I am interested in this girl but has a bf.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I am thinking I could try and use some kino on her, if that works escalite. Maybe kiss her.


Oct 3, 2007
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dont be a dumbazz and go only for single girls


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
^yea stick to single girls! If it was my girl you tried kiss'n all over I'd knock your teeth out your a$$ hole!


Keep it simple and have fun.



Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
I went after a girl with a BF, and she took a liking to me too... but in the end it turned out badly. Actually, its affected my last relationship too... created insecurities... its tough to explain, but it was something I had to get over. Don't put yourself in a bad situation man...

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
There is a certain finesse required for gaming girls with bf's. If you are the better man, then you can't blame her for ditching him for you, right? As long as you aren't being an ass and blatantly trying to steal her, or making her cheat with you, then technically you aren't doing anything wrong.

Just display your value, and if yours is higher than his, she may just come after you. If she tries to cheat with you, tell her you'll only take her if she splits with him first.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
You know, if you're going after another guy's girl, that'll just create insecurities for you later on in your relationships.
Have you thought about how you would always question whether or not if your girl is more interested in another guy than you when you date later on?

Plus, her boyfriend probably has a huge gun somewhere waiting to shoot your brains off.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, im interested in this girl who has a bf, but she had a very high IL in me before she got together with him. - I was too *****/scared to act on it.

I think I'm just going to lay it all out there, and let her decide to eother leave her bf, and come with me or what. Worst case is she tells me to get lost (well, she'ss probably LJBF's me), and I will at least finally be free of her.

However, I would like this to work, so i'll probably say something about regrets ( I regret not asking her out when she was single), say we should start over, and see where we can go from there. And i will never say i love/like her, just say i think we have great potential, and we would be great together - or something like that.

Please give me some advice, that will maximise my chances, like what to say (ultimatums?), what not to say, etc.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
jazzmaster2 said:
You know, if you're going after another guy's girl, that'll just create insecurities for you later on in your relationships.

You are 100% right man. I wish I had never messed with a chick with a boyfriend, because that led to part of the downfall of my current relationship. Sure, you think its all gonna work out at first... but if it doesn't... man, your screwed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
I think you somehow need to find out how happy she is in the relationship. There could be a good chance that she is only with the guy because she doesn't want to be single and she is just keeping him around till another guy shows up.

I'm guessing you need to try and advance with her to the point where she will actually say, "Sorry I'm in a relationship."

I really wish somebody with experience on this issue will post about it.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
I got a funny story, around my High school years, I was dating this really hot preppy girl maybe a 9. i went 2 a differant school. we had stopped to grab some fast food and bumped into these guys she was aquaintences with. They liked her and it made her uncomfortable. I was wearing my glasses that day, lookin geeky, and i saw them wisper something to each other, then one decides to test me, he walks over and runs his hand thru her hair, asking why it was damp(we had just showered) while i'm filling up our drinks. I dump my soda out, get a full cup of hot coffee, walk over and throw it in his face. His boys looked in shock, while i beat his azz. I didn't get off him and run till the cops showed. anyways point of the story, ya never know who's BF is wacko....


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score

Yeah those guys deserved. Trying to make a move on a girl, especially touching her when her man is present is asking for a beating.

But when he is not around, all bets are off, as long as the guy trying to make the moves stays respectful to her.

This doesn't change the fact that if there isn't a ring on her finger she is still up for grabs. (not in a literal way mind you)

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
i was more insulted because they took me for granite. They though look skinny kid wit glasses=urkle lol now that kid has 2-3rd degree burns on his face. i hear they used to call him pizza face behind his back. lol If she is willing to drop her man, just becasue you seem like a better option is she really the type of girl you want? To me loyalty is important.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah they were directly challenging you.

Someone Much cooler said:
If she is willing to drop her man, just becasue you seem like a better option is she really the type of girl you want? To me loyalty is important.
That is an interesting point. And my answer is yes. From all of the stuff I've read and my little life experiences with women, I've realized that loyalty means very little to them.

And yes I have had a girl leave me for a different guy and yes it did hurt back then. But now I realize that I deserved it. If a girl is leaving you for a better guy it means that You are doing something wrong It is just the way humans are. We are always looking for an upgrade.

I'm still looking for somebody to post how to get a girl who is in an off and on relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
Yeah they were directly challenging you.

That is an interesting point. And my answer is yes. From all of the stuff I've read and my little life experiences with women, I've realized that loyalty means very little to them.
More feminine girls tend to be all over the place like that. Their emotions change rapidly like clouds change form... they live for the moment. Girls with a bit more masculinity tend to say what they mean and are far more predictable, although you will probably not feel the same degree of passion with a girl like this.

Maxtro said:
And yes I have had a girl leave me for a different guy and yes it did hurt back then. But now I realize that I deserved it. If a girl is leaving you for a better guy it means that You are doing something wrong It is just the way humans are. We are always looking for an upgrade.
Great point.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
Yeah they were directly challenging you.

That is an interesting point. And my answer is yes. From all of the stuff I've read and my little life experiences with women, I've realized that loyalty means very little to them.

And yes I have had a girl leave me for a different guy and yes it did hurt back then. But now I realize that I deserved it. If a girl is leaving you for a better guy it means that You are doing something wrong It is just the way humans are. We are always looking for an upgrade.

I'm still looking for somebody to post how to get a girl who is in an off and on relationship.
There are girls that will leave you for what they think is better, but don't let that for a sec. make you feel like you did something wrong!

That is a very aggressive self degradation. To measure your self worth on the actions of a non respectable female. Deny any form of this way of thinking. It is an AFC thought disguised in Alpha Male clothing. In no way do her actions reflect upon you.

Be strong, stick up for yourself, destroy those that disrespect you, and forget those that leave you.

Only you and you alone can judge yourself. Think of it this way: who is the only person that will be with you when you die? Who is going to be there during your life through it all?

YOU and only YOU>!!!!

Never give anybody (girl or guy) that much control over your self worth.

If a girl leaves you for somebody who they think is better than it very well could be that they are running from their true emotions/fears. Or have a very poor ability to read people. The reasons are in the billions and to assume that it is because you are doing something wrong is a factor of weakness.

Man up and let that kind of outlook go. You are worth what you are worth, and no other person can take or add to it.

I have taken girls away from their BF and later found out how great of a guy they were, and most of those girls I took away cheated on me constantly. I also cheated on them. I learned my lessons and changed my way but don't ever take a girl from somebody else.

This guy had his chance to make his move when she was single. You missed out! Learn your lesson. Next time grab your balls and ask the girl out before somebody sweeps her off her feet.

Don't be a bottom feeder or a home wrecker.