How to proceed?


New Member
Sep 17, 2012
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First time poster here but have been reading the forums for awhile for the hilarious comments.

I have a situation that I'm not certain how to proceed. I work for AT&T and helped a pretty attractive girl with a phone issue. It was a pretty complicated problem but throughout the interaction we talked about her trip she took earlier this summer to Europe, the trip I also took there, and other silly stuff. She kept complementing me that I've been very accommodating to her phone issue.

At the end of the interaction, I walked her through the door and even though I was wearing a nametag with my name, she said, "It was nice to meet you, you're name is Jack right?" After telling her that it was my name, I stuck my hang out and we shook hands (which looking back now, makes me feel awkward about, but I couldn't help's what I do when I'm at work with customers).

At any rate, I'm convinced and so are my fellow co-workers that is was into me. My problem is that while she did technically give me her number ,should I contact her via text/calling or message her on her facebook? I just dont want to call or text her on her number and creep her out that I know it without truly asking for it in that manner.



Nov 2, 2011
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Seriously, this thread is similar to the one another dude made yesterday, he claimed his boss was into him. Now, this is your imagination, she is not into you, and the two of you did not click. Don't contact her, even via facebook, you will loose your job.


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Sep 17, 2012
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backseatjuan said:
Seriously, this thread is similar to the one another dude made yesterday, he claimed his boss was into him. Now, this is your imagination, she is not into you, and the two of you did not click. Don't contact her, even via facebook, you will loose your job.

Nah, I won't lose my job as confirmed later that day by my asst. manager and union representative. Especially since I do have the authority to contact her via text or calling to ask if her phone issue was permanently resolved. As far as AT&T is concerned, even if I ask her permission for further contact on a social level, I'm not breaking any code of business conduct rules.

I appreciate your feedback but I feel you're comparing that guy's thread and mine and automatically giving us the same answer. I wasn't really asking whether or not she was into me, that's already been established. I'm more asking for advice to not cross any boundaries and creep her out in regards of the best method of contact.


voirdire said:
At any rate, I'm convinced and so are my fellow co-workers that is was into me. My problem is that while she did technically give me her number ,should I contact her via text/calling or message her on her facebook? I just dont want to call or text her on her number and creep her out that I know it without truly asking for it in that manner.

Nothing you can do about it now, except learn. Next time you walk a pretty lady out, "I enjoyed our conversation, you seem like a cool person...what's your number, I'll give you a call sometime." -Naughty Ninja


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Sep 17, 2012
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BeginningDJ said:
Nothing you can do about it now, except learn. Next time you walk a pretty lady out, "I enjoyed our conversation, you seem like a cool person...what's your number, I'll give you a call sometime." -Naughty Ninja

Surely, it isn't too late to start something with this girl though? At this point, I'm just wanting to minimize (probably can't eliminate) any potential creeper status with the best method of contact. Worst case, she rejects or ignores me. At that point, I probably won't see her again and no big deal. Best case, I land a date. I don't want to write it off.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
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voirdire said:
Surely, it isn't too late to start something with this girl though? At this point, I'm just wanting to minimize (probably can't eliminate) any potential creeper status with the best method of contact. Worst case, she rejects or ignores me. At that point, I probably won't see her again and no big deal. Best case, I land a date. I don't want to write it off.
Is it appropriate to do a service follow-up call, to make sure things are still working properly? Or is that someone else's department?

If you CAN do the service follow-up call (and not get in trouble), make sure to open the door of conversation by mentioning something the two of you talked about that day.... Like how much you enjoyed talking about such and such, and how you both are similar when it comes to such and such.... She'll either go with it, or won't.... But you are giving HER the opportunity to show her interest, while you aren't really sticking out your neck very far to do so.

Good luck with your choice!

The Gambler



Let it go, if she is somewhat interested, she will come back to the store. She will sniff out your desperation when you give her the "service" call. Just walk away.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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voirdire said:
Especially since I do have the authority to contact her via text or calling to ask if her phone issue was permanently resolved
where is the question? you do just that, see how excited she is to hear from you again, add some social convo and then ask her to proceed over lunch.

edit: there is a difference between showing desperation and showing interest.

i wouldnt do too much commonality talk over the phone, that sounds like overselling it, when the premise is that she digs you already anyways. your mindset should be "she likes me, i make it possible (to see each other again)"