how to get ahead in high school


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
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well im a junior in highschool, i used to play alot of video games, hang out with 7 friends who played video games, and what not. me and my friends have a lot of fun, but only one of them has kissed a girl, and a pretty ugly one at that. we aren't depressed emo or whatever, we just do really stupid things and have lots of fun. No one in school hates me or even dislikes me really. but this weekend i was hanging out at a house for 2 days 4 girls 4 guys, and it seems like no girl would ever even wanna touch me. I still think im good with girls or whatever for confident reasons, but this really blew my mind. none of the guys there were my close close friends, they were just good friends of mine and what not and we got along pretty well.

Now what im asking is how did u guys get ahead. i dont necessarily hate my position, and i know it IS POSSIBLE to get ahead, but i just dont see the reason too, i have lots of fun with my group of friends, even though they dont attract girls, but at the same time i want to be a part of getting girls and what not.

so my question is.... how did u guys get ahead in highschool? i find hard, almost not worth the effort, to get through all the stereotypes and labels people have put on me. its gonna take one hell of a while to get over it.

so have any of you been in a similiar position? how did u get out? how did u get pass all the negative labeling and what not to become recognized as a truly awesome person?
Mar 23, 2010
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Sounds to me you have no idea who you are. Who gives a **** what people think of you? Make a first impression that lasts. Squeeze your balls and say "I AM A MAN, I CAN GET ANY LIL BlTCH I WANT IN THIS SCHOOL" then try and try and try again.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey Xetsu,

Damm, this is reminding of my time in high school.

You are a junior, so still have sometime to really make an awesome impression on everyone.

When I was in high school, I was in jazz band and concert band and in the soccer team. So I always had different social circles to hang with. I was pretty introverted, shy and clueless on what attraction was so I didn't capitalize much on that. But I did get a lot of attention from girls, because I would play concerts, and soccer games, I would skate, have different social circles.

So the best thing to do is get yourself involved in things and take leadership positions. If you play guitar, join the guitar club... or start a band, or join jazz , concert, or marching band.

Get good grades... girls will want to study with you. And for other reasons that it will set you up with a good foundation for life. Because no matter wherever you go... if you work hard mentality you will go far. Including with pick-up.

Also start inviting people to your house to hang and throw parties every now and then... or invite girls over to listen to some music...

Be the social guy, the guy that everyone knows. A good trick to do that is to be needed. So find how what motivates a certain social circle and be the guy that adds value to it. Ex... if you are in jazz band and you are great at what you do... you will popular. Same in english class... if you add some sort of value to your class you will be popular.

Same with social circles in the cafeteria... find out what they are lacking... and give it to them.

When you start doing all these things you will start standing out... the sign that you are doing it right is if you start getting haters. When you do... it means that you also won some people over in the process. So move away from the haters and surround yourself with the lovers.

Also don't be afraid to go for the girls you want. Get over the fear of rejection and really go after what you want in life with out caring what others think. Pretty much what gettinluckyaintluck told you. Time to man up bro.


Jan 29, 2010
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i have 2 focuses in life:

1. grades
2. online business (reels in the cash breh)

basically, whenever i succeed or do well in bringing in the dough or acing a few tests, my ego rises. i buy new clothes and the latest trends with my cash, and everyone is like "nice kicks dude"

this further raises my self-esteem, and one little thing adds up to another, and pretty soon your ego/self-esteem will be through the roof. this is where confidence kicks in. confidence will get you girls, it don't matter what types of techniques you got, you need confidence.

yes, you might **** up the first few times chatting with girls, but you LEARN from your experience.

my advice is read the DJ bible then gtfo this forum. the last time i signed on was like a month ago...

learn things from EXPERIENCE. As a result, you'll have your own unique way in achieving a high social status, and because it's YOUR way, it'll work best for YOU.

I strongly advise you to get off this forum and do what you love. the girls and the social status will FOLLOW.

you can think all day about how you're gonna read techniques and put them into action, but by the end of the day, it won't help you at all because techniques that work for other people might not work for you.

by the way, the first step is to talk to as many people as you can.

this is what i do... when i am in the hallway, i chat it up with a few people near my locker, or even my locker buddy (by the way, these are all people i know)

now that you're warmed up, MOVE to another location and chat it up with other friends that you know.

you will be socially "warm" and you can now engage in almost any conversation with ease, and you will get by.

by the way, confidence works wonders. a year ago i had no confidence in talking to girls. now i do have confidence, and when other guys see me flirting it up, they start to give me more respect (whereas they never gave a **** about me before).

also, good clothes/kicks helps to raise your social status among guys too, and if guys like you (no homo), girls will see that as well, and your value is raised among the ladies.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
hehe i read "how to get head in high school" :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
simplest advice: get involved! join whatever clubs, teams, or organizations interest you, and then 5 more that DONT! the more stuff you're in, the more people you'll meet, and the more opportunity you have. not to mention you're (i assume) trying to pad your college resume. they love kids who are in everything!

tip: get a couple of your video game, good buddies to join one or two of em with you, it'll help break the ice between you and the others in that group.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Clearly been stated earlier, but get a hobby. Find something you enjoy and become passionate about it. Once people start noticing your hobby they will respect you for it. I, for example, play guitar. For the first few years it did not help me much in terms of image. As I got better however I started playing at graduation, dances, and clubs. People started noticing me for my guitar playing and began to respect me for it. Also, even though you have a nerdy group of friends, there's no reason why you can't also be part of a different group as well.

Nobody cares about your social status if you prove to them that you are in fact a really cool guy to spend time with. You just have to demonstrate that to people. Try talking to new people in classes and get to know other people. How large is your highschool?