I almost missed a gem

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Here's a 44 year old chick who's on POF and her thread about having a guy in friendzone for 18 years....Yep. 18 years and now decides to give him a "chance". I hope to God this dude at LEAST had several relationships in the meantime. Wow. Just wow...


Title: I almost missed a gem.

Here's her main post:

I've begun seeing a man who I have had a close friendship with for eighteen years. I relegated him to "friendship only" for so long.
How fantastic it is to see this other side to him and be on the receiving end of his attentions. Learning to like and respect him more than I did before is wonderful. We're really happy ATM.
Have other posters ever chosen an old friend as a partner and how did it work out for you?

God when I read that thread I was like: "This dude and now this chick have to be desperate as hell knowing she friendzoned him for 18 years and now is learning to "respect" him AFTER 18 years? I really hope for the dudes sake he at least was dating, seeing other people before the "stars alligned" for them. LMFAO.

She "respects" him now. The clock is expiring and she looks like she's been around per her profile pics, so the WK 18 year "friend" comes swooping in to "save" her. PATHETIC. Dude must be worse than she is.

I could understand if they knew each other for a long time and wound up meeting up later on in life but being a close friend for 18 years like she described and then he's "given a chance"?? God damn there are some pathetic souls out there.

Here's her other post in the thread:

He took a risk and it paid off...During a dance at a party, he kissed me, once & said, "Do you know how long i've wanted to do that with you?", then he left straight away..........
I called him a few days later and.....

Lesson here is: You ever get friendzoned. Keep it moving. Period. or wait God knows how long for your "chance", while a chick dates, screws etc God knows how many people in the meantime.

If you haven't seen nor spoken in a long time. Different story. But if you are thrown in friendzone like this chick did...


After waiting 18 years, I bet he had the best sex of his life.

Sadly, it might be the first time.


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
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Naughty Ninja said:
Here's her main post:

I've begun seeing a man who I have had a close friendship with for eighteen years. I relegated him to "friendship only" for so long.
How fantastic it is to see this other side to him and be on the receiving end of his attentions. Learning to like and respect him more than I did before is wonderful. We're really happy ATM.
I hope ATM means "ass to mouth" because that's the only thing I would wait 18 years for from some used up 44 year old!


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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There was a crazy guy on Youtube who posted about this very topic. He made a bunch of NGFL videos, and ended up killing himself. But yea... Theres times where I'll chump up for a few months, but this **** is just crazy. People hang on for decades... Thats like torturing yourself. I see stories like this, or when someone has zero social skills, and think "What the hell was I ever complaining about?" This **** is rediculous, and theres NG / WK tales all over the place. Some people are really that below the curve. And I used to complain when girls were interested, we were dating, I was social and could conversate like a breeze, etc etc. Like a hot girl who wanted my balls was pissing me off with her annoyance. Or she'd break up after however long. Or wanting FWB's. Boo hoo. The true NGFL whiners get absolutely nothing.

But I think everyone views their own situations and experiences as being the worst (which is why you dont sympathize with hotties - ****'s only bad by their standards) - when theres dumbasses like this guy out there - proving everyone wrong. Or the "Everything I Do" video that was posted recently. Or that guy who went insane, and wrote a long ass email detailing why they should be together after one date. The **** some of us go / went through is nothing compared to this ****. Some people literally get nothing (see: puahate).
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Funny post. I could slightly sympathize if the guy had been with her off and on for those 18 years, but to be friendzoned that long? I highly doubt he's been with any other women in that 18 plus years, as none could climb onto the pedestal he crafted for her.

He's weak, she's used up. They make a perfect couple. At least the sex will be good for him, I expect lots of crying afterwards though.