How To Qualify?


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Hey guys, I've been a lurker for about a month now, reading pretty much everything, everywhere. Unfortunately I have a problem and need a few tips?

Basically, as rediculous as it sounds, My percieved value is too high (not to sound big headed or anything)- and thats getting to be a problem. Im getting laid consistantly (with a HB 8 and three HB9s since Dec 6th), but being a social crature with my lovely aftersex friends, I meet alot of HB's in my social circles.

The trouble is, these girls dont seem to imagine they can qualify for a guy like me, if that makes sense? If I as much as go out of my way to let them know they've qualified, they think its a joke as 'Im far too good / too connected/ whatever' for them. Even the HB9s are thinking that theyre not good enough, and have told me so.

They all seem to think I'm way out of their leagues, because of how I am, constantly kinoing and flirting with a lot of women at parties, clubs, gatherings, whatever.

I'm always surrounded by flirting HB's, trying their own game to try and get me to take them home- But how can I qualify women that won't qualify themselves for me? How can I show them that I actually am interested in getting together?

Haha, first post and it sounds like I have some serious ego issues, but any advice would be appreciated- thanks. :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Since you're ****ing good looking girls, the customary question on these forums are: are you hot? do you have money?


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Hmm, I hadn't thought of it that way before. They're all obscure to one another but there could be some influence if what's going on is being discussed (which chances are it is).

Change of question then- How can I convince the friend of someone ive slept / am sleeping with; that i'm interested in seeing them? Is there any way of getting around the 'My friends seeing him so he's off limits' mentality?

Dont worry, I've always been trying to improve at whatever I do (found this site when I was looking for some new ideas for the bedroom :p ) And will stick around :)

I run a fully natural game (no canned lines etc, ive found its more how you say things and put yourself across as what you say), with extreme amounts of kino, I dont give much personal space- I try to make every encounter an intense experience that won't be forgotten, I use alot of eye and physical contact.

Trust me, they know when they've caught my eye, but its like they choose not to believe it? Or they think a guy like me must act this way with everyone I see.

Urgh- I really am awful at explaining the situation.. I hope you can find some sense out of all that..

@ AlmostThere!
Nowhere near as much money as I'd like- but its how you use it.
And ive been told multiple times I look like Basshunter (Jonas someone) Whos on big brother atm?
Its not about that though, I'd say its more how comfortable you are around women, if you're relaxed and enjoying yourself, it's almost guaranteed that they will be too. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tide said:
Hey guys, I've been a lurker for about a month now, reading pretty much everything, everywhere. Unfortunately I have a problem and need a few tips?

Basically, as rediculous as it sounds, My percieved value is too high (not to sound big headed or anything)- and thats getting to be a problem. Im getting laid consistantly (with a HB 8 and three HB9s since Dec 6th), but being a social crature with my lovely aftersex friends, I meet alot of HB's in my social circles.

The trouble is, these girls dont seem to imagine they can qualify for a guy like me, if that makes sense? If I as much as go out of my way to let them know they've qualified, they think its a joke as 'Im far too good / too connected/ whatever' for them. Even the HB9s are thinking that theyre not good enough, and have told me so.

They all seem to think I'm way out of their leagues, because of how I am, constantly kinoing and flirting with a lot of women at parties, clubs, gatherings, whatever.

I'm always surrounded by flirting HB's, trying their own game to try and get me to take them home- But how can I qualify women that won't qualify themselves for me? How can I show them that I actually am interested in getting together?

Haha, first post and it sounds like I have some serious ego issues, but any advice would be appreciated- thanks. :)
I am confused by your post.

Based on my personal experience, when girls think I am "too good for them" they always start to try and *prove* themselves to me. It becomes very easy to *show my interest* I just get their number and ask them out and they are eager to comply.

You may be on a super-rock star level in terms of value (which I am not), in that case, I really don't know what to say. Just go for super high-quality girls then, that way they won't feel inferior.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Sorry- So bad at explaining things..

It's not that i'm 'super rock star' level, but I may as well be. Ill get interested in someone and they'll see it as a joke because im so 'unattainable'. They dont try to prove themselves- they give up because they think im too good, and could get someone so much better than them?

Extreme example but if you imagine them as teens with a crush on david beckham, and im david- if I were too show any interest theyd think i was taking the pi$$, because they dont think they could ever match up to victoria (the girl who the lovestruck teen imagines me being able to pull).

Lol. :p