How to get her to see me more than a best-friend?


New Member
May 12, 2017
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I am 23 and have known this girl for the last 11 years and she has been calling me her best friend since the last few years. I have always thought of her as just a great friend until I started developing feelings for her 2 years ago. I feared telling her about how I felt but around the end of last year I told her about it and she asked for time to think about it and said that she would love it if we were in a relationship in the future.

I didn't pressurize her and then last month she told me that she felt the same way over the phone in a tone that she couldn't wait to say it until we met again, only to change her mind after four days and said she likes me just as a bestfriend. I stopped replying to her texts and she was afraid and called me the next day and I explained to her that she doesn't need to rush and give it time to let herself feel.

After a few days again she told me she is sure she wants me just to change her mind yet again.She said that she wants to be with me but she isn't feeling the spark.She also says that nobody cared and loved her like this and that she knows that nobody would ever be there like I have been there for her but she isn't feeling it.

Communication is a huge problem and its mostly over the phone. She doesn't have a smartphone of her own which makes her unavailable on social networking sites until she takes it from her sister. She also has a strict family who don't let her go out as often. Mostly her dad accompanies her and she follows her parents like an obedient daughter. Still her mom has known me for years and doesn't mind if she wants to meet me but she gets a very short time and is able to meet like once or twice a month.She has always been a confused girl and never had a relationship before. Any advices on how to spark her interest and to make her see me as more than just her bestfriend?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2013
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The only reason why you asked that question is because you still doesn't understand how to become a Don Juan. Every DJ knows that it is impossible to change a girl's mind from being a friend to be a girlfriend.

Dude, 2 years is too long to not move on from her. This might sound harsh, but I'm gonna tell you why you want her so bad:
  1. You're too scared to meet & fall in love with with a new girl
  2. You don't want to open your heart for new possibilities.
  3. You fantasize about her too much.
Have you ever read DJ Bible? If you haven't, it's a good idea to start learning from the materials. Fifteen lessons ( & Kill that desperation! ( are what you need to learn now.