How to Keep State ?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
This is just a quick little tidbit about 'state' and 'frame' and how a little experiment I did today went so maybe some of you can take something away from it. My problem has always been with smiling and projecting a high energy frame, so today I just set out to smile at everyone that looked at me and generally keep only happy thoughts in my head just be a happy guy today...

The thing I learned is that keeping state is hard as ballz. I found myself actually getting tired and losing energy and motivation and negative thoughts creeping in, just to keep a good energetic frame for smiling at people...

How do some of you recover if you're in good state and projecting a strong frame and then your first approach gets blown to pieces by some unyielding ice queen. It's SUCh an easy state-breaker, how do you recover from that, it really does take the energy out of you and kinda sets the mood for the whole day don't you think ??

I remember in a club once I approached a hotty and she shut me down pretty early and it ruined my night, eventho i kept approaching my state was ruined, my confidence took a shot and it definitely affected me in a bad way. Anyone else experience this type of thing ? How do you get around it ??



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know about how to keep that state but I think that the reason you lost energy is that early on when you were smiling at people you got good results which in turn fed you more energy. However by the end of the day you became complacent and could have cared less if someone appreciated the fact that you were smiling at them.

As for your club experience where the hotty ruined your night. The way I deal with a bombed set is that I joke to my wing that because we bombed the set we're gonna die. Doing this reminds me that no set is that big of a deal and usually I can jump right into another set if I want to. Remember to have fun when you go out.

Actually another thing I did during bootcamp (and I think your past that point) was I would actually go out and purposly bomb sets. After a while I became desensitized to it.

Hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I usually get a huge laugh when I get blown out. Maybe it's just a defence mechanism, but I literally start laughing hystarically when a woman acts rude because I approach her. Last week approached a 3 set and got blown out. I went and told my buddies what happened, and 10 minutes later me and 2 of my friends went and approached them again, expecting to get blown out, just for sh1ts and giggles lmao I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

You just have to treat it literally as a game.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score

Be very productive before you go out...
Like get your homework done, go to the gym, wash your car, etc...
Also look your best... And have a drink... I swear alcohol makes my balls bigger... You know what I mean... lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I usually get a huge laugh when I get blown out. Maybe it's just a defence mechanism, but I literally start laughing hystarically when a woman acts rude because I approach her. Last week approached a 3 set and got blown out. I went and told my buddies what happened, and 10 minutes later me and 2 of my friends went and approached them again, expecting to get blown out, just for sh1ts and giggles lmao I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

You just have to treat it literally as a game.
Sound advice

I used to drink and game, but never again I miss signals way to easily. I miss IOI's and I usually miss oppertunities. Does make it easier tho, but i don't want to be dependent on anything... I don't even drink when i PU @ nite


Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
I found that smiling all the time gives off the impression that you're nervous and that you're trying to please someone. You don't have to smile all the time to give off a positive vibe.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ I don't mean walking around with a constant smile on your face, but smiling at people that make eye-contact with you...

In my experience when guy or girl smiles at me it puts me at ease on a subconsious level and I favor that person over someone who is not smiling. So I figure I'll give off good impression by smiling at people, its not a fake smile either but rather i think of something funny and kind of laugh smile and at first got really good responses with the other poeple giving me genuine smiles...

I do believe I gave off good vibe, just hard to keep state thats the question



Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Why are you guys trying to deny reality?

Mabye if your state was broken from somebody turning you down there was a reason for this? Take fvcking responsibility for your actions.

lol the best way to keep state is a bit of a buzz, (not drunk) just a buzz. (If your at a party or something)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
lol the best way to keep state is a bit of a buzz, (not drunk) just a buzz. (If your at a party or something)
Very true.

My most successful nights have been when I have had a natural buzz and had the "don't give a sh1t" attitude.

I know what you mean about a bad first set killing your mojo. It really takes practice to learn how to deal with that. To soften the blow, I just go into every set, not really caring if I do well or not.

Try it... you never know!