I am SO SORRY everyone (former post on "unattractiveness")...


New Member
Oct 6, 2008
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I don't even know if many of the same people would still be on this forum or not, but I submitted a post back in October asking (somewhat embarrassingly and at the risk of sounding pathologically insecure!) for opinions on my physical appearance, if it is the reason women don't look at me and what could be done to fix it.

Anyway, long story short after posting it a number of family and career issues hit at once and everything else sort of went on hold...and I just now checked back in the archives and saw how many people took the time to give very kind and generous, but honest (I hope!) advice.

I am truly, truly sorry for not having revisted this sooner :( I honestly didn't know so many people would respond so thoughtfully, and if any of you are still around here I want to thank you for taking the time for your input. you sound like a great crowd of people on this forum!

...ANYWHICHWAY, I regret that for the above reasons I don't have an updated picture as requested, but I'm glad to hear that most people seemed to be of the opinion that I'm no freak of nature, just out of style. Those of you who guessed that I'm rather geeky are absolutely right! And in response to the questions about body morphology, I'm of a thin body shape...but I am a die-hard fast-food addict! On the one about showing more attitude though...heh, I'm too shy for that!

But wait a sec, I think Matt Dillon looked handsome in that movie y'all brought up! I guess that only goes to prove just how out-of-date my own sense of style is...hmm, maybe I'll have to think of something that blends outdated with modern?

...And working on confidence, well, that might take a wee bit of time! :cool:

I hope I got to thank SOME of you while you're still cruising around this neck of the internet!!! :)


New Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Ha! Well, since you asked, but it was a very embarrassing thing to post on and will probably have me labeled pathologically insecure for the rest of my internet-life...so don't say I didn't warn ya!


I feel bad though, because I just saw how many people had taken the time to give very thoughtful responses and showed a willingness to help out, so I was hoping that by chance some of them were still around the forums and might catch this post so I could thank them!