How to make this teacher's daughter mine?


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Okay to start things off I have a teacher and he has a extremely beautiful daughter. I have an A or B in his class and he knows I'm a good kid. I'm also in the track team and she's in it too. We have made many eye contact many times before but I fear it's working against me. She might think I'm a weirdo for staring or something. Thing is many guys are aware of her. She gets lots of attention from guys and I don't want to be just another guy to her. She doesn't have a boyfriend (not that I know of) and she seems like a nice girl. I would like to know how to approach her and make her to look at my not as just some other guy hitting on her but as someone she will like to go out with.


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Well according to me it would be dangerous for you to make her yours. Because you are a student and she is your teacher's daughter than it will create bad impact on your studies. So my best advice you to keep your mind in to study otherwise only for her your future can be dangerous. So, constraint on your study now.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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I don't really mind that really. Parents always want there daughter to
date a guy like me. I don't know why I guess since I look like a sincere boy. Thing is lots of guys tried to get at her and failed. There was one guy who came really close but failed. I on the other want to be that guy that goes all the way. It's really childish of me but I find it a very interesting game when girls that don't want me. Once I get to know them and I know they want me the feeling is gone and I know I won the game. Point is it helps my self esteem knowing that I can get girls. Back to the daughter if I get at her and make her mine that would be major high fives for me since so many guys have tried and fail and I'm the first to succeed. It's really childish I know and immature but I'm still in high school lol I'm still a little boy.