I sometimes worry about things... most of my worries comes from fantasy, that is, they are either very highly improbable or they never happen.
I've read a book that says 99% of our worries never happen.
This is true, looking back in all my lifes worries.
The point is, how do you stop worring about something you recognize is pure fantasie and it's never gonna happen?
Even though I realize this rationaly, sometimes I can't get some worrys of my mind, it's very bad with me...
I've read a book that says 99% of our worries never happen.
This is true, looking back in all my lifes worries.
The point is, how do you stop worring about something you recognize is pure fantasie and it's never gonna happen?
Even though I realize this rationaly, sometimes I can't get some worrys of my mind, it's very bad with me...