What some guys will go through just to say they have a girlfriend.
Well, I'm sorry my friend, but your relationship has reached it's end. It's dead and gone and it's about time that you have moved on.
There is nothing more pathetic than a man groveling and begging a woman to take him back. You had her and you let her go. What good is being with a girl that you are fighting with all the time? Nothing is ever going to change with all the bad feelings there. Nothing you say or that you can do will change her mind. You heard it from her own words...she doesn't want you back. If she wanted to be with you, she would be in your arms right now, not with another man. It's funny how these relationships start out and end. He held the power over her using her as a fvck buddy and let her go. Now she has the power over him because he is the one begging for her to come back and she has no use for the guy.
Quit bothering this girl to take you back because she won't take you back. The more you pester her about it, the more foolish, pathetic, and weak you look as a man and in her eyes.
Find someone else new and start out fresh
Next time, don't make the same mistakes you did with this girl.
Luke!! said:
There was this girl I had been dating for five months. We were pretty close for those five months. Near the end we had been fighting. I wasn't showing her enough love and affection she had told me. I had told her that who I am. She kept asking me to show her more and I kept pushing her away.
Pretty close isn't really close. You could of showed her love and affection every minute of the day and she still would say that it wasn't enough. Women will use that as an excuse to start a fight so a break up will occur. Guess what? It did.
Luke!! said:
So we kept fighting about it until the point I couldn't take any fighting. I get where she was coming from that I felt distant towards her. So I ended up breaking up with her three weeks ago. First week I was glad the fighting was over. Then I started to miss her.
So, you had all this fighting and drama with this chick and you want to go back to her and start it all over again? That's crazy man. You should be glad it's over and that you are done with her. Because if you ever got back with her she will start the same problems with you all over again. Do you really want to go through all that again?
Luke!! said:
She was a very devoted, loving girlfriend. She begged and fought for me to not leave when i broke up with her. She was devastated..
If she was so loving and devoted then why did you break up with her? You had the upper hand here and all the power and you should of kept it and left it at that.
Luke!! said:
So I texted her today trying to get her back.
A terrible mistake by you. Now you are giving her the upper hand with all the power that she will hold forever
Luke!! said:
She was not having what I had to say. She said I hurt her too much and she couldn't do it. It went on basically me saying Id change and it would work. She would tell me that she cant do it. Then finally she said that after i broke up with her some guy that just moved into her residence started talking to her and she would cry to him about me. Then she told me she finally fell for him. She said she cant ever be with me again. She needs to be free from me she realized shes in a different place now without me. So I ended the conversation saying goodbye it was nice knowing you.
Of course she wouldn't hear you out. Now she gets to blame you for the entire relationship and make excuses why she doesn't want you back. You put yourself in this situation. You gave her the power to blame you and to make you feel bad about everything. Yes, there is always another guy in the picture that prevents the coming back together again.
Luke!! said:
What do I do to get her back here? Is it doomed forever because I was unemotional towards her?
You can't do anything except to move on and find someone else. Bothering her won't help and you will just make her resent you more while you feel even more worse about yourself.
Luke!! said:
See this isnt my first instance with this girl though. We met, slept together first day I met her.
And you can bet that she slept with the other guys the first night as well when you broke up with her.
Luke!! said:
We kept in contact and would hang out quite a few nights a week. After 3 months of this she wanted to know what we were and I told her I had just gotten out of a relationship. So she understood I didnt want to jump into anything ASAP.
3 months is not ASAP especially since you were with her "quite a few nights a week"...She wanted an official relationship title and you didn't. You probably wish now that you would have had the title. Then this mess wouldn't of occurred.
Luke!! said:
She then heard from a friend I was talking to these other girls and she got very upset. She texted me angrily saying never text me again. So I listened and didn't. 4 months later I texted her saying I missed her and stuff. It took forever to get her to talk to me. She did and we met in person. She told me she met another guy and she wished I had came a few weeks earlier and that it was too late.
So we sat and talked that whole night and she said she would think about it which the next day she said she wanted to be with me. So we had our 5 month relationship where the last month she was concerned I wasnt showing enough. We fought and she wanted me to show her and I was somehow incapable. I finally ended it cause the fighting was way to much to handle at the time.
Basically she got tired of you and the relationship and wasn't happy with you anymore. She had the other guy she met and wanted to be with him instead. After you broke up the first time you should of let it go and then you wouldn't have had all the fighting and drama that went on.
You feel a loss of this girl more so because she is with another guy and it is eating away at you. Mainly because you can't get back what you had because she is with someone else.
Just let it go and chalk it up as a learning experience
Next time don't make the same mistakes as you did with this girl
May your days be filled with much greatness and plenty of poon
Dr. Harvey Poon