Have a huge breakfast. Best meal of the day, I say.
Wait for 2 hours, go workout. Short and intense. Get in there, psych yourself up, hit the weights hard and fast and head for the door. Dont forget the protein shake!
Get home, keep active. Move around. Dont nap for christs sake!
I like to get some carbs in me after working out, but not a lot. Cut down on carbs at lunch time and your energy will increase throughout the day. I remember either Diesel or semeg saying that. Whoever it was, spot on.
remember. KEEP ACTIVE. Dont nap and save the sleeping for night time - where its supposed to be.
Aim for 7-9 hours sleep a night. Anymore, you're maybe oversleeping. Any less, you're possibly undersleeping.
As The Bishop said, plenty of water.
btw, get into a good sleeping pattern. Sleep during dark hours and the quality of sleep will be better. Your body will love you for the routine, as well. I sleep 11-7.30. My body loves it. If theres a film or a program I like on that night, I tape it and watch it during my less productive hours of the day.
Just my $2