I am back! And in need of all your advice on this one

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I was currently sort of in a LDR but it didn't go as smooth as I anticipated. I had been in a LTR with this same girl for a while but I ended up feeling less for her simply because I just felt our relationship didn't carry that spark as it once did. Anyway, Thursday night a girl I met the other night gave me a call to see what I was up to. Never thought she would be the one to call first but she did, so we talked for a little and sort of agreed that we would do something Fri. night. To make a long story short we ended up getting together and let me just say WOW. This girl completely blew me off my seat. Not only is she a HB (~9.5) but she is more importantly very intelligent and driven. Since I am in medical school I am usually not challenged by most girls, but this girl could actually enlightend me. Anyway, since it has been some time since I have been back in the game, I was wondering if I could get some advice from you all as what to do next. From all the women I have dated in the past, this one seems to be very mature and seems to know the game well, so I want to play my cards perfectly. I was thinking of taking her out on Monday, what do you all think? All advice is welcomed.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Vincent Freeman
...so I want to play my cards perfectly...
Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, it'll make you seem too anxious. Don't place the majority of your efforts on the future, focus on the present.

Weeknight meeting are great when you are first getting to know a woman. Save the weekends until after you fully qualify her and determine she is worth the effort. In the mean time keep it light and interesting. Learn as much as you can about her and it will make qualifying her much easier.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Make out with her before the appetizer is done..

Nobody will beat the reigning champ Immaculate! hahahaha! I should MOD this b!tch now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by Vincent Freeman
I was currently sort of in a LDR but it didn't go as smooth as I anticipated. I had been in a LTR with this same girl for a while but I ended up feeling less for her simply because I just felt our relationship didn't carry that spark as it once did. Anyway, Thursday night a girl I met the other night gave me a call to see what I was up to. Never thought she would be the one to call first but she did, so we talked for a little and sort of agreed that we would do something Fri. night. To make a long story short we ended up getting together and let me just say WOW. This girl completely blew me off my seat. Not only is she a HB (~9.5) but she is more importantly very intelligent and driven. Since I am in medical school I am usually not challenged by most girls, but this girl could actually enlightend me. Anyway, since it has been some time since I have been back in the game, I was wondering if I could get some advice from you all as what to do next. From all the women I have dated in the past, this one seems to be very mature and seems to know the game well, so I want to play my cards perfectly. I was thinking of taking her out on Monday, what do you all think? All advice is welcomed.
I'd call her Sunday night. Set-up something for Tues or Wednes. For a second date I'd normally tell her we should go rent a movie at my place/ her place. This will set the scene for a pretty severe make-out session. Don't make-love to this broad yet. When things start getting heated end the date and keep her wanting more.

Another date suggestion is to go with her to the mall, tell her you need some christmas decorations to put up in your place. Go screw around in the mall for awhile, tell her to try some clothes on, drag her into a dressing room and make out with her. Then go back to your place.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
I know this might seem counter-intuitive, but I suggest that you date more girls while in the process of getting to know this one. If you focus solely on this girl, whether you like it or not, there is a chance that you will start acting desperate and develop oneitis - especially since you have been out of the game for a while.

Imho, if you want to play your cards right, you have to treat this girl as if she is just another candidate on your long list of dates. I know this is easier said than done, but she should not be getting any special treatment from you - at least not yet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by djzulu
I know this might seem counter-intuitive, but I suggest that you date more girls while in the process of getting to know this one. If you focus solely on this girl, whether you like it or not, there is a chance that you will start acting desperate and develop oneitis - especially since you have been out of the game for a while.

Imho, if you want to play your cards right, you have to treat this girl as if she is just another candidate on your long list of dates. I know this is easier said than done, but she should not be getting any special treatment from you - at least not yet.
I believe I fell victim to this last month. I picked-up a broad that was ridiculously good looking, so I didn't have any motivation to pick-up/date any other women because of it. My mindset was totally screwed up. Now that I've got some more numbers on the go I don't care as much about her and my mindset is back to where it should be.