How To Spot A Good Girl/Woman


Sep 25, 2014
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Pretty good list of things to look for in a good chick below. Only one I don't think is possible is number 2. I don't know any chick who can restrain themselves from trying to change at least something about a dude. ARTICLES/women2date1.htm

How To Spot A Good Girl/Woman --
15 Things To Look For

By Yangki Christine Akiteng, Love Doctor

Many of my clients lately are men who have at some point or other in their lives been deceived and dazed by a woman's looks. Many of them have wasted countless hours and spent small fortunes chasing after women who lied to them and basically treated them like dirt. Some regret the lost opportunity to the marry a woman who was not exactly physically attractive but was a good woman.

There is really no "standard" litmus test for telling right away that a woman is "a good woman" or one of those "other" ones.

Here are just a few things to look for when you meet or date a girl/woman:

1. She has an open and welcoming smile that goes beyond the surface deep inside her eyes -- the window to her soul. Her eyes and her whole demeanor kind of "lights up" when you walk into the room or towards her.

2. She let's you be you. She does not want to change you - clean you up, re-make you or rename you etc - so she can love you but accepts you just the way you are.

3. She genuinely enjoys your company - isn't afraid to ask for it or tell you that she enjoys being around you. Being around her feels like being around your best friend because you can truly be just yourself -- no feeling like you're always walking on egg-shells or trying too hard to please (and always coming short). The experience of being around her is "satisfying" in its own.

4. She goes out of her way to do things she thinks will make you happy. She's the woman who'll call you just to say "hi" or "I was thinking of you" however busy/tired she is.

5. She is independent and secure within herself. She does not need constant attention and does not put pressure on you to feed her self-esteem, anxiety or worries about the future.

6. She's there for you when it's up and when it's down. She's happy out in an expensive restaurant just as she's happy sitting next to you on the couch, doing nothing.

7. She does what she says she will do. She does not play mind games but lets you know where you stand because she cares enough to treat others the way she'd like to be treated.

8. She believes that a relationship should be a 50/50 give-and- take partnership. With her it's not always "Me, me, me" but "we" and "us". Not only does she believe in a 50/50 give-and- take partnership, she takes her 50% part of the partnership seriously.

9. She shows respect for you not only in private but more so in public because she cares about how others see you and treat you.

10. She's not just nice to people she has something to gain from but is kind and treats the doorman, the customer service rep, the waitress, the beggar on the street, a child, the elderly etc. with compassion and respect. This is a telling sign of how she'll treat you once she feels she has you and isn't trying to impress you anymore.

11. She genuinely wants to be in a relationship with you and not just looking for "any man" to solve all her problems. She talks positively of the opposite sex but also not blind to their shortcomings.

12. She likes the things you like and makes an effort to do even the things you like and she doesn't.

13. She's not embarrassed or too proud to show you how much she loves you. She gives you her love and she also gives you her trust.

14. She's positive, happy with her life and always upbeat. She does not try to put other girls/women down to look better than she really is.

15. She makes you feel like you really matter even with all your faults and shortcomings-- and she's happy that you were born!

Yes, guys there are still good women out there. You just have to know what to look for. She could be just in front of your nose. She could be the woman in the next cubicle who brings you coffee at your workstation with just the right amount of sugar and cream and hangs around waiting to be noticed; or the cashier at the bank who smiles every time you walk in; or may be she is the woman you refer to as the bossy b-word - yes her, the one who is Vice President of the company you work for. She could be anyone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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This is a great post. A truly secure woman would never post duckface selfies on Instagram, try to have beta orbiters, or try to use you in any way. I know a lot of guys agree with plate spinning theory, which is fine, but those girls won't genuinely make you feel happy.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have a woman bring you a cake to your work on your birthday?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Wha? How dare you? There are no good women out there society is broken and we should all give up and just rely on porn.. Amirite?! ;)


Don Juan
May 30, 2014
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The girl I'm with currently fits this to a t. I met her on tinder. O well haha.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
not good enough... Plenty of women act like this in the honeymoon phase and even beyond but are secretly toxic...I would rather look at the woman's prior criminal history family background and sexual appetite in the past...this list is just bare minimum entry level stuff

Spot on, her track record and how she responds to stress is a better indication of her relative quality. If she has a dysfunctional family, I can almost guarantee she is dysfunctional as well.

It takes about 3 months of dating to really get to know a person.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
jurry said:
Wha? How dare you? There are no good women out there society is broken and we should all give up and just rely on porn.. Amirite?! ;)
i dont care if tits thinks your a woman or not, you are one funny he/she =D


Apr 28, 2015
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jurry said:
Wha? How dare you? There are no good women out there society is broken and we should all give up and just rely on porn.. Amirite?! ;)
Most of these men pretend to want quality females but go after women in bars or online dating paying for drinks to get them drunk and then complain there are no good females out there because they don't want, are afraid of, feel not worthy of, don't try to meet, or are too busy trying to impress each other online with their "lay count" as if laying low quality females is impressive and no one else has done it before. Then they make up fantasy times of yesteryear where they should be with perfect hot housewives that they know is just their Disney dream to use as a "justified" excuse to blame everyone and everything around them and generalize. :crackup:

They become perpetual "victims" to "BPD" and low quality females because they can't control their own sex drives and want the easy way then rant about it while laughably chanting about not putting the poosey on a pedestal.

Then they rant about "blue pill" when they themselves are doing blue pill things all along. Complaining about Disney movies, buying girls drinks, putting poosey on a pedestal, going after the same low quality women because they can't control their sex drive that they then complain about while saying they're "going their own way" while doing the same thing they've always been doing and nothing different. It's funny.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
not good enough... Plenty of women act like this in the honeymoon phase and even beyond but are secretly toxic...I would rather look at the woman's prior criminal history family background and sexual appetite in the past...this list is just bare minimum entry level stuff

"Bare minimum" is right. I mean WTF a warm smile and being happy i'm alive? All the while i'm financially obligating half my income to her sorry arse! you can tell a woman wrote that trash.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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TarantulaHawk said:
1. She has an open and welcoming smile that goes beyond the surface deep inside her eyes -- the window to her soul. Her eyes and her whole demeanor kind of "lights up" when you walk into the room or towards her.
I stopped reading at this point. I know plenty of people (both male and female) with a "welcoming smile" who will stab you in the back at the first opportunity. If anything, fake smiles are a red flag.