How to get rid of attetion thoughts orsomething?:p


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, I dont know what u guys call it, but im a attetion*****:p I

exampel: It was a guy who stoled my iPod, I knew who it was, so i went up to him and asked him to give me my ipod back. He said he didnt have it, but i didnt belive him(i actually saw that he stoled mu ipod in my classrom) so i kept asking him that, and started to check his pocket or what it calls, and his backpack.. but didnt find any ipod.. soo he said: Do i have to hit you booooyyy?
when he said that i started to think, if he hits me then i will get some attation *weee..* so i just said yeah come on:p it wasnt so hard, but I pretended it was hard so people started to run up to me and asked "are u alright hun?, come with me:p" etc i said "yeah", then people started to yell at him.. "what was that for, u stupid dumbf*k" He got the whole school against him.. and later i got my ipod and he begged me to be friends.. He have only 2-3 friends so:p

actually i get atteinin normarly.. but everytime i want some MORE attetion i do something that can attract girls to jump on me.. and it works:p but i dont want any attation from people.. i just want to be a unknown guy

what kind of guy am i?.. looser huH?:p jupp **** have to change that.. how doi change?..