Humble Homecoming? Thank YOU!


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Today (Aug 28, 2006) starts the second week of my senior year in HS. Blah blah. My homecoming is Sept 30 of this year.

Ever since frosh year I was and still am really into this girl (who is the same year as me) in my art class and we've gotten a tiny little bit close in the start of this year. Well today she asks me to sit next to her because she needs my help... being me, I figured she needed help with her art project I sit down and ask her what's wrong with her picture because it was pretty good and I'm just staring at it lol. She says "Not with my picture... I need help with homecoming." She began to tell me her "problem". She explained how she had been asked by a junior to HC on the very first day. My initial reaction was: that early? I mean I've always wanted to ask her ever since frosh year. But frosh year I got asked by a girl and the following two years (soph + junior) someone had "beaten" me to her. Let me just say I know there are more dances than HC but let's just not worry about that now.

Anyway the junior is pretty popular and any girl would probably pick his looks over me. Not that I'm an ugly mug myself... :rock:. The only problem she faces is that she really doesn't want to go with him. She wants to go with a senior. She had been to a point where she said yes to him upon him asking her. That's when I'm brought in for "advice". I told her she still has time to say no.

More advice I gave to her was to go with who you want. She said no one else is going to ask me now I presume because this junior is kinda locked on to her in terms of HC dates.

That's where I turned on my DJ brain and said damn I can use this to my advantage. I had told her "Hey, you're -Name- and every guy wants to ask you... the lucky one gets you first." Because she really is the Queen Bee. The period had ended and our convo just stopped where it was.

Right now I feel I can use this as an adavantage... the only problem is that I'm in a real blind spot where I can't see how. I feel like I lightly hammered the nail I just need the right moves to nail the sucker into the board.

So my question is: How can I use this to my advantage and end up with the result of her going to HC with me?

I know one date is all I need with her because from then on things will work like clockwerk with me and her because we have that kind of relationship where everything is hidden inside and we don't want to admit our previous and passive feelings about each other. Basically I've like this girl for the longest time and she has felt the same way on and off. It's gotten to the point where she knows I still like her a little and we just accept it and be close friends. One date fellas... that's all I need... that's all I need.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
You already screwed it up by getting sucked into her frame, her world, her reality...

Here's what a DJ woulda said:

HB: Wah wah, this hot guy likes me...wah wah...
DJ: You said yes to "Joe?" *make funny face like wtf?* (AMOG him off the bat)
Man, I dunno know about you anymore...
HB: Well, it sounded good at the time.
DJ: Indecisive too, eh? *shake head in disapproval* (make her work for your validation)
I'm starting to feel sorry for Joe now...

Instead, what did you do?

Played her emotional tampon and pumped up her value waaayy above yours. Uhhhh...WELCOME TO THE FRIENDZONE, BUDDY! Hope you brought some porn, hand lotion & kleenex! :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by wayward
Uhhhh...WELCOME TO THE FRIENDZONE, BUDDY! Hope you brought some porn, hand lotion & kleenex!


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
:cuss:... I ran outta lotion and who uses kleenex? I use Bounty the quicker picker upper.

Anyway, there is absolutely nothing I can do...? I refuse to believe that. Mistakes can be fixed... I hope. When it comes to this chick I never get it right.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
DJ_Trainee_10 said:
:cuss:... I ran outta lotion and who uses kleenex? I use Bounty the quicker picker upper.

Anyway, there is absolutely nothing I can do...? I refuse to believe that. Mistakes can be fixed... I hope. When it comes to this chick I never get it right.
There are tons of posts around about how to possibly get out of the friendzone. Check the Bible.