How to prevent oneitis


Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2023
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I came across this post on another forum on "How to prevent oneitis":
I thought I would just re-post it here as it is one of the best take on oneitis that I have ever seen.
How to prevent oneitis

There are a lot of guides on the internet for curing oneitis, but this article takes a different approach: I hope to give you a set of skills to prevent oneitis from ever occurring in the first place. Oneitis is an irrational and unhealthy fixation or obsession with one particular girl. Often the girl likes you less than you like her, and she either completely ignores you or treats you in a manipulative or abusive way because she knows you like her so much. You often think about her and focus on what YOU did wrong to lose her, you have irrational delusions about your future together and/or your relationship, and keep wanting to contact her.

I think most oneitis starts like this: guy meets girl who is too hot for him -> she hangs out with him for whatever reason (doesn’t matter why) -> he feels ****ing awesome -> she starts treating him badly -> those amazing “feel good” emotions in his brain cause him to rationalize or justify her ****ty behavior -> he falls deeper into a vicious cycle of attachment, neediness, and low self-esteem. If you are a committed monogamous relationship with somebody you care about and you both each other well, there is nothing wrong and that's not really oneitis.

Unfortunately, the PUA community often minimizes the difficulty of oneitis. The advice is often superficial and banal: “go bang 10 other girls,” “go to the gym,” etc… But true oneitis (i.e., with a girl that you have been in a long-term relationship with) is very difficult to get over and often ruins people’s lives. Think about the guys that have had their lives ruined by women they “loved”, or the men that lost everything they had in a divorce, or all the men that were tricked into fathering a baby they didn’t want. Sex, love, attachment, loneliness, etc… are literally the strongest emotions a person can feel so its natural that oneitis can drive you nuts. Oneitis is when the brain re-wires itself to think that only woman can make it happy. Re-programming is difficult, so let's just not get oneitis in the first place.

Science is still trying to figure out how oneitis works, but it has some clues. For one, sex and affection activate the dopamine receptors in a person’s brain, which are also activated by things like cocaine and gambling. So basically, being in love is like being on crack and when that drug is taken away you experience withdrawals. But the dopamine problem is not even your worst problem – it is easy to find sex and affection from elsewhere.

A bigger issue is that oneitis is rejection anxiety. One of the most painful emotions that a human can experience is rejection by another person. Evolution programmed us to be nice, timid and conformist so that the tribe doesn’t reject us. When we do get rejected, our body literally goes into panic mode because it thinks that it is been thrown out of the tribe and is now in the jungle alone. You lose your appetite because your body is trying to conserve food because it is by itself and doesn’t have the tribe to help feed it anymore. You can’t sleep because you are in the woods by yourself so you need to be vigilant against predators. And you can’t stop thinking about why you got rejected because evolution has programmed us to keep ruminating and figure out what we did wrong so we stop behaving that way and the tribe will take us back.

All of this is completely irrational in the modern world, of course. Worse yet, our evolutionary emotions are designed for tribal life, but our body can’t tell the difference between the tribe rejecting you and one person rejecting you. If you ever fall into deep oneitis, you will feel incredibly alone, like nobody in the universe loves and that you will never find another girl like the one you lost. This is because your body doesn’t know that ONE GIRL rejected you, but thinks the entire tribe rejected you. Your body also doesn’t understand that there are other tribes in the world, so it basically thinks to itself “I need to get X back or I will literally die alone.” The worst thing is the constant ruminating. It's good to think a little bit about why we got rejected, but at some point it becomes a waste of time and affects our life. And it doesn’t make sense to ruminate on broken relationships because she will never let you know why she dumped you (most people are rarely honest when it comes to why they don’t want to date you) so your brain is trying to figure out a puzzle without enough information. Your brain doesn’t know it doesn’t have enough information (in the famous words of Donald Rumsfeld, you don’t know what you don’t know) so its going to keep trying to figure it out and failing, like a broken computer program.

One strange thing about rejection anxiety is that if you are the one doing the rejecting, you feel nothing. That’s why a girl and a boy can date for years, and the girl can dump the boy and never talk to him again, while the boy loses his mind and can’t stop thinking about her and calling her. It’s bizarre that our brains are wired like this, but its all the more reason to be at the top of the tribe and have the ability to reject people rather than at the bottom, where you have to worry about getting rejected. It’s kind of a ****ed up trick, but if you’re ever in a relationship and you think she wants to dump you, just dump her first. It will still suck for you, but you will feel a lot better than if you got dumped. It’s a weird quirk about our biology.

I have thought of some other causes of oneitis. These aren’t confirmed by science yet – they are just my own guesses. I think one of the reasons for oneitis is the “just world” fallacy. The just world fallacy is the “cognitive bias (or assumption) that a person's actions always bring morally fair and fitting consequences to that person, so that all noble actions are eventually rewarded and all evil actions are eventually punished.” As you can imagine, this is a huge reason why religion exists. Studies have shown that when people are shown pictures of victims irrationally suffering, people assume that those people did something to deserve it.

I think the just world fallacy applies to oneitis because oftentimes a person in a manipulative relationship will do many nice things for the object of their affection, and that person will not return the favor. Instead of admitting that the person they like doesn’t back, the just world fallacy will trick them into thinking that ONE DAY the objection of their affection will return the favor and they just need to reunite somehow and make it happen. The thought that you wasted your niceness is too hard to handle for most people. Worse yet, the more nice things you do for the person who doesn’t like you, the more you expect them to be nice to you and the stronger your emotions get.

Another reason for oneitis is that the brain makes generalizations to understand the world better. If a baby accidentally puts its hand on a stove and the stove is hot its brain will make a sub-conscious connection that “stove = hot” so the baby doesn't touch stoves again. This is good because our brain doesn’t have the time to sit and analyze every situation – it needs to rely on generalizations and shortcuts. But now let’s say a moron is driving around and sees a ****ty Asian driver. The moron’s brain might make the connection “Asians=****ty drivers” which is a bad generalization because every Asian is different and you shouldn’t generalize an entire continent because of one person you saw. Well I think when a girl makes us feel really good the brain will make a connection that “Kelly=good feelings” but if you go a while without getting good feelings from anybody else the brain makes another connection that “Kelly=the only person that can give us good feelings” which is false.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2023
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Another reason for oneitis is ego. Simply put, girls (especially hot girls) make you feel awesome about yourself. They build up your self-esteem and they impress your family and friends. And they are constantly feeding you compliments that you probably don’t deserve. And like cocaine, ego is a very destructive drug, and nothing is worse than the down you get from an ego high. Of course, this self-esteem boost you get is totally fake – nothing about you has changed. You are still the same old piece of ****, the only difference is that some girl has decided to spend time with you for whatever reason. When she leaves you, you will still be the same person, but that fake ego boost you got will be gone and you will feel awful.

So how can you prevent oneitis? Here are some tips:

1) Build a meaningful life you enjoy and surround yourself with friends and family. Think about this question: why is it that some people can go out and get drunk on the weekends and be fine, but others go out and get drunk and become alcoholics and ruin their life? There are a lot of reasons, but I think that one of them is that alcohol fills a hole in many people’s lives. The person who doesn’t become alcoholic has a fun, fulfilling life: he has a good job, nice friends, fun hobbies, etc… When he drinks its another fun thing for him among many other fun things. But the alcoholic has a ****ty life and alcohol is literally the only fun, positive thing in his life so he depends on alcohol because it is literally the only thing that makes him feel good.

A lot of men do the same thing with women. A relationship should be another fun thing in your life among many other fun things (friends, family, hobbies, a fun job, etc…). But many guys with ****ty lives rely on women for their happiness. Sometimes both the man and the woman have ****ty lives and depend on each other for their only happiness. Oftentimes they don’t even like each other, but they need each other for the dopamine fix – this is known as a codependent relationship.

It is difficult to avoid this trap because our society teaches us that “love is everything” and we should sacrifice everything for the person including our job, our family, our friends, etc… This is obviously a bad idea. Secondly, it is often difficult to see the connection between your romantic relationship and the rest of your life. When you have oneitis, you don’t realize that the reason you are obsessed with Kelly is because you hate your job or your hobbies are not fulfilling – you are just thinking about Kelly.

2) Draw strict boundaries with women – Human beings are wired to think of themselves as living in a hierarchy, with some people above others. In a healthy relationship both parties and equal and nobody is “above” the other person. But sometimes a woman will keep a guy around she doesn't like for sex, attention, compliments, etc… and treat him like **** because she doesn’t really like him. This is unhealthy because it creates a power dynamic where she is his master - this power dynamic exists in our genes so the man's brain chemicals will change to think of himself as a groveling piece of ****.

This happens in abusive relationships all the time and it is part of why it is so hard for some people to get out of abusive relationships. One party basically convinces the other party they suck and their only chance at happiness is to be with them.

This is why you have to draw strict boundaries with girls. If you are with a girl that isn’t reciprocating your interest or is treating you badly or disrespectfully, you have to cut her loose immediately. The more **** you take from her, the lower your self esteem becomes and the more you become attached. If you walk up to a random girl at a bar and she rejects you, you won’t feel like the entire tribe rejected you and your world is going to fall apart, but if the girl you’ve been “dating” for a year rejects you then you will. If you also do a bunch of stuff for a girl and she doesn’t reciprocate you will get sucked into the just world fallacy.

This one is very hard to do because, once again, society teaches us that hot women are the holy grail of life and we should do everything to be with them (how many times have you heard a guy justify letting a girl be rude or disrespectful because “she’s hot, bro” or “I’m gonna get some *****.”) It is very hard for most men to reject Kate Upton for something small like flaking once or twice, especially if she comes crying and begging you to take her back. You have to resist.

Another difficult thing is that women find new and innovative ways to test your boundaries, and oftentimes these methods are very subtle and morally ambiguous. Obviously if the girl shoots your grandma you have to dump her. But what if she occasionally doesn’t return your calls? Or she sometimes ditches you and acts shady? Or she buys you crappy presents when you buy her nice ones? These may all be small things, but these are boundary-crossing actions. From a logical point of view, it may not seem that she is doing anything that bad, but she is subtly implanting this idea into both of your heads that she is the boss and you are lucky to just enjoy her presence occasionally. You have to take a step back and observe the situation objectively and imagine you were some random third person watching your relationship.

3) Don’t play with fire – Basically, a lot of guys are attracted to “bad” girls or girls that are in an emotionally fragile point in their life (they just got out of a breakup or they had some other life trouble that they need help with). While these girls may be fun to be with short-term, they are usually unreliable, flaky, emotional, and just weird. You should 1) not pursue these types of women and 2) if you do pursue these women make sure you bail the second you start developing feelings.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
Oneitis principally happens when guys get this romantic/idealized version of a person in their head. A lot of times they never even talked to this person. They built it up so much it becomes difficult to then let go/haunts them. The sad thing is the person doesn't always actually match the fantasy in hindsight.

The solution is to stop ***** footing around the issue and shoot your shot early on. If you get rejected you can cleanly break and move on.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2023
Reaction score
Oneitis principally happens when guys get this romantic/idealized version of a person in their head. A lot of times they never even talked to this person. They built it up so much it becomes difficult to then let go/haunts them. The sad thing is the person doesn't always actually match the fantasy in hindsight.
This is true but the author also talks about cases where a person in a LTR develops a true oneitis. This one is more tricky to overcome.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
This is true but the author also talks about cases where a person in a LTR develops a true oneitis. This one is more tricky to overcome.
Similar dynamic. Idealized version, believes will never find someone else that is the same. Maybe the person hasn't had much success so they have low self esteem, considered it to be a fluke first time round etc.

In either case the problem is due to erroneous thinking on the part of the guy. Lacks self worth, doesn't value himself or believe in what he brings to table (why can't he find someone else who will be just as better? Did she really fall from heaven??)

Certain situations like marriage with kids complicates things for sure


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Another reason for oneitis is ego. Simply put, girls (especially hot girls) make you feel awesome about yourself. They build up your self-esteem and they impress your family and friends. And they are constantly feeding you compliments that you probably don’t deserve. And like cocaine, ego is a very destructive drug, and nothing is worse than the down you get from an ego high. Of course, this self-esteem boost you get is totally fake – nothing about you has changed. You are still the same old piece of ****, the only difference is that some girl has decided to spend time with you for whatever reason. When she leaves you, you will still be the same person, but that fake ego boost you got will be gone and you will feel awful.

So how can you prevent oneitis? Here are some tips:

1) Build a meaningful life you enjoy and surround yourself with friends and family. Think about this question: why is it that some people can go out and get drunk on the weekends and be fine, but others go out and get drunk and become alcoholics and ruin their life? There are a lot of reasons, but I think that one of them is that alcohol fills a hole in many people’s lives. The person who doesn’t become alcoholic has a fun, fulfilling life: he has a good job, nice friends, fun hobbies, etc… When he drinks its another fun thing for him among many other fun things. But the alcoholic has a ****ty life and alcohol is literally the only fun, positive thing in his life so he depends on alcohol because it is literally the only thing that makes him feel good.

A lot of men do the same thing with women. A relationship should be another fun thing in your life among many other fun things (friends, family, hobbies, a fun job, etc…). But many guys with ****ty lives rely on women for their happiness. Sometimes both the man and the woman have ****ty lives and depend on each other for their only happiness. Oftentimes they don’t even like each other, but they need each other for the dopamine fix – this is known as a codependent relationship.

It is difficult to avoid this trap because our society teaches us that “love is everything” and we should sacrifice everything for the person including our job, our family, our friends, etc… This is obviously a bad idea. Secondly, it is often difficult to see the connection between your romantic relationship and the rest of your life. When you have oneitis, you don’t realize that the reason you are obsessed with Kelly is because you hate your job or your hobbies are not fulfilling – you are just thinking about Kelly.

2) Draw strict boundaries with women – Human beings are wired to think of themselves as living in a hierarchy, with some people above others. In a healthy relationship both parties and equal and nobody is “above” the other person. But sometimes a woman will keep a guy around she doesn't like for sex, attention, compliments, etc… and treat him like **** because she doesn’t really like him. This is unhealthy because it creates a power dynamic where she is his master - this power dynamic exists in our genes so the man's brain chemicals will change to think of himself as a groveling piece of ****.

This happens in abusive relationships all the time and it is part of why it is so hard for some people to get out of abusive relationships. One party basically convinces the other party they suck and their only chance at happiness is to be with them.

This is why you have to draw strict boundaries with girls. If you are with a girl that isn’t reciprocating your interest or is treating you badly or disrespectfully, you have to cut her loose immediately. The more **** you take from her, the lower your self esteem becomes and the more you become attached. If you walk up to a random girl at a bar and she rejects you, you won’t feel like the entire tribe rejected you and your world is going to fall apart, but if the girl you’ve been “dating” for a year rejects you then you will. If you also do a bunch of stuff for a girl and she doesn’t reciprocate you will get sucked into the just world fallacy.

This one is very hard to do because, once again, society teaches us that hot women are the holy grail of life and we should do everything to be with them (how many times have you heard a guy justify letting a girl be rude or disrespectful because “she’s hot, bro” or “I’m gonna get some *****.”) It is very hard for most men to reject Kate Upton for something small like flaking once or twice, especially if she comes crying and begging you to take her back. You have to resist.

Another difficult thing is that women find new and innovative ways to test your boundaries, and oftentimes these methods are very subtle and morally ambiguous. Obviously if the girl shoots your grandma you have to dump her. But what if she occasionally doesn’t return your calls? Or she sometimes ditches you and acts shady? Or she buys you crappy presents when you buy her nice ones? These may all be small things, but these are boundary-crossing actions. From a logical point of view, it may not seem that she is doing anything that bad, but she is subtly implanting this idea into both of your heads that she is the boss and you are lucky to just enjoy her presence occasionally. You have to take a step back and observe the situation objectively and imagine you were some random third person watching your relationship.

3) Don’t play with fire – Basically, a lot of guys are attracted to “bad” girls or girls that are in an emotionally fragile point in their life (they just got out of a breakup or they had some other life trouble that they need help with). While these girls may be fun to be with short-term, they are usually unreliable, flaky, emotional, and just weird. You should 1) not pursue these types of women and 2) if you do pursue these women make sure you bail the second you start developing feelings.
Absolutely brilliant post.. This should be pinned.

Really it boils down to this, we all want to date LTR hot chicks right.

It really boils down to making a quick exit when things don't seem right.

You can date a hot girl, however if she brings nothing else to the table other than looks (values, good behaviour, peaceful life) then best to drop and move on (easier said than done, it's an ego thing)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
But it is true since I haven't and over 11 years has passed.
Sorry brother. If there was a light switch I could flip that would change things I'd do it believe me.
I believe you were married? Do you think you might have held yourself back after things came to an end? I went through a brief grieving period where I definitely did and this was a mistake. We ha e to accept things and carry on. There's light at the end of the tunnel in most cases.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry brother. If there was a light switch I could flip that would change things I'd do it believe me.
I believe you were married? Do you think you might have held yourself back after things came to an end? I went through a brief grieving period where I definitely did and this was a mistake. We ha e to accept things and carry on. There's light at the end of the tunnel in most cases.
No, I don't think so. I just don't meet women, especially women that like me, and probably more or less have the same issues as other people on here such as @sangheilios, @BergischerLöwe, and others who have complained that the dating market is toxic and they have difficulty meeting anyone. My home situation has got more difficult as my folks have aged and are in their 80s, and I really have no assets, or anything of my own (which is part of the reason why my ex-wife didn't work out). (I'm not broke enough that I can't afford escorts if I wanted to go there, but am probably too poor to impress any girl)

My posts indicate there was more grief talked about with an escort-encounter that caused a mental break-down by a spiritual attack rather than pining away from my ex-wife. It looks like my ex-wife was a rebound for an ex-gf that I was very much into and compatible with about 2 years before meeting her.

If I were a chad, or had no issues meeting and dating women, or was white and was able to get an asian / ethnic gf easily, then I'd probably have had a gf not long after the divorce. So I would strongly disagree that I have held myself back. It was more of a fluke I met my ex-wife (2014) in the first place, and if it weren't for her, then the last girl I dealt with would have been the ex-gf of 2012 which, at least in my mind, would be more like a horror-level sad given the circumstances on how we broke up. As I had an ex-wife that I met just over a year after that break-up, that ex-gf is NOT the last girl I dealt with at least so I can't completely say that life is unfair.

At the very least I can say one lady did give me a chance. If it didn't work out with my ex-wife, then unless there is a drastic change of circumstances for the better, it would not work out with anyone else. She's like a litmus test for any woman. I found out that I had ED, the set-up was too poor with her. If anything things have got worst circumstantially with me rather than better since 2014 factoring in that I also have aged and a woman probably just doesn't fit anywhere if I'm honest with myself and the best bet is to escortcel if I want to get close to women without being judged with my situation.
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