how to get girls to chase you


Don Juan
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
okay guys...i pretty much grew up as a quiet kid in a small school...good kid, smart, nice...all that fine and dandy stuf...i'm a senior now and i guess my soph year i was pretty much out of my shell and talking to chicks about pretty much anything and whatnot. I dont think i'm desperate when i'm talking to them, but it may come across that way. I'm also a pretty skinny guy so im not terribly attractive. Any tips?

Natural Vibe

Don Juan
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
You won't get girls to chase you until you do some amazing internal changes.

You must BE the sh!t. You musn't think you are the sh!t. You must BE the man all woman want, not think you are.

Girls will chase you, but that comes with a very tight inner game. Good looks also help, but are not mandatory. If you're skinny, you know what to do (Gym). That will boost your inner game too.

Good inner game comes through pushing over your confort zone until you feel like crying and reaching a degree of indifference. Indifference = terribly attractive. You pass sh!t tests and demostrate high value.

You'll need to chase them before you're worth chasing. Forget everything you know, let go of all of your limitations and negative beliefs. Don't think. Just be.