How to make her mine?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
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Story time fellas.

So there's this girl who I sit next to in class. Keep in mind that today was the 5th day of school. Nothing really happened between us until the 4th day (yesterday).

Yesterday, about half the class was 10 seconds late, and the teacher made them go back and get passes. During this time, me and her just talked about the people who were late and how the teacher is strict about it. From time to time, whenever the teacher told people to go back and get passes, she looked at me and smiled.

After this, I started up some small conversation from time to time (like when we got a worksheet, I commented on it, etc.). She responded back and sometimes laughed. This apparently encouraged her to start up conversation. She also started up some conversation herself by making jokes and comments, and whenever something funny happened she smiled and looked at me. She also always looked me directly in the eyes when we talked.

Today was even better. When someone was last to class and the teacher asked him for a pass, again she looked at me and smiled. While she was sitting down, she had her legs pointed towards me (keep in mind that I sit NEXT to her, not in front of her). She also turned to face me (pointing her shoulders at me) whenever I talked to her.

Then we had a fire drill. I walked out of the class with a friend and she turned around, started walking backwards, and joked about how loud the alarm was, completely ignoring my friend and only talking to me. Then she went to go talk with some other guy

When we got back to class, I made a comment to my friend and she entered the conversation and made her own comment, again completely ignoring my friend and only talking to me.

Onto my questions:

#1: How interested do you think she is?
#2: How can I (and should I) escalate this?
#3: How can I make her more interested in me than in other guys?



Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
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Hey if you need advice PM me, we can discuss this matter there!


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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#1: Shes very interested, how can you not tell lol? She smiles at you all the time, clearly flirts, and is giving you a lot of "indicators of interest".

#2: Escalate with the usual stuff (if you've read the DJ bible). I would start using a lot of kino on her, cuz it seems you didnt do much of that. Kino is important so that u dont wind up in the friend zone. Then just mix in ****y and funny, some neg hits, more kino, then ask her to hang out.

#3: Do what I said to do above, and also prove to her that you are the ALPHA male (its all in the bible, and on threads here). Theres not really a huge need to make her more interested in you than other guys, as shes already showing a large amount of interest in you as it is. Capitalize on the current situation, your lucky that you havent really had to do much work to get her attracted to you.

Build attraction more, use kino, and make a move. DONT hesitate. DONT let yourself be dropped into the friend zone.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
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Thanks for the tips.

I tried convincing myself to kino today, but something happened. Today was an off day and I chickened up. I've been yelling at myself all day because of it.

I know I messed up, but how bad is it? I could try to kino next time I see her on Monday by tapping her elbow to ask her a question or something, but will it be too late? Did I ruin my chances by chickening out today?


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Dude listen... Just talk to her.
Flirt with her, have a good conversation with her and occasionally touch her I.E Hugging, putting arm around her shoulder or poke.
It isnt hard man believe me, just start a convo in class and go on from there. Then end it with askin for her number, TRUST ME it is EASY!!
( Ask her number for help in class OR to get to know her better) Either works...
I use to be nervous like you but im tellin you man it is EZ. Just have confidence in yourself. Do not be scared to be rejected, the sooner the better.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Italia. I did what you said ("just talk to her") and things have been going well. I haven't asked her for her number yet (I don't want to ruin things just in case, you know?). I only kino'd once, and that was when I asked to see her paper.

But for an update, I'm a little confused. Maybe it's just the weird weather down here in Florida, who knows.

One day, when I sat in a position that made me face her (we sit in groups of desks), she was always playing with her hair. While she was shuffling through papers, she glanced up at me. When I passed her in the halls to talk to a friend, I looked back and saw her playing with her hair again. I passed her in the hall later that day and as I was passing by she started playing with her hair again. But when I see her in the halls and she doesn't see me, she's not playing with her hair.

Then the next day when I sat next to her, she only touched her hair maybe twice. She didn't talk when she came in, but I said something and then she started talking. She responded to what I said and then brought up a test in her last class.

But I negged her when she asked a question and she laughed (good sign). After this, her body language was better. Her legs were pointed at me (or as close as they could be since she was sitting next to me) and her upper body was facing me. She was like this for a while. She also glanced at me once. At the end of class, I told my friend which class I was going to next, and she entered the conversation (ignoring my friend again). Then she left.

These all seem like good signs, but the bad signs are that she hasn't been doing any kino back, she hasn't been doing any sh*t tests, and hasn't been teasing me at all. In fact, she's been nice. But it seems like that's just her nature. She's a really nice girl. And on my part, I've only kino'd and negged once (sad, I know, but I couldn't do it without making it seem unnatural). I'll neg more, but kino-ing more is going to be hard.

I don't know. Please comment on how you think I'm doing and how interested (if at all) you think she is. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Wow. I think you're REALLY over-analyzing here. First off, forget about the whole hair thing. Unless your in a full out conversation with her and during the entire convo shes ruffling her hair and clearly flaunting it just for you, anything else she does with her hair is completely irrelevant.

And I wouldnt get so hung up on her body language either (as in which way shes facing, where her legs or upper body is pointed, etc). Those are all very discreet signs of attraction which will not automatically mean she likes you just cuz her body is facing your way.

And the reason why shes been nice is because you've been nice. I would consider this a bad thing because it seems like your being put into the friend zone because you've done practically no kino at all.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
What Grade are you in and how old are you...?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
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Italia: I'm in grade 10. 15 years old.

eaglez: I really hope you're wrong lol, but I'm pretty much sure you're right.

Nothing really happened today. I made a couple of jokes and she laughed, and I teased her again. She talked to me during and after class (sometimes questions about worksheets, sometimes just small talk), but that's about it.

The problem though is that there really aren't any opportunities for kino. You know how it usually flows naturally according to the situation? Well it's not like that in this class. The only non-awkward kino would be tapping her on the arm to ask a question and giving her a high five whenever she gets something right or something like that.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
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I dont know how your class is but all of mine I'm able to walk around. Usually the whole class is loud and having fun but at the same time working I guess. Just make eye-contact with her and smile. The key is to be GENUINE, DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT EVER act stale,fake. Girls can read this and probably the biggest turn off 2nd to a small ****. Man GET her number!! Alright look, think of getting the number as not the goal but a stepping stone of getting her, which is common sense. But many make the number such a big deal. Dont be like the others and drool over a number, just numbers. Genuinely ASK the number to get to know her better, set up a date w/e. But escalate ASAP. Like tomorrow...


New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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How about asking a smooth question like, "would you like a massage, I've been working on my technique" this of course would probably have to be out of school and you would get in a lot of kino. You can also casually ask for her number too since she probably has you in the friend zone, she'd give it up to you in a heart beat but from then on out its all on you to get out of that zone.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Aldo said:
Italia: I'm in grade 10. 15 years old.

eaglez: I really hope you're wrong lol, but I'm pretty much sure you're right.

Nothing really happened today. I made a couple of jokes and she laughed, and I teased her again. She talked to me during and after class (sometimes questions about worksheets, sometimes just small talk), but that's about it.

The problem though is that there really aren't any opportunities for kino. You know how it usually flows naturally according to the situation? Well it's not like that in this class. The only non-awkward kino would be tapping her on the arm to ask a question and giving her a high five whenever she gets something right or something like that.
Ask her to hang out, there are plenty of opportunities to kino outside of school. I understand school poses a tough environment for that, depending on the try to get her out of it. You're falling into that friend she has in that class category.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
SHE LIKES YOU. AND YOU BELIVE THAT. ACT COOL, CONFIDENT AND CHARMING. ASK FOR HER NUMBER. IF SHE SAYS something like my phone broke, say " Give it to me another time then" and smile.
YOu should get her number, straight away or soon. If you don't which I highly doubt., then she dnt like you.

JUST DO IT man. You ARE over ANALyzing. I done this, it does you no favours. Don't get oneitis, just go for it. IF you get her, congrats, if you don't, there will be PLENTYYY more :)