how to handle strict moms?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
This girl is really interested in me, and i made plans to go out with her, but her mom is a total B!tch, and by B!tch i mean REALLY MEAN, i heard she is kinda psycho and gets crazy mad at times.. she has bad taste in selecting boys for her daughter too.. (this girls Ex that her mom picked is crazy the head, stalks her around and tries to break into her house).

she gets into a fit over small things such as moving your hands while talking and not sitting up straight.. and you have to stand properly too, with your hands behind your back like Parade rest.
(so i've heard)

I was gonna go to the movies with HB9 but her mom interfered, so i told her it would be easier if i could just meet her mom and get her to trust me.

How can i handle this?! im usually good with parents but this seems a little much.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Haha I do have plenty experience dealing with strict moms. The best advice is to meet her.

Walk into the house with confidence
- Parents do not like boys that are scared/nervouse when entering the home. They think of it as they are nervouse of the parents because the guy has plans that he knows that the parents won't approve of. Also if you are nervouse to her parents how are you going to act if you find yourself in a situation where you need to be calm to protect their daughter?.

Shake her fathers hand like a man
- Don't be a *****. You are going to have to prove to her father that you are a man. Chest up, good posture, dress well, and talk deep and proud. Shake his hand with a smile on your face and lean in a little bit. If there is no father present just the mother then softly shake the mothers hand with a sweeter smile and say something like "it's very nice to meet you" and nod your head down.

Have good posture and dress well
- Remember you're not a bum. Don't be wearing a shirt three sizes to big for you and your work jeans that have not been washed in months. Don't over dress though. A fitted T-shirt and pants work. no shorts. Remember to keep the chest up.

Pay more attention to the parents rather then your girl
- You are there to meet her parents. Not to have a date at her house. The first time at the house give majority of your attention to her parents. They are probably going to want to play 20 questions with you. NEVER LIE!!! If they are as crazy as you say they are they will find out. Answer every question quickly and proudly. Make sure you smile and get them to laugh. Tell them a funny story that happened to you that's appropriate. Parents love storys. Just make sure you are the hero of the story. A funny story about how you had to rescue your friends from being stuck in a tree beats a story about your friends having to get you out of the tree. Learn to tell this story WELL.

Let them know what is going down
- Tell them exactly what your plans are. Include them on what your doing, and when you will be back. If you have to have her back home earlier then what you want. Don't be late. Offer your phone number to her parents just incase. Remember to try to come off as a strong, mature, experienced guy that won't take advantage of their daughter.

And please don't talk about being intimate with their daughter. That should be common sence though. You want to come off as a friend of their daughter more then a boyfriend. While you are out on the date feel free to go as far as you can though:cool: