OK, number one, you like the majority of men are looking atthe symptom, not the underlying problem.
You're looking for the quick fix...the band aid for a gaping massive head wound.
There's a difference between masking your emotions, and knowing when to demonstrate and HOW to demonstrate your feelings.
Imagine if you just said to her, "Hey, I know it's not your sister. But Im curious to know why you feel ashamed to tell me, and act guilty in admitting it was a guy you were talking to. Please explain to me. If youre doing nothing wrong, you wouldnt act so guilty. So what gives? Whats the deal with this guy?"
Place the responsibility on her to explain clearly.
While you place YOUR responsibility on how YOU RESPOND to it on yourself.
Talking to some guy on the phone is not necessarily a deal breaker.
However, talking to some guy on the phone whom she has feelings for, as in romantic, is not the most proper thing to do.
No guy should have such massive insecurity to freak out if their GF talks to another guy.
You dont own women.
You dont control them, nor their actions, nor their feelings.
Grow up. Women find other men attractive. They do.
They can be with you and still find other guys attractive.
Its normal.
Theyre human.
Just like you.
If you feel so massively insecure that 'OMG!!! I will LOSE her if she talks to another guy!!!!" then you're in trouble.
Thats being way too needy.
If she talks to another guy,
find out what is the context of the relationship. If you two are in a relationship,
she does owe you this courtesy.
As You do to her.
Dont fool yourself into believing their is a double standard. If
she cant 'talk to guys', then that means
YOU can't 'talk to girls'. If you
dont want that, then dude, man....get honest...DONT get into an exclusive relationship. OK??
Fair is Fair.
If she lies to you.
Thats ok.
Youre not going to die.
Theres nothing to fear, man.
If she lies, thats
ok. It's on her. You are NOT responsible for her Character.
You just assert your boundaries, and express you dont tolerate that and make a decision based on your values.
She's not hurting you. Only your
Ego, the narcissistic part of you.
That needy part of you.
You are fully in control at all times.
A woman lies to you?
No problem.
I tell her I dont tolerate it (in certain circumstance, of course. A woman may be planning your birthday party and may lie to tell you to go do something before you come home, so she can prepare everything for your birthday party. You're not going to judge and condemn her, and end the relationship for that. Thats why its important to look at the cirucmstances and the context.) and based on the context, and past behavior I MAKE A DECISION. A Mature, Rational one.
At the end of the day, you MUST look at your emotional
Maturity and emotional
Can you handle the possibility of a woman lying or cheating on you?
Are you just going to lose your mind like that??
Freak out???
Or are you going to recognize what it is, wht it truly really IS, and be able to move ahead in your LIFE, without her anyway?
She didnt kill you or maim you, or vandalize your property.
Think about these things.
Dont go overboard in assessing what REALLY happened.
Dont give her the control over YOUR mental and emotional state.
Dont make her responsible solely for your peace of mind.
So, regarding emotions.
The TRUTH is that you shouldnt be FEELING that way from the
Ideally you would get to the point where you
can COMMUNICATE your boundaries clearly, and effectively.
So that you dont have to walk on eggshells, and more importantly, dont communicate in the freaked out "OMG!!":cuss: type of immature manner.
Little kids throw temper tantrums.
Not grown men.
It is so important for men to
stop looking for the quick fix, the Band Aid.
And fix themselves
Why are you jealous?
What do you envy?
Why do you need her validation?
Why are you so needy?
Why arent you independent emotionally?
Why are you still so immature?
These questions need to be asked of yourself in order to be HONEST.
And to reflect YOUR GENUINE SELF to the world.
Stop looking for Band Aids, they are
temporary , and dont address the REAL underlying problem.
Look at WHAT you are thinking.
WHAT do you believe?
HOW is it helping you?
HOW is it hurting you?
If you believe that you
WILL DIE!!! if some woman cheats on you, well, guess what?
your entire belief system and your body
will react just like the way you programmed it to!
"OMG!!! If I EVER find out my GF cheated on me I WILL DIE!!!!!!"
I am not telling you your own Values.
And I intentionally am not JUDGING the ACTIONS you took. I am no one to judge you. You have your values. I respect them. But , do they SERVE
you well??
I AM telling you to know HOW to assert them. Maturely, calmly, and rationally.
Because your
peace of mind is at stake, and your
future relationships are too.
But if youre values are skewered in that they are disempowering (ie
"Women have TOTAL CONTROL over me, therefore, I MUST CONTROL THEM so that they do not HURT ME!!!!") then you will
always be in the same exact situation with every single woman you ever meet and date for the rest of your life.
Some life , huh?
Good luck.