I have 4 kids ages 21, 18, 16 and 7. None of my kids do drugs, commit crimes, drink, smoke or run wild. The most significant cultural/society issue we've faced is that my 18 year old son's girlfriend had a pregnancy scare. It turned out she was never pregnant, though. She has some health issues and the doctor claims that the false positive tests and missed period were related to those issues.
I've also essentially raised my children on my own, and based on how good my kids are I've done things right. Here is the basic parenting concept I live by:
1. Parents make mistakes...when I make a mistake I own it right away, admit it to my kids, apologize if warranted, and talk about it.
2. Instill strong morals and values in your kids...talk about everything that matters...and YOU must live by the same morals and values you stress as being important to your kids. You can't raise drug free kids if you do drugs.
3. Start early in teaching your children how to make decisions with confidence. Make as many things as possible about them making choices...even if it's over which shirt they wear when they are 2 years old.
4. Teach responsibility from the second they can understand ideas...like these are your toys and it's up to you to take good care of them and keep them picked up when you are done with them.
5. Teach generosity, kindness, respect, standing up for what is right...to not only each other but also to THEMSELVES. Make sure they know that they should not allow people to treat them like crap.
6. Teach them never to throw the first punch, but if someone strikes them, teach them to throw the last punch.
7. Never lie, cheat, steal or do ANYTHING you would punish your child for doing.
8. Talk TO you child, not AT them...listen, hear, include them in important decision making.
9. Your goal should always be to prepare your children to be able to handle life as an adult...give them the tools to solve problems, make choices and decisions with confidence, communicate, resolve conflicts and just manage their life successfully. Start them saving money and being responsible as soon as they can talk and get birthday money, etc.
10. Teach practical and useful things so your kid knows how to handle their money, pay bills, find a place to live, care for car, run their errands, do their taxes, etc, etc, etc.
11. Teach them to love themselves and identify their strengths and use them.
There's a lot more...but those are a good start.