Ding ding ding! It's called being a real man. Not some magic PUA or Don Juan. That's real man style right there. That should be the starting point...if you can't do that...you can't do anything else. :up:

I love how the weak ones come out and try to pump fear in you with the "competing with 50 other men" ****. This site is not about fear is it? Then why pump fear? It's about growing into your manhood and finding women who bring their womanhood to the table. The only competition is with yourself, not with other men. There are always men who will have more than you, or look better than you. There will be men with less. So you can only compete with yourself. Mastery of self, respect of self, love of self. Then no one can take that from you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Warrior74 said:
There it is! Ding ding ding! It's called being a real man. Not some magic PUA or Don Juan. That's real man style right there. That should be the starting point...if you can't do that...you can't do anything else. :up:

I love how the weak ones come out and try to pump fear in you with the "competing with 50 other men" ****. This site is not about fear is it? Then why pump fear? It's about growing into your manhood and finding women who bring their womanhood to the table. The only competition is with yourself, not with other men. There are always men who will have more than you, or look better than you. There will be men with less. So you can only compete with yourself. Mastery of self, respect of self, love of self. Then no one can take that from you.
I am not weak, after all i have the strength to face the reality of excessive competition and how it has corrupted the minds of modern women who are now over valued and see no need to respect men... I could see where you would be fearful of that reality

Its all numbers if the male population was cut by 50% tomorrow ,morning women would be the frustrated ones and we would have the power..


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Its all numbers if the male population was cut by 50% tomorrow ,morning women would be the frustrated ones and we would have the power..
so... if i want more pvssy, all I have to do is kill you? :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
It's all numbers. What a lame excuse. It's not all numbers. Its about who you are as a man. Have you learned nothing in your time on seduction forums. Go ask women. Yes they can have a lot of men, but can they find the type of guy the really want? no. That guy is rare. It's about developing yourself to become that rare guy. And for some of us, there are more women than men where we are, women aren't going to settle for crap, just like you aren't going to settle for crap. So it's not a numbers thing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
krazyboy99 said:
it just doesn't work like that most of the time... people shouldn't use these DJ principles as an excuse to avoid taking action. i feel like this mindset breeds that

I think he means in the sense of being the Prize. A man is agressive and intitates...but he doesn't chase and pedestal. Correct?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Warrior74 said:
Yes they can have a lot of men, but can they find the type of guy the really want? no. That guy is rare.

Actually he does not exist... Modern liberal independent women are so over valued that they want a man who can be: Rich, great looking,great in bed, emotional, romantic, tall, not controlling, and does what she tell him when she tells him...

Ok so you are thinking you can do all that... Well guess what 99% of the male population cant so what do women do??? they get a different man to full full each of these different needs... They can only do this cause there are so many more men than women searching desperately for mates. Modern women are only overly demanding cause they have so many other male options all the time, they are thinking that those other guys may be better than you especially when you get them mad...LOL


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Playboy said:
Have confidence to act however you want to, be lighthearted and have fun -- dont take anything she says too seriously and don't be too serious. Don't be needy for the interaction to end up any way like girlfriend or sex. Just be the guy who is spontaneous and in the moment who isn't looking for anything serious but appreciates her and will screw her when she feels like being screwed with no strings attached -- who gives off hints of that animal he is capable of being, that you can get her in touch with that submissive feminine side she craves so she can feel taken and dominated -- if she is a good girl.

That's it folks. All there is to it.

thats like saying "just be the perfect guy"

There are hundreds of tiny details I had to master because I was so removed from society. Yes you have a great description and im sure the person you described could pull lots of women but easier said than done. This wont help some newb who doesn't know right fropm left.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Actually he does not exist... Modern liberal independent women are so over valued that they want a man who can be: Rich, great looking,great in bed, emotional, romantic, tall, not controlling, and does what she tell him when she tells him...
No real woman whats or expects all of that. Not for long. I've talked to more than a fair share of women who when you talk to them on a one on one will tell you. They want a strong man, someone who can put them in their place from time to time, who isn't boring, fun in bed and who can protect them. That's what it really boils down to. The rest is icing on the cake, fantasy. If they got it they would hate it and you know it. Or maybe you don't. No woman wants an emotional man. You are regurgitating women's fantasies.

DonGorgon said:
Ok so you are thinking you can do all that... Well guess what 99% of the male population cant so what do women do??? they get a different man to full full each of these different needs... They can only do this cause there are so many more men than women searching desperately for mates. Modern women are only overly demanding cause they have so many other male options all the time, they are thinking that those other guys may be better than you especially when you get them mad...LOL
If I could do all that, is she worth it? This is the question. You pedestal. I see it in you. You fear and pedestal. You worship her instead of yourself. You fear being alone, I enjoy being alone. I just want my time to do what I want and women to **** occasionally. I don't need a woman. You sound like you do and are bitter because you seem unable to get one.

You still have not refuted the original post at all. You can't deny the truth of his words so you pump fear and tear down this mans truthful revelation. Until you have done all of the things he said and found them lacking how can you speak against it?


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
By focusing on fear based things as some of you are, you are engaging your RAS (reticular activation system) system to be looking for these things. By looking for these things it takes your power away. By having your power taken away (y would you do that to yourself?) you are diminishing your manhood. By diminishing your manhood you are self fulfilling your reality. By self fulfilling your reality -- your reality will be that she is always going to go for other men who have more. If your reality is that she will always go for men who have more you are communicating to yourself and thus to her that you have less. By communicating that you have less, women will go for more.

Fact is other guys don't matter. Its the moment that matters. It's not being attached to anything to happen, but being confident enough to make things happen. No woman is your object, she is free to choose who she wants to choose. You are free to choose who you want to choose, and when and if who you choose does not choose you, for whatever reason -- go choose again.

Fact is if you have the mindset I described above, and you put yourself out there and share yourself with the world, you will never have a problem. Can you get every girl by being your best most confident self? Someone who is comfortable in your own skin and not insecure? Nope. Which is good, because you wouldn't want all that attention -- there's not enough time in the day.

And lets even embrace your fear based mentalities. Lets even go there and assume that all women are shallow, and that whenever there is a man around that is shinier that she will go to him. Of course this also assumes that there are other guys who are shinier than you so lets not forget to remember that your a loser compared to other guys -- cant forget that part. Now lets even assume that he doesnt even have to be centered and grounded and free and confident. He doesnt even have to come and talk to her, he doesnt even have to talk to her. Lets assume that he must do NOTHING and the girl you are talking to mixing sexuality, with charm, with being centered, with being not needy and a bit of a challenge based on your own values and by trusting your own judgements. Lets assume that despite all this, no matter how great of a person you are -- no matter how confident and free and happy with yourself that you are -- and no matter how insignificant this guy is to her -- that she goes up to him and makes out with him on the spot because she knows he has money or because he is tall and handsome. Well -- she just did you a favor didn't she? You don't need or want that type of bullcrap. Cause your a real man. A man that lives his life for you. A man that only allows women in your life who bring value and can spot your value. Not a woman who is just out for superficial things. Your not superficial. So why would you want superficial????? Of course she may not be superficial at all, it could be you who is superficial -- I mean afterall women will never spot your value if YOU YOURSELF do not spot your value.

Of course none of what I have said even really points out the most obvious rebuttal. Fact is your not looking for anything serious, and your not looking for sex. Your just looking to be in the moment and project your best self. YOur just looking to project sexuality and be comfortable in your own skin. Your just looking to subcommunicate that you are a guy she can freely hook up with when and if she chooses to -- if she is a good girl -- without having to choose you over anyone else. Cause your not a jealous man, and you don't care what she does in her spare time or where it leads -- cause your just enjoying yourself, your enjoying being you. Your just a guy spreading fun and strength and you will be there for her when she wants to share that with you. When she wants to have sex, you will be there to put her in the mood and whisk her off her feet, regardless of whether or not Matt Damon is on her speed dial. Got it?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Warrior74 said:
If I could do all that, is she worth it? This is the question. You pedestal. I see it in you. You fear and pedestal. You worship her instead of yourself. You fear being alone, I enjoy being alone. I just want my time to do what I want and women to **** occasionally. I don't need a woman. You sound like you do and are bitter because you seem unable to get one.

You still have not refuted the original post at all. You can't deny the truth of his words so you pump fear and tear down this mans truthful revelation. Until you have done all of the things he said and found them lacking how can you speak against it?
Well about me.. I have 4 hos on my team now!:
Main ho 22 years old
second ho 20 year old
third ho 19 year old
4th ho 21 year old

All in college none lower that a HB7....

Ok so why so many young useless hos you ask? cause I was in an 8 year LTR and now i am a player who loves to F!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
Well about me.. I have 4 hos on my team now!:
Main ho 22 years old
second ho 20 year old
third ho 19 year old
4th ho 21 year old

All in college none lower that a HB7....

Ok so why so many young useless hos you ask? cause I was in an 8 year LTR and now i am a player who loves to F!

So......why would you pump fear if you seem to be what he is talking about? I don't understand your logic. I think you should just admit your error and congradulate the man on breaking thru to seeing some more of the truth.

I'm happy for your success! its what we all want isn't it? Isn't that what being a 'Don Juan' is about?

Maybe you want more and can't attain it? Is that where your fear based statements come from? These women are the best you can do and you feel thats all you can do? I see you choose not to see my point at all. Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Don, can you clarify something please?

how come in this SAME thread, in your first few posts - you write like a frustrated chump (i thought you were madmanic's twin)

...and in ur last post u sound like player supreme, talkin bout main hos etc.. something does not add up, bro.

I'm not dissin you, can u tell us why u have these totally different opinions.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Warrior74 said:
Maybe you want more and can't attain it? Is that where your fear based statements come from? These women are the best you can do and you feel thats all you can do? I see you choose not to see my point at all. Good luck!

arrrrghhh!!!! Why am i being psycho analyzed so much today???:nervous: :nervous: :nervous:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
And by the way, happy birthday to me :D

march 27 it was.

My first time at a real life bar (not club - a bar bar)
Bouncer doesnt even check my ID, and as soon as I sit down 5 seconds later - this asian chick starts talking to me, and touching my shoulder etc... til a goofy looking bf swoops in lol. That was a good sign anyways.