How to have a great sense of humor :)


Aug 18, 2007
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Im pretty sure everyone here feels great after you'v gotten a few people to laugh at something funny you said. Im a pretty funny guy as ppl have told me but I want to have an awesome sense of humor and I know it doesnt come overnight. I watch alot of stand up comedy but that doesnt seem to help because I cant pull those jokes off and I dont like stealing jokes either!

Can anyone recommend some books on humor I can buy or maybe even a free eBook?


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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you cant just learn a sense of humor man.

you need to practice thinking quick, practice at home or with friends.

everyones born with a sense of humour its just confidence, delivery, timing and crowd that decides wether they expand on it or not.

try to conjure up funny stuff about EVERYTHING, in your head. the faster you can come up with it, the better.

then eventually you can start voicing out your jokes to people around you, practice teasing people or just saying funny things about situations.

say you're at the mall, and the floors slippery..
you could even say smtn like quick like O dam!i can see a concussion coming..slippery as floor about to smack the taste out my mouth!

anything to break a silence but also deliver is properly..
dont try to be funny as its easily detected..just be natural and voice your opinions if you think you'll laugh about it, she certainly will.

good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Believe it or not, books are great for sense of humor.

I'm not talking about tutorials or self-improvement books.. I'm talking about books of knowledge. History, science, whatever interests you, etc.

Intelligence plays a huge roll in being an all around funny person. You'll notice that those who are quick to make people laugh are usually somewhat intelligent. They have some sort of standard knowledge of things under their belt. They don't steal jokes from others, they can create their own because they have the knowledge to make people laugh with what they have obtained.

Intelligence is not all of it though; the other half is experience and balls. And like Kozmo has said, being positive and improving your interactions with people is half (if not more than half) the battle. Getting to know those better around you and socializing more will allow you to be an all around funnier person with individuals. Lastly, building your confidence and positivity up is the final touches to giving yourself the ability to make others laugh. The way a joke is told is just as important, if not more important than the actual material.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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Honestly, some people have it and some don't. Personally i'm probably the funniest person in my class, but it's not always worth it. You get considered a class clown and people expect you to say things all the time...... Just be witty and confident. I wish i could exchange my confidence w/ jokes and humor for confidence with girls lol.
And yeah, you have to be smart like WC2 said. All of my friends and I are really funny, but we're also really smart.......


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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You don't learn humor... You can't! True humor can only be found withtin yourself! You gotta have a personality, oh my!! Are you up to the task? Don't know what I'm talking about? If you're not, this thread itself is funny. :D

First rule of humor, find the funny in everything! Think this is hard? Hahaha! Human beings are itself funny things. If you find for the ridiculous in everything, you're gonna find it.

So you have to create a person that is naturally funny. No problem, that's why we're all in SI. As he goes up in life, as a dj naturally finds his own vision on the world and it is... unique! he's going to be naturally funny itself, with his different way of looking at things.

The secret is nothing more then having a personality! :D coming to think of it, that's also the secret to be always comfortable in your skin, and to loving life.

For example, someone who is always positive, when being in a negative situation, where everyone is thinking negative, he'll twist it around like HE sees it, and the result is gonna be something FUNNY. In a dishonest world, honesty is amusing! and in a AFC world, a DJ is funny!

Look at the normal comediant, and if you don't find him funny, look at your favorite comediant... They are unique, or different in some way. But you see a personality sort of of coming through in their jokes. That's the point in humor: To be yourself. And the closer you are to being yourself, the funnier you are going to be. :up:

And JAMES BOND doesn't use humor, so you don't have to either! But hey, james bond for me is funny...


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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And to proove your bull**** haters wrong, I'm gonna post an exercise to proove that EVERYONE is funny! This especially for people who think they're NOT funny. (To me thinking like that is funny!).

Consider the possible uses of two round bar stool
cushions. Other than stool cushions, what can they be?

Lets hear the responses guys!!


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2008
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sense of humor is ok ,but too much is not good ,
and she will start looking at you like clown


Aug 18, 2007
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Groovy said:
And to proove your bull**** haters wrong, I'm gonna post an exercise to proove that EVERYONE is funny! This especially for people who think they're NOT funny. (To me thinking like that is funny!).

Consider the possible uses of two round bar stool
cushions. Other than stool cushions, what can they be?

Lets hear the responses guys!!

truthistruth said:
sense of humor is ok ,but too much is not good ,
and she will start looking at you like clown

Im not necessarily talking about "her" just being funny in general


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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HandyAndy said:
Let's use a simple humor exercise to illustrate that humor writing is
accessible to everyone. Consider the possible uses of two round bar stool
cushions. Other than stool cushions, what can they be? For five minutes,
use your imagination and plenty of exaggeration. Without being restrained
by practicality, scribble down as many possibilities as you can.
Your list of possible uses for two stool cushions might include
the following.
• elephant slippers
• oversized skullcaps
• eye patches for a giant
• hemorrhoid pads for a really large person
• Frisbees for the athletically challenged

From the book "Melvin Helitzer- Comedy writing secrets (2nd edition)"


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2008
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i have my sense of humor but it is mostly all the same, sarcasm. so i looked for something to spice it up a little. i suggest this book. maybe browse some stand-up comedies from youtube. there are also enough sites from humor basics in web.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Stand up comedy isnt really the same style of comedy as what you would use hanging around your friends. It wont hurt to listen to it, but unless you're going to be the only one talking, it's not really the same. Try funny movies, they're more situational and realistic.

Hanging around funny people is a great way. Ever noticed that when you hang around your friends a lot, you start acting/talking like them?

Delivery is also VERY important. Once you get a feel for delivery and timing, people will laugh at things that really aren't that funny.

You can try being sarcastic, quick, or completely ridiculous. A mix would be nice, but find what you're comfortable with. Even stupid puns can be great as long as people KNOW youre not taking yourself seriously.

Hope it helps


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Groovy said:
And JAMES BOND doesn't use humor, so you don't have to either! But hey, james bond for me is funny...
I have to disagree. Bond has a natural dry wit. For example in Goldfinger when James meets Bond Girl Pvssy Galore:

Bond Who are you?
Pvssy: My name is Pvssy Galore.
Bond: I must be dreaming.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
If you want to be funny then BE funny. Think of yourself as a funny person. Think about how others see you as being a funny person. If you convince yourself you're funny you'll begin to have that mindset and then see things in a more funny way.

Everybody has a self image and behave differently around different people depending on how you think you're ment to behave around them ie how they see you. You'd speak differently to your friends then your parents for example.

So ask yourself who are you and answer it a funny/witty person.


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Many people have told me I have a great sense of humor, and a lot of it is how you carry yourself. Of course, being witty and spontaneous is also critical.

Talk at your own pace, you're not doing anyone a favor by spitting humor down their throats as fast as you can.

Don't be afraid to poke fun at yourself, but never in a depreciating way.

Everyone perceives a situation differently, or observes different elements of the situation. Share your take.

Those would by my 3 biggest tips, hopefully they're of some aid ;)

Just be yourself and have fun, its impossible to be charismatic when you're not in your element.