i am the catch, not her


New Member
Sep 29, 2004
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Need some advice from the pros here

We all know it is so important to adopt "I am the catch, not her" attitude when dealing with women. This is essential to come across as confident, not needy and to play hard to get.

What are some of the ways that people here use to develop this attitude?

I use positive affirmations everyday. But with real hot ladies, I find myself losing it and start feeling that she has a higher value because she is so good looking and so sought after (i have average looks). It becomes worse when I can see there are so many better looking guys drooling over her, offering her the same benefits as me. Then how can I truly feel that I am the catch. With these women, it seems like I am bluffing myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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First of all, don't think so much in the terms of looks. Just because a girl manages to make herself attractive every morning (or was born a natural beauty), looks are just a small part of what makes a person... well... a person.

The other thing you need to work on is your sense of your own self. You said you feel like you're bluffing yourself and that you don't feel like you're worthy of hot ladies (paraphasing there).

Ponder this:

What makes you (or would make you) a good romantic partner? What do you have to offer women?

If you are a positive person and have a strong sense of self, you should be able to come up with several few things. When you don't feel worthy, look on your list and realize that you have more to offer than just your looks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Men on average make more money than women. Therefore, men are better.

To find a mate, a man must assert himself, develop and pursue interests, have a solid career, improve upon his physical strength, remain confident and lively and interesting at all times. To find a mate, a woman typically just has to look pretty. Most women I come across are more boring than than their male counterparts. It's because women don't have to develop their personalities.

Always remember how much better you are than her. You are stronger, more logical, probably more interesting and quite possibly more friendly. You don't need her.

In fact, you don't need any woman. Read Pook's blog and Anti-Dump's Machine to understand why you should only accept high-interest women. Women in America screw men over all the time through unfair marriage laws. Make sure you're qualifying her beforehand so that doesn't happen to you.

Meanwhile, you should obviously work on improving yourself. Work out, make friends, stay active, pursue interesting hobbies, and study/work hard.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Obsidian said:
To find a mate, a man must assert himself, develop and pursue interests, have a solid career, improve upon his physical strength, remain confident and lively and interesting at all times.
According to who?

That sounds like a high standard. Remain confident and lively and interesting at ALL TIMES to find a mate? Or what? The girl won't approve of him?

Do you leave any room in there for being human and making mistakes? :p

You basically just said that a man has to be perfect to get a girl.

But people aren't perfect.

Not like there is anything wrong with what you mentioned... and yes, women don't have to do much to get approached...


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2007
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djswitch said:
I use positive affirmations everyday. But with real hot ladies, I find myself losing it and start feeling that she has a higher value because she is so good looking and so sought afterQUOTE]

I have the exact same problem,out and about in random situations i can be really good with the hot girls,its only in certain enviroments like at work where hot girls can affect me,since ive known the ones at my work ive always sorta been quiet,but we sometimes go clubbing now with some other people,but its always been she cares about talking to me when she feels like it,otherwise im nothing to them.. well im trying something else this weekend,im gonna reverse the roles.. and we'll see if theres a difference when i show absoloute no interest in them,it'll be interested to see if i get many shyt tests from doing this we'll soon see

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
djswitch said:
...We all know it is so important to adopt "I am the catch, not her" attitude when dealing with women. This is essential to come across as confident, not needy and to play hard to get.....
Agreed (to a point). But if a guy is supposed to be such a catch, why would he want to deal with a woman who's not a catch? :confused:

I think it's all a coping mechanism for guys who may not really have that much to offer so they give themselves this as a ego boost. By all means, be confident and don't be needy; aren't these the qualities we want in a woman anyway?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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reset said:
That sounds like a high standard. Remain confident and lively and interesting at ALL TIMES to find a mate? Or what?
Or what? Or he won't be much of a man.

You basically just said that a man has to be perfect to get a girl.
You're misunderstanding me. A man doesn't have to be perfect, and I sure as hell am not advocating an attitude that you must measure up to a woman. My point is that if you are being a true man, your manly virtues by FAR surpass whatever virtues she has. The only thing she's got going for her is her looks, and those are fleeting anyway.

Of course, if you're just a loser who has no passion in life and no real interests, who just stays inactive all the time and watches tv, then maybe you are NOT the catch. But I was describing a Don Juan, not a loser.

But if a guy is supposed to be such a catch, why would he want to deal with a woman who's not a catch?
For that reason, the main topic Pook emphasizes now is finding quality women, not just good-looking ones.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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I'm the prize because I’m physically attractive as in I know I look good, I know I have a good sense of humor and a nice smile along with sexy ass abs. I also know I’m the prize because I’m confident in myself and my mind is my greatest weapon showing my leadership skills. I have the natural ability to draw people in by simply saying a few words to them because of my strong frame control. I live my life to the best of my power that’s why I’m the prize.

I really consider no chick to be out of my league because that’s limited thinking. You wouldn't believe how many hb 9-10 chicks I've approached and have been attracted to me and you would have thought damn I could never approach her. However once you do you realize she's just another chick who may be more or less of a ***** compared to a hb7-8. I know I’ll be dating models and actresses one day when I make it big so no chick will be out of my league.

If a chick doesn't like me some could say she's out of my league I simply say she's not attracted to me for whatever reason. I know this because where that one hb 9 could have no interest in me I can turn around and find another hb 9 and she thinks I’m hot as shiit. That’s the prize mentality my friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I hear you Obsidian... just seems like you're leaving out the human imperfections that make people interesting.

And quality women, like you mention in regards to Pook, have much more going for them than their looks.

Seems like you're saying you're better than the woman, or she's beneath you... we're all people, we all have virtues, potential. I don't think being the prize means you have value and other people don't. It means you know you have value, and that's enough.

Anyway, interesting posts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
... you actually become a catch. it's not rocket science.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
I know that I just am through constant and neverending improvement (CANI for all you Tony Robbin's fans out there).



Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Well, first of read every theory or book out there. As you know rading don't get you think, so you also must practice.

Then work on your phyrisque. There is no reason I can't look like a guy on men's health magazine, isn't there??? Get lifting and loosing weight porky.

This one is unique to me I think. I admire Too $hort. You can learn the game by listening to his lyrics, in my opinion. Maybe not. But he's like the funniest rapper that there is. A lot of his stuff is straight up hardcore truth. Thus, listen to Too $hort.

The "I'm the catch" part comes when I literally become the catch. It's not a mental thing at all. You can't fake being the catch. Once you are the catch you know it, and the hoes know it too.