Ok kid, you seem pretty new in the DJ game so I'll give some tips.
First, as it says in the bible of DJs, GRAB YOUR ****ING BALLS AND WALKS OVER TO HER! Be careful though. Don't trip, and make sure you have good eye contact on her and smile.
So you go up to her. Now what? Do you say, "Wanna ****". No! There is one thing you must say and you can find this word in any dictionary. It's called say...HELLO!!!
Afterwards, intoduce yourself and make sure you get her name. After that start to ask some questions such as her age, music, food, ect. DON'T ASK HER FOR HER WEIGHT! But make sure you seem calm.
Then you give a compliment. Don't compliment on her boobs or her tucas!(Thats Jewish for you Goyam out there.) Say she has pretty eyes or something. Then you can continue to have your casual conversation.
Then right before you or her leaves, ask for the number and tell you will call her soon, but wait two days or so to call her.
And if you do this correcty, you might be on the road to what hopefully will be a good relationship. If she rejects her, then she's nothing more than 2 cent slut. But atleast you got balls and now you can talk to any girl. And make sure you talk to them ASAP before some other guy gets her. And please kid, read the bible. It will help you out a lot.