HS Seniors, Friends, and Girls


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, so last night I was out with a friend and some of his friends. I noticed that one of his friends who looks like chipmunk and half his age (he's 17..looks pretty much 10) knew many girls. He kept calling up girls to get us booty calls. Of all people, I would think he would be the least likely. I don't know much about him, but he goes to an all guys school like me and I heard he throws some parties, but even then you would need to know people to throw a party. On myspace, all these girls from towns around us msg him and know him "we had so much fun last night <3" and such.

I just realized how slutty girls my age are. Some girl called him up and told him to come over because she wanted to get laid. He's a chump though...and basically lets girls control him which I thought would be a turnoff.

My question is...how can I go about meeting lots of girls like this kid. My first problem is, I don't know many guys to chill with so my connections are short. I'm working on that. I'm planning on friending girls on myspace and talking to them..girls my friends friended on myspace so theres somewhat a connection.

What are your ideas? Also, I got his # and the other 2 kid's #'s to chill...to open up more opportunities for parties and such. I was just suprised how many sluts he knows and how easy it is for them to get laid. I'm not one to bang sluts left and right, but I wouldn't mind having a **** buddy. I got out of a relationship and don't want another one because I'm off to college. I want to get into college mode too...

BTW...I used to be sheltered and recently became outgoing and made some friends. I feel my past haunts me how I didn't have friends back then. I'm trying to make new friends...



Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
its cuz ur ugly,bumpy and u got no game why u can't get a hoe.But if u were like me aka da sexiest nigga then u can pull hoes cuz i dress nice,look good,got game,err i would give u my cellphone number but i got too many homeboyz and hoes on it,so i'll give u my yahoo messanger to help u out u lil ***** lolz its blackpimpxThug087@yahoo.com aight holla cha boy

http://www.myspcae.com/brazy_boi give me hits :D


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
make yourself known to everyone. Why do you think that guy that looks like a kid gets laid? Its not because he stays home on the weekends. He throws parties, he goes to parties. When you do those two things everybody will know you and how much fun you are.

I have a friend who just moved in town, and literally in about 4 months he has met almost as many people as i have at school during 3 and a half years. The thing that enabled him to do that was that he had a place to throw parties at. In high school everyone is looking for a place to hang out have fun, drink and party.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Exactly what the other guy said about the partying and the place to be partying. You have to be the one that is basically loud and obnoxious to get noticed. Not all the time, but at least for first impressions. Becuase even if you think you are being obnoxious, at least everyone is going to remember you. Plus always meet people, hey whats your name, I so and so, yeah this is a pretty pimp party. Whether their a girl or a guy, be like hey we should get each others numbers for a party next week, or if its a girl, be like hey I am thinking about throwing a party next week. Even in your not, this way you get her number cuase you know she is into parties, cause she is basically at one right now, and then call he in like 3 days and be like yeah the party fell through, but I have a lead on this, or whatever. Just call within a week of getting her number that was she will remember you and it wont be awkward as if you didnt call her in a month or something.

One more thing is that people and situations change after high school. This kid might not get any girls in 2 years, everything changes, social standing jsut everything in general. Sometimes people are hated in everyone in high school,but they get voted most popular because for soem reason it jsut works out that way. But after high school, in order to be liked you actually have to be cool and fun, instead of just being in the right situations.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
coolguy...that made a lot of sense thanks for the tips.

My problem is, I meet new people, but don't initiate anything after that. If they see me they'd remember me and whatnot, but I don't have their #'s or anything. My goal from now on is to meet as many new people as possible. So far I've got 2 new #'s from guys and will probably call them up later this week to find out whats going on fri/sat night. If they invite me to a party, I'll invite my buddy and then meet new people from there.

I'm just not used to going into new situations with new people so I'm adjusting to that. The more I do it the more I will enjoy it. This will also prepare me for college where I'll have to be more independent and outgoing.

Also, I usually think too hard about what to say, but the last party I was at I was the life of it because I said anything that came to mind. I was even telling stories. I sat next to girls and introduced myself and I noticed a lot of them were showing me interest, but I didn't bother getting their #'s. Next time, I will say "I might be throwing a party sometime soon and would like to invite me - lemme get your #" or "we should hang out sometimes..lemme get your #."

I'm also getting used to not caring how others view me which allows me to let me guard down. I had that presumption that people were *******s from past experiences, but lately have realize almost everyone is chill and down to earth when you meet them.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Exactly that is the perfect attitude. I went through this transformation similar to yours about a year and a half ago. Its all about not giving a crap about other's people views. Thats when you can truely enjoy yourself.

Now go out and get those numbers and get partying. Oh and one more thing, dont get let down if some of the numbers fall through or end up losing contact with them. Thats how it is, I mean if you get 10 numbers, maybe only 2 or 3 turn into real connections. The good news is that is one night you could get 20 numbers depending on the size and situation. Its just the way people of this age are, they are flaky whether it makes sense or not, so get them in mass amounts then you will be set.