It may seem early but I'm leaving here soon and a school district near me is starting next monday. Summer in terms of vacations are winding down and it looks like its time to get back to school. I leave on the 20th but its a good time to talk about what has happened.
Late May
I graduated. I've been on this site a couple weeks before that and I began to see this HB8. I felt like I mastered the DJ game in such a short time. Boy, I was dead wrong. I was beginning to drop a few pounds and my confidence began to shoot up. A good time because it was like DJing was so simple yet so amazing of an experience.
First 1/2 of June
Started off great. I got a raise at my job, I actually got some for the first time in my life, but I still felt empty. My friends were starting to become squares for little to no reason. I spent a lot of nights going to female heavy places to get phone numbers. Eventually I grew tired of this boring game. It all capped off well
when at a party of my friend's, the girl I went with gave my friend her phone number. He didn't know we were going out and he said he felt bad for accepting it. I dropped her ass without looking back.
Last 1/2 of June
I felt so good as I dropped around 15 pounds. I was beginning to notice that my arms were getting bigger from weightlifting, I was losing fat, and getting better in shape. I also fooled around with a girl that I lost interest in. I dropped her after I couldn't get it up. I began to slowly realize that DJing this way wasn't all that was cracked up to be. After getting pissed at how nobody would reply to my threads on this board, I left. I felt that the only way for me to succeed was to learn this sh1t on my own. A journey that seemed long and utterly pointless.
First 1/2 of July
I sold off my video game consoles because I thought that the life of women would kick ass. Other than 1-2 nights a week, I was all alone. I got pissed at how my friends didn't do jack; well, they are too busy with their girlfriends following them around like little lap dogs awaiting for treats. I bought my Xbox back (I sold it in May) and realized that I had a long way to go until I was a true DJ. For true DJs should have enough interests to not really resort to gaming. At this time I began to really slack off with my eating and wound up going from 230-235 to almost 255. In such a short time too which shocked me.
Last 1/2 of July
After seeing that giant 255 on the weighscale, I realized that I was not truly serious about my life. I completely got rid of my third girlfriend (pretty but dumb as a post) and went for another one and wanted to try something different. That difference was that I wouldn't rely on cold DJ calculations but more of the new revelation MOTU found. I began to watch my weight again and came back to the site. I realized that if people didn't want to read and reply to my stuff, its their loss.
Dear Lord, my social life, with girlfriend intact, is still as low as it was. I expected this summer to be so great and so kick-ass but it was nearly the opposite. Sex is no longer that big of a deal to me. My friends are so anti social now because of their gf clinging that I have almost forgot about them. One or two of them have tried to contact me but whenever I'd set something up, they always had something to do with their girl. I realized that this summer was a good beginning but next summer, I have to make sh1t happen. I got a long ways to go until I'm a true DJ.
I give my summer 2 out of 5 stars
Late May
I graduated. I've been on this site a couple weeks before that and I began to see this HB8. I felt like I mastered the DJ game in such a short time. Boy, I was dead wrong. I was beginning to drop a few pounds and my confidence began to shoot up. A good time because it was like DJing was so simple yet so amazing of an experience.
First 1/2 of June
Started off great. I got a raise at my job, I actually got some for the first time in my life, but I still felt empty. My friends were starting to become squares for little to no reason. I spent a lot of nights going to female heavy places to get phone numbers. Eventually I grew tired of this boring game. It all capped off well
Last 1/2 of June
I felt so good as I dropped around 15 pounds. I was beginning to notice that my arms were getting bigger from weightlifting, I was losing fat, and getting better in shape. I also fooled around with a girl that I lost interest in. I dropped her after I couldn't get it up. I began to slowly realize that DJing this way wasn't all that was cracked up to be. After getting pissed at how nobody would reply to my threads on this board, I left. I felt that the only way for me to succeed was to learn this sh1t on my own. A journey that seemed long and utterly pointless.
First 1/2 of July
I sold off my video game consoles because I thought that the life of women would kick ass. Other than 1-2 nights a week, I was all alone. I got pissed at how my friends didn't do jack; well, they are too busy with their girlfriends following them around like little lap dogs awaiting for treats. I bought my Xbox back (I sold it in May) and realized that I had a long way to go until I was a true DJ. For true DJs should have enough interests to not really resort to gaming. At this time I began to really slack off with my eating and wound up going from 230-235 to almost 255. In such a short time too which shocked me.
Last 1/2 of July
After seeing that giant 255 on the weighscale, I realized that I was not truly serious about my life. I completely got rid of my third girlfriend (pretty but dumb as a post) and went for another one and wanted to try something different. That difference was that I wouldn't rely on cold DJ calculations but more of the new revelation MOTU found. I began to watch my weight again and came back to the site. I realized that if people didn't want to read and reply to my stuff, its their loss.
Dear Lord, my social life, with girlfriend intact, is still as low as it was. I expected this summer to be so great and so kick-ass but it was nearly the opposite. Sex is no longer that big of a deal to me. My friends are so anti social now because of their gf clinging that I have almost forgot about them. One or two of them have tried to contact me but whenever I'd set something up, they always had something to do with their girl. I realized that this summer was a good beginning but next summer, I have to make sh1t happen. I got a long ways to go until I'm a true DJ.
I give my summer 2 out of 5 stars