how to get a woman to stalk you


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
ok i'm a little sick i admit it. maybe i haven't been getting enough attention lately. regardless, i have heard through ross jeffries teachings about creating the fatal attraction, and i am interested in learning more about this phenomenon.

what steps can i take in my life each day to cause a woman to become so attached and infatuated with me that she would literally stalk me if given the opportunity? have any of you guys had stalker exes for example?

i have an ex who recently took off and shortly thereafter (even though she left me) i assumed the NEXT mentality, no more calls, texts, NOTHING. i'm ignoring her back and i have also gone out of my way to NOT hide the fact that i am seeing other people. low and behold - come to find out - my ex has begun checking up on me. so interesting; and thus the birth of this thread.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
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I haven't had girls stalk me, per se, however i've had plenty of women 'holler' at me, throw their numbers at me, and offer sex no strings attached. How did i do it? Since a very young age i have embraced my masculinity, partly due to culture and tradition, and partly through testing the field. In this 'game' the women chooses you, something most guys are oblivious about because they live on repressed memories rather then living consciously.

Living consciously and being aware of everything around you, like a predator, is the first thing i would suggest you do. This is how the sumarais in Japan mentally trained to make themselves fearless. This will be hard if you are not used to it, however practicing this will help develop the 'reptilian' part of the brain. The trick is to appear conscious of your surroundings while at the same time not paying any hot girl any attention. This will take much time to perfect, maybe a few years, however it is will worth it. Who doesn't want women chasing them? How do i know this works? well in highschool i would have groups of women surround my locker and would comment on how gorgeous and hot i was. Keep in mind however, this was not due to my 'looks', this is how these feminine females responded to a subconscious attraction they seemingly could not understand. There are many other examples, but i will not go any further, and keep in mind many of these females had 'boyfriends' LOL (note: this is why i am against 'relationships' because females will always be attracted to the alpha male due to acting on their 'emotions')

Second, to further develop your 'alpha' status, i would suggest you participate in competitive sports and activities which will seemingly also develop the reptilian brain. Activities like martial arts, weight training, hunting etc. are all very useful and helpful.

Always maintain power consciously and girls will respond. Read 48 laws of power and incorporate those laws into your life. for example, when girls throw their numbers at me, i still don't respond. Why, you ask? Because i am not the initiator (unnatural) and it would make me seem powerless. I must be the leader and the dominant figure in the relationship starting by initiating convo and leading every aspect of the relationship till i dump her ass. Never let girls disrespect you, even if it is in a joking manner. Remember, girls want to be fukced mentally and physically.

Contrary to what some guys (aka homos) like to believe you only must be average looking at best. I know many average looking guys ( I scout models so i am qualified to say they are average) who are doing absolutely amazing and they have nothing going for them except for having a very developed reptilian(aka alpha) brain. To start your conscious living as an alpha male, however, i would suggest you pay close attention to your BL, including the way you walk and talk at ALL times. Hard, you ask? Yes very, but will worth it when you perfect it. In the beginning you will have many people hating on you and saying how 'arrogant' you are but you cannot get discouraged.

To demonstrate how well this works in the field i will only say this. In college in the usa, people party to get laid, obviously, and most miserably fail at this. I, on the other hand, just walk through campus on party nights and women open me up and offer sex. It is that easy. Again, the hard work WILL pay off.

In summary, live consciously like an alpha, focus on your 'maleness', practice visualizing your unabashed sexuality on the opposite sex, and eliminate any female influences in your life. After a few years you will have so much pvssy you won't know what to do with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Stalkers are not fun. I've had it done to me before, and I gotta say, I'd rather not go through it again. It seems fun at first, until she's standing outside your window at 4am with a pig's heart in a bag...

My advice is: DON'T.

You know those women who date abusive criminals and drug addicts? Well, right now, that's you.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
persiangino i wish you would elaborate a bit. you are being too vague. can you give an example of the way you carry yourself and talk to people?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
diplomatic_lies said:
My advice is: DON'T.
If they only realized what they were asking for... :nervous:
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Thought you ignored me, Playa?
well all of those private messages that you were sending me begging for me to stop ignoring you and how "you had learned your lesson" made me feel sorry for you. but i guess somethings never change.

FYI- head over to anything else, there is a great thread about "sucked off" that you can learn from.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
persiangino said:
I haven't had girls stalk me, per se, however i've had plenty of women 'holler' at me, throw their numbers at me, and offer sex no strings attached. How did i do it? Since a very young age i have embraced my masculinity, partly due to culture and tradition, and partly through testing the field. In this 'game' the women chooses you, something most guys are oblivious about because they live on repressed memories rather then living consciously.

Living consciously and being aware of everything around you, like a predator, is the first thing i would suggest you do. This is how the sumarais in Japan mentally trained to make themselves fearless. This will be hard if you are not used to it, however practicing this will help develop the 'reptilian' part of the brain. The trick is to appear conscious of your surroundings while at the same time not paying any hot girl any attention. This will take much time to perfect, maybe a few years, however it is will worth it. Who doesn't want women chasing them? How do i know this works? well in highschool i would have groups of women surround my locker and would comment on how gorgeous and hot i was. Keep in mind however, this was not due to my 'looks', this is how these feminine females responded to a subconscious attraction they seemingly could not understand. There are many other examples, but i will not go any further, and keep in mind many of these females had 'boyfriends' LOL (note: this is why i am against 'relationships' because females will always be attracted to the alpha male due to acting on their 'emotions')

Second, to further develop your 'alpha' status, i would suggest you participate in competitive sports and activities which will seemingly also develop the reptilian brain. Activities like martial arts, weight training, hunting etc. are all very useful and helpful.

Always maintain power consciously and girls will respond. Read 48 laws of power and incorporate those laws into your life. for example, when girls throw their numbers at me, i still don't respond. Why, you ask? Because i am not the initiator (unnatural) and it would make me seem powerless. I must be the leader and the dominant figure in the relationship starting by initiating convo and leading every aspect of the relationship till i dump her ass. Never let girls disrespect you, even if it is in a joking manner. Remember, girls want to be fukced mentally and physically.

Contrary to what some guys (aka homos) like to believe you only must be average looking at best. I know many average looking guys ( I scout models so i am qualified to say they are average) who are doing absolutely amazing and they have nothing going for them except for having a very developed reptilian(aka alpha) brain. To start your conscious living as an alpha male, however, i would suggest you pay close attention to your BL, including the way you walk and talk at ALL times. Hard, you ask? Yes very, but will worth it when you perfect it. In the beginning you will have many people hating on you and saying how 'arrogant' you are but you cannot get discouraged.

To demonstrate how well this works in the field i will only say this. In college in the usa, people party to get laid, obviously, and most miserably fail at this. I, on the other hand, just walk through campus on party nights and women open me up and offer sex. It is that easy. Again, the hard work WILL pay off.

In summary, live consciously like an alpha, focus on your 'maleness', practice visualizing your unabashed sexuality on the opposite sex, and eliminate any female influences in your life. After a few years you will have so much pvssy you won't know what to do with it.

That is very interesting to say. Almost every "seduction" guide says you're the initiator. I'm not saying you're wrong - I'm beginning to think it myself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I normally believe in free speech, but I'm starting to think all the looks-only people should be banned.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Obsidian said:
I normally believe in free speech, but I'm starting to think all the looks-only people should be banned.
I feel your pain...


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
docv said:
ok i'm a little sick i admit it. maybe i haven't been getting enough attention lately. regardless, i have heard through ross jeffries teachings about creating the fatal attraction, and i am interested in learning more about this phenomenon.

what steps can i take in my life each day to cause a woman to become so attached and infatuated with me that she would literally stalk me if given the opportunity? have any of you guys had stalker exes for example?

i have an ex who recently took off and shortly thereafter (even though she left me) i assumed the NEXT mentality, no more calls, texts, NOTHING. i'm ignoring her back and i have also gone out of my way to NOT hide the fact that i am seeing other people. low and behold - come to find out - my ex has begun checking up on me. so interesting; and thus the birth of this thread.

i've had stalker ex's, trust me there is nothing glam about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
I normally believe in free speech, but I'm starting to think all the looks-only people should be banned.
Everyone only believes in free speech when everyone is saying stuff they agree with.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
have any of you guys had stalker exes for example?
Yes, and I wouldn't want another one. Female stalkers are a pain in the ass. They show up at your workplace, they'll go to all the same hangouts that you go to (even if you change your location, they will find you). They're also the worst c0ckblockers you'll ever encounter. Try getting a date when your stalker follows you around and puts an end to any progress you make on a new target.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Desdinova said:
Yes, and I wouldn't want another one. Female stalkers are a pain in the ass. They show up at your workplace, they'll go to all the same hangouts that you go to (even if you change your location, they will find you). They're also the worst c0ckblockers you'll ever encounter. Try getting a date when your stalker follows you around and puts an end to any progress you make on a new target.
They are damn good at c0ckblocking, better than any jealous dude I've met I can tell you, it isn't any fun being stalked by a hot babe, worse still an ugly one, why would you want it to happen.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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PigAdlemPimp said:
They are damn good at c0ckblocking, better than any jealous dude I've met I can tell you, it isn't any fun being stalked by a hot babe, worse still an ugly one, why would you want it to happen.
Restraining order. Stalking is an arrestable offence depending where you live.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Yapper said:
persiangino i wish you would elaborate a bit. you are being too vague. can you give an example of the way you carry yourself and talk to people?
I'm not sure how serious his post was, if it was a joke it wasn't funny, if it was meant to be serious.......just, no.

Reptilian brain?...:rolleyes:...please


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
from my own experience if you have already developed some sort of connection with a girl over time and then start pulling away maybe even to the extent of ignoring them, this is one way to lead them to stalk you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
docv said:
from my own experience if you have already developed some sort of connection with a girl over time and then start pulling away maybe even to the extent of ignoring them, this is one way to lead them to stalk you.
This is right, if you want a hot babe to chase you then pretend that you are not interested in having a relationship with her, though still be freindly, compliment her on her positive points, converse with her in a confident way, but quickly pull yourself away from her and make it appear if you are not into being with her.
I am constantly reading about being "****y and Funny" doing "Neg Hits" and all of these other things, however they won't work because if you are doing these types of things it is going to be obvious to the hot babe that you want to at least fvck her.
Throughout my life I have discovered that the babes who other dudes like but I don't are always the ones that chase me, though the ones that I have chased never wanted to be with me.
These days if I see a hot babe that I like I walk up to her introduce myself shake her hand, compliment her on one point, then I walk away don't pay anymore attention to her, though if she comes to talk to me, I will talk to her in a freindly manner and everything then often goes to plan.