I am stubborn but the girl is more stubborn


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2023
Reaction score
I am usually stubborn about anything. I don't know why but if there was something I wanted I would always insist too much.
I met a girl and she is more stubborn than me. For example she says something and laughs. I didn't understand what she said (it was something that reminded me of sexuality)
And just because I didn't understand she doesn't say it again and goes on a trip :D?
I go and make her feel better.
I don't normally do it but what do you think she does when I go on a little trip to try? She goes on a bigger trip :D

She doesn't do these things seriously but as a joke but at the end of the day it's always what she wants. How can I break this?
I want something and she doesn't want it. When I ask why she says because I don't want it. If the opposite happens she goes on a trip and I end up doing whatever she wants.
I'm not unhappy with what I do I love the girl but at the end of the day isn't it illogical that she wants it all the time?

Do you think it's a problem if it continues like this? Should I draw my boundaries sharply? Or as I mentioned, do small trips work?
You don't mean by trips to be upset.
Every night we write each other goodnight with lots of "S"s, but tonight if I write "gn" it says ":( you too" for example. When he realizes there is a problem, he doesn't try to solve it.

Could it be due to giving too much attention?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Is this the girl that you haven't met yet? I can’t understand what you are trying to say. Please re-read and re-write what you are trying to say and start by not making a big deal about things that don’t matter.

I am not still not sure what I just read or what “trip” are you on.

Chow Mein

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2024
Reaction score
You might want to re-read this
