How to transition to sex 101:

Jul 26, 2012
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I only come here to post when I've made adequate progress as to only pass on field-tested advice. Take it from a guy that's getting laid several times a week from different women. Any way, enough comparing of electronic dicks. This guide will teach you how to progress from a hand shake to sex with no awkward, unnatural transitions or resistance from her in the progress. The first thing you need to know is that the longer you know a girl without having sex with her, the less likely it is that you ever will. This is just the way it is and putting all your effort into a girl that will only ever consider you a nice older-brother type will leave you frustrated. Familiarity is the enemy when it comes to getting laid. Ever wonder why sex is so good and frequent at the start of a relationship? It's that excitement of not knowing what's what. In essence, the less she knows about you, the better. This is all that mystery method shi7 that I used to find so gay. My theory about why this works is in a girl's judgement. You can be a friend or a fu7k but she has to know you to choose; therefore, if you give her nothing to work with she'll get all flustered trying to decide what it is about you. It's at this point that you help her decide *wink*. This can be exploited by either changing extremely abruptly and making a previous girl that friend-zoned you like, 'Maybe I was wrong about him,' or you can help a new acquaintance decide right at the social point where she's 'getting to know you'. I'll only be dealing with sexual escalation of new acquaintances as fawning over a girl that judged you to be undesirable is to me unhealthy.

So you've met a new acquaintance - what now? The law of saturation. Yeah I like to come up with silly names for stuff. This law basically dictates that your company should be saturating all at once. I'm talking a whole day and night rather than hanging out for a few hours over the course of several days. This totally voids becoming familiar to her which is why people are always advising here to be 'unavailable'. To apply the law, only hang out with her when you can do it for a long period of time.Technically, this law is in effect at every venue in the world. Saturation will create a paradoxical feeling of connection without being able to categorize how you're connected. It's at this point you show her how. The next part is my variation of the Psychological phenomenon commonly known as mirroring which is copying the body-language of another to induce closeness. What you'll be doing is making her copy you given that she doesn't even know you well enough to really know what context to communicate with you in - be it sexual or not. From the very beginning, I establish closeness with the new acquaintance to be normal for me. Lots of kino' and behavior patterns you'd usually see in lovers. Think like you're already dating her and do everything except be sexual. All that crap lovers do like hug each other from behind, pick threads off each other's clothes, sit with their knees touching etc.

This is all fine but this leads to two problems that I'll soon eliminate. Firstly, best friends often act like this; and secondly, without verbalizing your attraction towards her, she'll likely feel awkward and too comfortable for the part when you escalate past sensual to sexual. This is easily eliminated but you may feel a little strange being vocal about feelings (feels gay, man). Take comfort in the fact that all the tough guys have what I'm about to teach mastered even if they know they're completely full of it.
Hint: Hollywood portrays this part in escalation as the guy admitting to the girl that 'I like you' or 'I love you'. These are both terrible as they force a girl to make a decision on the spot and it's incredibly awkward for her to reply. She'll either say: 'I like you too' - 'I just want to be friends' OR 'I don't even know you'. Seriously, how is she even meant to make the decision when she doesn't 'know you'. Now you understand that annoying phrase.

Instead, take these examples that I've heard/used/made-up just now:

  • I like our time together
  • Your hugs are amazing
  • You're so warm and cuddly
  • I feel happier around you
  • Your bed hair is sexy
You get the idea and some of the stuff the more experienced guys say at this point is just ridiculously sappy, yet it's so damn natural. A lot of them even say them in these over the top cutesy voices. This communication of 'feelings' seems unnatural to us men but it opens a sexual dialogue that will be essential later when you're complimenting the tightness of her 'goo while she tells you she wants to go on top. See where I'm going with this? It'll make sex completely natural. Now you and your acquaintance have perhaps gotten into a lover's context of communication and spooned while watching Super Bad, it's time to move on past elementary kino to transitioning and another law. The law of reciprocation.

Its premise is simple: Always be one logical move ahead of her in escalation, wait for her to reciprocate, then escalate again until she no longer reciprocates. This will completely remove the awkwardness of going for the titty grab and having her hand lock over yours. For example, you're cuddling and she's laying on your chest rubbing your tummy over your shirt. You reciprocate her by rubbing her tummy over her shirt then move one logical step ahead to rubbing her tummy under her shirt. You then wait until she snakes her hand down your shirt and starts playing with your chest hair. Now you can start rubbing around her neck and collar bone area and 'accidentally' brushing her boobs. Likewise, she'll probably 'accidentally' touch your penis at some point too.

At some points there will be rather large leaps in escalation, so I offer the following:

  • Don't concentrate on any one area too long as when you get to the area you're really after, it will seem like a huge deal.
  • Always start foreplay around the outline of an erogenous area.
  • Ass then boobs then pu7sy.
  • Wedgies, examining her undies and flicking her bra straps/panty elastic are a good way to initiate your first erogenous transition.
  • Always start over panties/bra.
  • Stroking around the bra straps/panty elastic is also a good transition.
  • If you get stuck waiting for her to reciprocate, switch it up by applying more forceful stroking and try scratching or going different speeds.
  • There's also the ballsy move option:
This one girl I was with recently just wouldn't reciprocate no matter what, so I started kissing her neck and thought I may have noticed some change in her. I decided to bite down to immediate heavy breathing and her shedding of clothes. Keep in mind that some times you've gone as far as you can in one session. It happens, so simply return to her point of escalation and hope that she takes initiative and escalates herself. If she doesn't, try again another day.
When the temperature heats up to an adequate point, it's time to start kissing her neck/collar bone area and cheeks. At this point, how you go about kissing her is up to you. Some thing I've been doing recently is simply asking them, 'I want to kiss you is that OK?' never had a no yet and this is extremely fluid having previously started a sexual dialogue earlier. OK so you're now making out, ideally on top of her and because you're not an idiot, your hands are also stroking around too. The next logical step is to start grinding her. If she grinds back, keep going. If she doesn't, immediately stop and return to it later after more escalation or try using your hands instead. You can now start feeling her up. Good work, son. I am proud. She should be giving you pretty obvious signs that she doesn't mind you touching her. For example, when grinding her and you know it's going well, not only will she grind back but she'll spread her legs a little. When you feel her up, she might start kissing you harder and start touching your bum. Usually they don't flat-out grab your co7k here unless alcohol is involved or you've done an amazing job turning up the heat. When she's truly open to your sexual advances, I usually pop her tits out. This is met with much less resistance than trying to undress her flat-out. After this mini-step, I've never not been able to get them topless. She'll either take your shirt off next but if she doesn't (some are too caught up kissing) rip that bi7ch off.

Bringing me to a huge point that will probably get you laid, so listen. When you get her naked, don't even look. Seriously. This works crazy well. She'll likely do the rest for you if she knows you aren't so shocked by a naked girl that you have to stop and stare. If she keeps her pants on, concentrate on rubbing her pu7sy. From the very top to the bottom and going inside at the end. This stage I usually do after a bit of grinding, a bit of rubbing over the pants, a bit of a camel-toe wedgie and finally a bit of actual contact. Only feel it for like a second then go back to her boobs / rubbing else where. She won't even have time to resist and by the time you go back for the real deal, you gave her enough time for her to want your hand back there. Taking your hand out fairly fast tends to make girls hornier than any thing I've encountered. Last night I had a girl say after I pulled it away, 'Are you going to keep teasing me.' I got nude at that point and pulled off her pants like a boss. After she's getting in to you fingering, her take her pants off. She'll let you. It's easier this way. Take your pants off now too then grind her with just undies now. Wash and repeat and congratulations, you just got laid.

The guide ends here. This is how to transition to sex not how to have sex. What I described above is all text-book escalation that I do on frequently. Every situation is different so adapt to the girl not to the guide.
Hope this helped.
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