How to handle silent treatment given by others?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
What are we going to do if we are given the silent treatment from someone?

It seems that they deliberately ignore you and asked their friends to do the same too.

How do we get out of it if we're given the silent treatment? And worst out of the worst, how can we get even with them?

I had a few recommendation here

1) Burn their houses, cars or any other belongings
2) Beat them up by hiring some thugs to do that.
3) Frame them up

Or what other suggestions do you people have? Pls advice.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
I think we need more info on who initiated this silence treatment and why.

Imo, if there is a really GOOD reason for them to give you this treatment, you need to apologize.

If not.. I think the 'don't give a sh!t' attitude will be best. You can do without them and you have your own life. They don't wanna talk to you? Fine, talk to other people and forget about them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
When did anyone say it was your responsibility to fix other peoples insecurities?

Don't appologize, let them stew in their insecurities and bad self image. If they are really that pissed off at you for something you did the problem is really in themselves.

If you see them again, tell them that their anger is not your problem. Whatever if wrong with you(the silent treatment person) if your problem, and i don't feel i should be responsible in fixing it.

People are very insecure, and they hide their insecurity with anger towards other people, hopeing that after the other person appologizes it will make them feel better. It doesn't. No appology, compliment, insult, action, will ever get someone to change. They have to want to change the problem in themselves, and not make excuses.

Unless its like you wife or something, then i don't know what good advice would be :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, I had a real chump friend turn on me because of something I did. He had a point being mad, but instead of talking about it or confronting me, he just cut me off and never said a single word to me since. A real loser, he should have approached me and we could have talked it out. But since we wanted to play kindergaten, I blew him off and never hung with him again.

What a jackass...



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by BornWinner

How do we get out of it if we're given the silent treatment? And worst out of the worst, how can we get even with them?

I had a few recommendation here

1) Burn their houses, cars or any other belongings
2) Beat them up by hiring some thugs to do that.
3) Frame them up

Or what other suggestions do you people have? Pls advice.
Dude, I thought you stopped posting this troll-sh!t here.

There is no "even." We're ALL even. We all breathe the same air, eat the same food, sh~t the same sh~t, and die the same death.

You're putting YOURSELF down and then you're trying to drag everyone else down with you. If you know you're doing OK then F*CK what other people think.

But something tells me you're not doing OK...that you have a severe lack of social skills and aren't able to get along well with others. And you blame them for it.

So it's time to stop thinking about revenge and start learning to associate with people.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Oh yeah, how to you feel if people give you the silent treatment?

I don't know why I was given the silent treatment. It seems that they just simply don't talk to you unless you talked to them. Somehow they just don't want to talk to you. And apart from that, they shared the same cliques of friends together. They asked their buddies to ignore you too.

Why? Was it because they don't like me? Or because I did something wrong? So far, I never did anything wrong as I can think of. I seemed to have not been able to get along well. I don't know why. What is wrong here? ARGH I am totally confused


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
usually you dont get the treatment unless there's something on your part.

i've done it to a few ppl so far in life. but those cases were -

a. They ask for help but dont say my name (which is a form of disrepect)
(now the co-worker respects me and says my name each time he talks or asks me something)
b. annoying when someone keeps bugging you (asking too much questions)
(co-worker still bugs me every once in awhile, but i dont seem to mind anymore)

c. talks too much
(co-worker doesnt talk that much now)

normally they get the picture why they get the silent treatment, if they dont then they're just stupid.
i dont ignore them 100% but like every once in awhile i answer them back.

no one really does that to me, only a few rare times in the past.

sometimes ppl will give you the complete silent treatment if they think you're not worth their time or theyre pissed at you for some reason, or just dont wanna talk to you anymore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Oh yeah, how to you feel if people give you the silent treatment?

Originally posted by BornWinner
I don't know why I was given the silent treatment. It seems that they just simply don't talk to you unless you talked to them. Somehow they just don't want to talk to you. And apart from that, they shared the same cliques of friends together. They asked their buddies to ignore you too.

Why? Was it because they don't like me? Or because I did something wrong? So far, I never did anything wrong as I can think of. I seemed to have not been able to get along well. I don't know why. What is wrong here? ARGH I am totally confused
Or maybe they don't talk to you because they're afraid that if they piss you off you'll do something like:

1) Burn their houses, cars or any other belongings
2) Beat them up by hiring some thugs to do that.
3) Frame them up

I wouldn't wanna associate with you either. :p