You could still use the aphrodisiac idea to your advantage, I think. Just make some bull**** up during dinner, like...
You: Hey, did you know that [food she's eating] is known to be an aphrodisiac?
Her: Really?
You: Yeah, they did a study at [some university] about it last year.
Her: Wow *starts thinking about sex*
Even if she sees through your BS right away, it could be a good way to bring the conversation to the topic of sex.
Re pheremones, on the Penn & Teller segment, they did a small unscientific experiment where women were asked to dance with two strangers: one with pheremones and one without. Out of I think 10 women, most of them felt more attracted to the one without pheremones. The interesting thing was that all but one of them picked the second man they danced with. Not sure what that means, but like I said, it was for a TV show and wasn't very scientific.