How to Overcome Doubt and Get back To Life

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
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Hello my Sosuave brothers, it has been a very long time.

I thought I would share an experience with you and maybe myself one day to bring me back to this understanding.

I was looking back on my past days and the kind of person I use to be, which was extremely happy and I could remember how that feeling felt like the golden days and a feeling I would never fully grasp again. As I looked at the things I use to say, done and feel. I came to an understanding of the difference in myself and an understanding of every success and failure I have ever had in my life. I then got the old feeling back in my heart that I thought had left me forever and it was still as strong and warm as it was back then.

Everything was down to my mind, the reason I didn't feel this way anymore is because I believed I was not capable of it. The reason why I have been procrasinating and not doing what I am suppose to be doing in life is because I have gave in to the doubt within myself and made excuses. This however has no real control over you what so ever. The choices you make in not doing things are never really constricted, you only think you are. I will explain this.

I believe some capabilities of mine have heightened and some have not. One of them is talking to women (Thanks sosuave) , before I was completely hopeless and I could not bring myself to physically do it. Right now though, if you asked me I could approach any woman on this earth. How could this be, how can you go from one extreme to the other. Nothing changed really or that changed was my belief in doing it. If i got zapped into my old AFC body, I could do exactly what I do now. The only change is that I make the correct choice.

Why is studying really hard, why can I not focus on my work, why do I waste my time doing stupid things. I remember when I was young I had no problem doing this. If AFC mind got zapped into me, I am sure he would have no problem studying a whole book with ease and as it goes I did that just before I wrote this post. We think we are bound by our past, we are not. The reason why you take certain decisions is because your mind goes on this factor. Think of any habit/negative belief you have now and before you had it. The reason why you give in to it is the past experience is because of all the negative experience you had after it, this however is all in your head. If someone was to wipe out all that negative experience in your head, you would no longer have the problem, even if it is depression, smoking, loss of confidence in self, loss of focus.

So the only thing that is holding you back is the negative experience your mind brings up when you come to a choice. So it is an actual joke, you are held back by what your mind thinks you can't do. People say there are biological reasons, which are true to an extent, but these have nowhere near the impact as your WILL does.

People have changed their lifes and done magnificent things and you can to. Be POSITIVE, if there is any experience holding you back, wipe it out, it does not control you no longer. Life is about the present and the future, you are once again a blank canvas, there is no paint constricting what you can draw. It is sometimes good to look back on old paintings, but never let them constrict you on making new ones.

Never give up on your Dreams and don't give up on yourself.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
This is good advice...having anmesia is a wonderful gift...i mean not in the literal sense...the mind is a powerful thing and negative experiences and doubt take their toll over the years for sure if you let them.


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Hi fellas,

Thanks for expressing about your deep feelings and realization .Your experience may be a tool for over coming anyone's sticky moment.