How to proceed with this flake?


Don Juan
May 16, 2012
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So this HB 7 already flaked on me once, she apologized and asked if we could hangout another time, I said "you'll owe me but I'm sure we can work something out" to which she replied "lol ok thanks"

We're in the same class, fast forward a few weeks and its the final exam. I finish the test early and wait outside for my buddy, she comes out after me, she approaches, and we start talking. I ask her what she's doing over break and she tells me shes going out of state to visit her dad and she then says we should hangout before she leaves this weekend. I say sure, I'll text you. Then she heads out.

I text her after a day for a meetup:

Me: Hey you, I'm hoping we can find some time to meet up before you leave. I have a final late Friday afternoon so I'm free either tomorrow or Thursday, are you around then?

Her: Hey I'm free tomorrow evening if you wanna hang out

Me: I can't after 5, why dont we meet up some time during the day either today or tomorrow for a few hours and I'll take you out and we can do something fun?

Her: I have to give my friend a ride to the airport. If I come back soon we can hang out tomorrow is that okay with you?

Me: Yeah sure, sounds good.

Next day comes along, I'm at school studying with friends. It's like 2:00...

Me: I'm in the cafeteria, just come meet me there when you get back and we can head out!

I never got a response or anything on that. I hate flakes but there's hardly any cute girls at my community college that aren't dumb as **** and she's actually someone I can have a decent conversation with.

So thoughts on pursuit or go ghost?


Dec 19, 2013
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digital_sunrise said:
Me: Hey you, I'm hoping we can find some time to meet up before you leave. I have a final late Friday afternoon so I'm free either tomorrow or Thursday, are you around then?

Her: Hey I'm free tomorrow evening if you wanna hang out

Me: I can't after 5, why dont we meet up some time during the day either today or tomorrow for a few hours and I'll take you out and we can do something fun?

Her: I have to give my friend a ride to the airport. If I come back soon we can hang out tomorrow is that okay with you?

Me: Yeah sure, sounds good.

Next day comes along, I'm at school studying with friends. It's like 2:00...

Me: I'm in the cafeteria, just come meet me there when you get back and we can head out!

I never got a response or anything on that. I hate flakes but there's hardly any cute girls at my community college that aren't dumb as **** and she's actually someone I can have a decent conversation with.

So thoughts on pursuit or go ghost?
Flakes are the absolute worst kind. I once had a date with a girl and she lived an hour away. I was going to pick her up and was halfway there when she called that she can't make it because she has to go to the hospital. How convenient. >_>

I did see one problem with your text though. The part I highlighted in bold is the problem. When setting up a date with a girl. Try to make CONCRETE plans. An exact activity, date, time and place. It makes it a bit harder to flake. Your plans sounded too vague and "hanging out" is vague as well.

I say go ghost. She's not worth your time and highly inconsiderate and rude of her not to even reply to your text, acknowledge your existence or at the very least postpone again. Even if she postponed, I would still say go ghost.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
You're taking this way too seriously, first of all. Who gives a sh!t if she's dumb or smart? Your primary goal is to fvck first, relationship later. It's not up to you to determine if she's worth having a relationship with or not at all. You leave it to her, in due time, to prove to you that she's WORTH having one with. "Decent conversation" is something a beta orbiter would covet and will appropriately be "rewarded" with by hesitating to escalate. Modern women are simply incapable of having decent conversations.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
This chick has a really low interest level. Forget her.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score

They are out there just spin plates man, I went out tonight kiss closed/ number closed like 5 broads, just try and try and try, action man, forget the unintersted ones, believe me there are better girls out there just invest in new ones and forget the old ones. I was like you man but when you start cold approaching randomly you'll realize that hot interested girls are anywhere. You just have to approach them and close the deal! If she gives you a hard time, rip ripp ripp her number and approach another one, you'll forget about her and maybe she'll text you in a couple of weeks coz you didnt chase her anymore. Big chance that your in a bigger better deal and you don't give a f*ck anymore.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Mistake on was pushing to meet up with her before she left. Way too needy bro.

Mistake two was if the date and time she offered up didnt work you should have said 'sorry, im busy tomorrow night. Ill hit you up when I am free.' Dont counter offer like you did.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Your princess is in another castle! Drop her ass and move on! She already did!

Case closed. Get out of my court.