"We're going to get some food." They don't leave immediately. This means they are waiting for you to invite yourself along.
"I want to see (random goofy hollywood movie)." She goes silent. This means she is waiting for you to invite her to see this movie.
Social media post: "I'm at hookup bar get lucky. Is anyone else out?" She is looking to f*** right now.
"Do you wanna go?" Yes, you do.
"I wanna get some sushi." That means she wants to go on a sushi date with you and then have sex right after.
She follows you out of a bar, club, party, any social event.
The point is, women initiate sex and ask men out all the time in a very casual way. Just pay attention.
"I want to see (random goofy hollywood movie)." She goes silent. This means she is waiting for you to invite her to see this movie.
Social media post: "I'm at hookup bar get lucky. Is anyone else out?" She is looking to f*** right now.
"Do you wanna go?" Yes, you do.
"I wanna get some sushi." That means she wants to go on a sushi date with you and then have sex right after.
She follows you out of a bar, club, party, any social event.
The point is, women initiate sex and ask men out all the time in a very casual way. Just pay attention.