How to STOP Cave Dwelling?

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
I've recently been cave dwelling something fierce since the Xmas holidays. I can't get out of this parasitic cycle. The holidays f*cked me up into being lethargic into the new year. I haven't been going gym, I haven't been looking for work and I haven't been doing anything drastic to improve myself, even with the opportunities at my feet.

I've been stuck indoors playing Xbox (Halo and BlackOps etc) and eating like a pig. My sleeping patterns are horrific. Too much sleepy living, not enough LIVING. Honestly, if I was sent to jail last year, I don't think it would've made a difference, i'm just taking my freedom and youth for granted.

As much as I hate this feeling, tommorow, I'll probably do the samething. It's just a lack of motivation that suddenly takes a hold of me. I am going to the gym now, atleast thats a start. But more importantly my career and education are things which haunt me the most.

I have a big SCARCITY MINDSET with those issues. I stopped going to gym because I hate doing things half-heartedly. I'd go 3-4 times a week but whats the point on working out, when I'm eating like shyt.

I've written up a 2011 Journal, but haven't put any effort into taking steps. My 2010 Journal still has out-standing objectives to be finished, like 50% of my goals since 2010. How can I get back into my old routine of being pro-active? The last couple of weeks, I've had flashes of why people might want to commit suicide. I'm in a rut here bros. Help.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Focus on eating right and going to bed at a regular time for a start. Make sure you're drinking enough water. If nothing else, buy some fruits and keep them and a bottle of water next to you at the xbox. Then set an alarm clock to 11pm or whatever time you normally go to bed at and keep the clock next to you. It won't happen overnight but within a few days you should see an increase in the energy you have and your motivation will follow.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Best way is to straighten up your diet, start getting to bed early and getting up early, even if you got nothing to do. Find something to do.

It really is that simple.... finding the motivation when you're depressed and lethargic is the trick. Just do it.

And take a sledgehammer to your xbox.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you'll want to listen to my advice since I'm just a recovering 18-year old AFC, but I managed to make myself work out but I'll tell you what worked for me: I asked my friends for help. If you know someone who works out a lot, ask him if you can join him. If he is your good friend, he will also motivate you. For someone who can't motivate himself it's good to find someone like that.

At first I hated working out. After some time, I started to notice the effects, but I still found it hard to motivate myself. Later, I started to motivate myself and I started to love working out.

I lost 10 kg in 6 months despite eating a lot of unhealthy stuff. Now I'm trying to improve my diet to get even better results and save my health.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
That all-or-nothing attitude of yours is an excuse.

You don't have to eat like a fitness model to improve how you eat.

You don't have to work out like Brad Pitt to get a body that you're satisfied with.

You don't have to pick up chicks like a PUA in order to find a decent woman.

Moderation is much harder than all-or-nothing and it's what you're avoiding because it's what would force you to do SOMETHING OTHER THAN NOTHING.

Don't use the "oh I'm going to do it right or not at all" to keep you from doing anything at all. Forget how you eat and hit the gym. Are you trying to tell me that you can't gain muscle if you're not eating right? Are you going to say that you can't get fit just because your diet isn't perfect? Take one step at a time and stay consistent. Eventually, you'll meet and exceed any reasonable goals that you set for yourself.

Improve yourself as though you're on a wheelchair ramp, not like you're climbing stairs made for a giant. You've got your entire life to reach the top, and the minute that you leave the ground you're already doing better than most people who are hell bent on trying to jump that first huge step.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
I was in the same boat as you very recently. My car got broken into (window destroyed), so I barely left the house for a week because it was too cold out to drive far, and I couldn't leave my car anywhere for more than a moment. I was sleeping all day and up all night playing video games.

You know what you have to do to break the cycle. Get on a better sleep schedule. Stay up as long as it takes so you can go to bed at a normal hour. Your body won't want to just flip rhythms immediately, so you have to stay disciplined. I got my sleep schedule mostly on track and today was feeling a bit angsty, so all I did was some push ups, sit ups, and some stretching. I feel worlds better for the little I did. You don't have to go squat 300 lbs right off the bat. Start small and get in the habit of eating well and living well.

There's no magic bullet here. Just suck it up and make a change. You obviously are dissatisfied enough to post about it, so do something.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
No easy answers available.

You just need to man up and take action.

Things to look at that can make a real difference:

- Diet
- Regular sleep
- Exercise and strength training
- Limit masturbation and eliminate porno
- Throw out the Xbox and any other games you have
- Lay off the alcohol.

If you do the above, it should make a difference.

Can't advise on your education and career I'm afraid, since that has never been an issue for me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
On the career and education thing - everyone's situation is different. Some people aren't really cut out to succeed in academia. In my case, it took me about 2 years of working my *** off to get back on my feet after a HUGE gap in my resume. I mean this gap was so big it made me think I could never get work, which made the gap worse.

After a while, I just got sick of not having any status in society, and girls blowing me off because I didn't have a career. I knew I was smart enough to do it, but I had just never cared enough before. So when I went back to finish my degree at 30, I had all the motivation I needed. School was my job. I pulled a 3.9, volunteered about 1000 hours in my field (research), made connections in my field. Soon after I graduated I started to get hourly work, and now I got my first full time gig, although it's only 6 months. Basically I'm at a place now where nothing is guaranteed, but I've created enough opportunities to where if I continue to work my *** off, I should be ok.

Sometimes it takes a long time to get your s*** together and to start seeing results. I guess the only way I made it through was because I had seen what the other side was like and knew that I wanted no part of it. There was no other reasonable choice.



Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Ghost.....yer in a slump brother. The suicide thing makes me think you are depressed. You are huh? OK, been there lots of times. Here's what I do for what it's worth.

I'll write down a few things I need to do the day before AND I DO THEM! It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It might be, walk the dog(s), do some electrical work at the house, clean this or that, go to the grocery and other such sh!t.

I also like to get into a book, preferably non fiction. I'm a history nut. That's what I like. The hardest part is starting to read the book. Once I get goin, I can't stop.

So, write 2-3 things down you want to get done tomorrow and then do them. You'll feel better about yourself at the end of the day.

I know this isnt much, but it works for me.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
I'm no therapist, but could it be Seasonal Affective Disorder? Are you living in the northern latitudes? If so, force your ass outside, away from the video games, and isolating stuff. Hang at a library, someone might get you into a conversation.

If you must stay in, get going on some self-improvement regime. Push-ups, painting, writing, guitar, whatever floats your boat. Put yourself to a purpose.

If you're thinking suicidal thoughts, try St. John's Wort. It works, believe me.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
if your gonna sit in the house all day. get the xbox kinect cause its a damn good cardio workout and increases athletic ability (reflexes, reaction time, speed, agility) I cant tell you how many times people have thrown things at me and i smack it out of the way by instinct lol. Also work on your social game by chatting with people through facebook and myspace And i forgot who said it best but a body at rest tends to stay at rest while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
Hey Thanks guys.

Back on track. Did abit of refurbishing, house cleaning, cooking, DIY, reading and chopped it up with some buddies. Organizing a ''going-away'' party for my bud as hes leaving for BC, Canada.

Have been keeping Xbox usage to a minimum of 1hr 45 mins. Got some job interviews lined up between this week and next, and a consultation for my degree preperation.

Thanks to everyone who took time out to help a fellow ''Don/Man'' out at one of his weakest times.