To give a breif history of myself, or moreover my situation, I must say that I have never had a girlfriend, or been kissed, or been on a date. In fact the closest I ever came was that I asked one person out, and she turned me down.
To the main point. There is a girl that I have noticed at my school. I have known her for a coupple of years, and we have become good friends. This is where the problem is. I wish to ask her out, but if it fails, I am worried that our friendship will end.
I have had personal experience with these troubbles before. It was the exact same girl whom turned me down before. Afterwards, she avoided me. My friendship is dear with her; however, I do wish to ask her out.
What I need is for a solution to position myself as to asking her out, without endangering our friendship. I do not wish to have a repeat of the same mistake I made before. If anyone could provide some assistance, I would be eternally grateful
-A friend of Vercetti
To the main point. There is a girl that I have noticed at my school. I have known her for a coupple of years, and we have become good friends. This is where the problem is. I wish to ask her out, but if it fails, I am worried that our friendship will end.
I have had personal experience with these troubbles before. It was the exact same girl whom turned me down before. Afterwards, she avoided me. My friendship is dear with her; however, I do wish to ask her out.
What I need is for a solution to position myself as to asking her out, without endangering our friendship. I do not wish to have a repeat of the same mistake I made before. If anyone could provide some assistance, I would be eternally grateful
-A friend of Vercetti