How to dress yourself nicely!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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im a horrible dresser. im noticing that the way i dress hurts my game or at least my first impression. I can go to the mall and spend $1000 on new clothes yet...when i wear them and dont match them right they look like $10 clothes from the goodwill or something. my fashion sense is soo 12 years ago...even when i try that with the whole white shirt,jeans, and white shoes i still look too plain..

I just dont get how all these other guys can know how to dress so well...where do they get the fashion sense? do all guys look at magazines and soap operas and copy the outfits in them?

are there any webpages to teach you how to dress? im sure there are many guys on here with the same situation...

im trying to go for the abercrombie/gq is nice but its kinda plain and doesnt stand out much...

i like the true religion look too with the ripped/faded jeans and colorfiul shirts and shoes...i think its nice for peacocking...


Sep 13, 2007
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As gay as it sounds, I enjoy fashion, and am somewhat of a fashion wh0re. But I'm talking about the cool, suave, trendy kind; not that gay sh!t that most of the time goes on at fashion shows. While it all depends on your tastes and individual styles, the way to get a feel for dressing good is to watch movies, read style magazines, and go to clothes stores that all show people dressing in what you think is cool gear. My number 1 favorite movie for fashion has got to be Alfie. If you notice in the movie, there is not a single moment where Jude Law isn't looking stylish. But most of what I learned came from actually reading GQ, taking note of stylish people I see on the street, and going into trendy, upper class fashion stores (French Connection, Armani, Burberry (though this is extremely expensive), Guess, and even Gap). I literally just went in there for a couple hours experimenting with different sh!t. Nowadays the only thing holding me back from looking like a male model is money.

Here's a couple pics:


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
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first you have to find out what colors work for you. this can be done by going to a bunch of stores in the mall and asking the stock girls what colors would look good on you. this usually has a lot to do with your skin tone, hair color and eye color. once you ask enough girls what would look good on you, patterns will emerge.

there is a general fashion rule that people look good in either warm or cool colors. look it up on the internet and try to make sense of it.

make sure to wear decent shoes. wearing something that stands out as ****ty is much worse than not standing out.

fit. make sure you wear clothes that fit. look at how clothes fit the dudes in gq or abercrombie ads if thats what you're into. too loose and you look sloppy too tight and you look like a fag. learn to find your good fit zone. generally, the better shape you are in the tighter fit you can get away with.

wear **** that you feel comfortable in. don't try too hard. people can tell if you are uncomfortable in your shoes or clothes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
I agree with Skel. If I can't find a female to go shopping with me (if you can't find a female that wants to go shopping something is seriously wrong by the way) then I go to a store and talk to the chick that dresses the best. I then ask her if she can help me pick something out.

I also look in the back of magazines for different styles. Usually the first few pages and last few pages are clothing. Name brand is simply just a name. The name brand stuff I have in my closet were bought for me by girls I've dated. I'm a target/walmart man myself.

Girls love playing dress up. She will probably ask you what you like to wear. Tell her that you don't know what you like and that you would like her to find something that she thinks suits you.

It's usually better if they don't work on commission. Commission workers will find the most expensive things and in the end you won't get all the clothes you thought you would get. Let her know up front that you're working with a small budget. Girls can stretch a dollar when it comes to shopping.

Try everything on. Before you leave that store try everything that you plan on buying. Walk around in it. Ask her what she thinks. Look at yourself and figure out if you like it also.

Lastly I try to match 2-3 different shirts for every pants. So for every pants you buy, you'll have 3 outfits. People won't even notice that you're wearing the same jeans every other day.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
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As beastmaster79 said, fit is key. I won't buy a shirt no matter how nice it looks on the rack if it doesn't fit on me the way I like it. Some of the stuff I own, on the rack it looks like it wouldn't look cool, but when I wear it, it actually looks decent. Experiment around dude.... Just cuz something doesn't look that great on the rack, doesn't mean it won't look good on you.

Personally, I like wearing low profile shoes.. I've got some white Lacoste Frames that I've received numerous compliments on... From both dudes and chicks.

**** Abercrombie dude... Their clothes are clones of each-other, and frankly, I don't even think their clothes look good. Diesel Jeans are the way to go...

Designer shirts will fit you MUCH nicer than any Abercrombie crap. Seriously, it surprises me how many people think they're stylish because they wear crappy made in China clothing such as AnF, AE, or Hollister.. I'd rather have 3 nice designer shirts to go out in, than 20 shirts from a place like Abercrombie...

Start by not following how everyone else dresses, because frankly, most people dress like ****! Yes, do get ideas from GQ. Most of all, get stuff that fit you! Colors that make you look good.. Styles that define who you are. I tend to look better with colors such as lime-green, baby-blue, black, and white... etc.. It's all up to what makes you look good and makes you feel comfortable.

I suggest picking up a nice pair of jeans from Diesel:

or for a lighter Diesel wash:

I personally like slim and bootcut... Take careful note of the fit... I personally wear my jeans rather tight, because they look better, and once you get used to it.. it just becomes part of the norm for ya..

Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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fuzzx said:
If you were born an original, why die a copy?
Who'd you steal that quote from? I hope you don't believe this. No one in this world is original anymore, everything out there has been done, whether in the past or present, and it will be done again many times over. Telling this guy to wear dungeons & dragons shirts isn't going to help him. Remember.. this is a forum for guys looking to become DJ's, not for the guy who just wants to be average and his "natural" self. Well tough sh*t, you make yourself who you want to be, your choices you make every day shape and mold your life, personality, career. If someone wants to buy designer clothes to look nice and give them self a confidence boost, I say more power to them. It's just another tool to increase your confidence, what is wrong with that? I do agree, spend only what you can if you can afford to buy a pair of $400 shoes, and a $2000 coat, go for it. If you don't have the money and your in pretty decent shape, RUEHL/Abercrombie/Hollister look good for cheap compared to other designer brands. A step up from that would be Guess/Armani exchange.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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fuzzx said:
You obviously have no concept of what being a DJ is all about.
Please tell me what you think being a DJ is then? No...really, id like to hear what you think a Don Juan is. I believe a DJ is about bettering yourself, becoming and doing things you never thought was possible if you looked at yourself years is NOT however, accepting who you are...and I think you know this is true, because if it weren't, you wouldn't be at this site. I understand, your just too proud.

fuzzx said:
Its too bad this whole country buys into that commercialism bull crap about
wearing the latest trend to be confident or expensive clothes = attraction. MMmmm so buck the trend and your a loser eh? If a designer and a fashion mag told you to wear a dress and shove a tampon up your ass cause all the DJ's were doing it, I guess you'd do that to?
Maybe you should re-read what I posted. To me designer clothes fit my body type better, and give me a nice confidence boost. When I look in the mirror i think "WOW....i'm a good looking f*cking dude." I wear nice clothes, not because everyone else does, or I saw it in a magazine...I wear them because they make me feel good. So if buying clothes from the bargain bin makes you feel good, then go for it.

fuzzx said:
Your basically telling him to wear designer crap so he can fit in a bit better.
Stop putting words in my mouth, I never said anything about doing it to fit in, infact I said the exact it so you can stand out.

fuzzx said:
Wear only what you like, invent the style don't follow it.
News flash, trying to invent your own style is what makes you look like one of the pictures you wasted your time on finding...if you think thats fashion I pity you.

fuzzx said:
Ken my advice to you is find what you like and wear IT... don't ask other people what to wear or what they think... who cares what they think, Fashion Designers don't, only Fashion Followers do.
Wow, your actually giving helpful advice instead of arguing just for the hell of it....yes ken I agree, find what you like and wear it(check out the brands I told you in my other post, it'll make finding what you like a lot easier)

haha, and fashion designers don't care what they wear or what other people think about it? that's their job buddy, fashion designers jobs depend on what other people think, if they didn't, then we'd all probably be dressing like fuzzx.


Sep 13, 2007
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fuzzx said:
You obviously have no concept of what being a DJ is all about.

Its too bad this whole country buys into that commercialism bull crap about
wearing the latest trend to be confident or expensive clothes = attraction. MMmmm so buck the trend and your a loser eh? If a designer and a fashion mag told you to wear a dress and shove a tampon up your ass cause all the DJ's were doing it, I guess you'd do that to? Your basically telling him to wear designer crap so he can fit in a bit better. Wear only what you like, invent the style don't follow it. Ken my advice to you is find what you like and wear IT... don't ask other people what to wear or what they think... who cares what they think, Fashion Designers don't, only Fashion Followers do.

If you haven't been to Harajuku and consider yourself a fashionable person, I highly recommend it! - Harajuku fashion (gas mask).jpg

Wicked sense of self expression.


Those freaks obviously play to many video games...

But I do agree that there are alot of fashionable Japs out there.

Look broski, there aren't any qualifications constituting a DJ. A guy could both dress like George Clooney or walk around in khaki shorts, a Star Trek t-shirt and a tin foil tophat and still have success. It's just that I, along with many people, enjoy designer clothes cause of the way they look and feel on me. Not because some gay blowhard told me to do so because it's cool.

And Alfie is not a knock off of Doctor Who... You need to see the movie to see what I mean.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Like some said, get a chick to shop with you. Either that or ask a female assistant in the store to help you pick out clothes. While your doing that you could try and pick her up too.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
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fuzzx said:
Don't wear designer ****... homo wear that is...
Good advice! I'll look so much better when I wear my Dungeon and Dragons T-Shirt with my overalls!

fuzzx said:
Anyone who pays $280 for a pair of regular ripped jeans is a retard.
Some of us don't play Dungeon and Dragons all day, actually have jobs, and can actually afford it. Comparing Designer jeans to jeans at say Hollister is like comparing a civic to a BMW.. There IS no comparison... They're both jeans... but do they fit the same, have the same quality, or look as good?

fuzzx said:
If you were born an original, why die a copy?
Sorry to tell you, but there is nothing new under the sun.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
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nakedtwister said:
But I do agree that there are alot of fashionable Japs out there.

And Alfie is not a knock off of Doctor Who... You need to see the movie to see what I mean.
Oh, Alfie is awesome! He did turn AFC towards the end though. Jude Law plays the role of Alfie very well!

Oh hell yea! Lots of Japanese people are very fashionable. I was in Japan about 5 months ago for a stop-over flight, and seriously, seeing the way Japanese people dressed as opposed to the way Americans dress is ridiculous. I'd buy imported Japanese clothing online if it wasn't out of my price range, so I'll stick to the designer brands I usually buy.

Koreans also have great fashion! It's a big part of their culture.. Then again, their clothing is usually a copy of Japanese clothing. Clothing in Korea is extremely cheap and not very far off of what people in Japan are wearing. Although the quality isn't as good, it's pretty decent for the price!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
when i wear them and dont match them right

blues, blacks, go together and go with whites
earth tones, green, brown, maroon go together and go with off-white
untuck your shirt
wear a reasonable amount of a good cologne
keep your shoes spotless
women judge you by your hair and your shoes

And I don't think spending money is the answer. Everyone has their own style, but fwiw I do well with clearance rack Calvin Klein and Kenneth Cole stuff from department stores like Macy's, not the high-end, big city stuff. At the end of each season, it all goes to 75% off, which is about reasonable. I have a closet full of clothes, hardly anthing cost more than 20 bucks, lots of it 12-15. My ex-wife thinks I am high-fashion compared to how I used to dress.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Wow, some of you guys dress really gay. :eek:

Are you guys really that tiny and effeminate? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2005
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First of all, fvck women dressing you. Women - even the best dressed ones - almost NEVER know how to dress a man. Just like women don't know how to pick themselves up, right? A woman can look at a well-dressed man and know that she likes it, but she can't replicate it. Find the best dressed MAN at the clothing store and have him dress you.

I dress men for a living, by the way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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No, it doesn't hurt to get a girl's opinion. She will judge you on what you wear. I just don't think japenese cosplayers is what they are looking for.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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Bvbidd said:
Wow, some of you guys dress really gay. :eek:

Are you guys really that tiny and effeminate? :confused:
What styles are you referring too? Just because you don't wear a wife beater and a pair of Lee's Relaxed Fit doesn't mean you're dressing "gay". Maybe you're the one who doesn't know how to dress himself.

Anyway, the best thing to do is look at lots of styles in magazines, on mannequins, on well-dressed people you see on the street, etc, and pick a style you like and is suitable for your age. Try to make it unique or personalized as possible, but also clean, and without being too weird. Just use common sense. Then shop around at all kinds of stores, from places like the Gap and JC Penneys to discount places like Marhall's, TJ Maxx, etc, to men's clothing boutiques. Also, get at least a couple nice pair of shoes, anything from flashy Diesel street shoes to a nice pair of chelsea boots.

Contrary to what fashion elitists will tell you, it doesn't matter where you shop or how much it costs as long as it looks right, is comfortable, and won't fall apart after six months of wearing it. I have clothes from the Gap that the average person couldn't tell apart from much more expensive clothes. You just need to look around enough. Also keep in mind that if you're not used to dressing nicely, you'll probably think certain styles are a bit too "flamboyant" or just "not you", but that's only because you're used to wearing baggy t-shirts and Lee's carpenter jeans. I wear stuff now that I never would've thought of wearing a few years ago before I started paying attention to what I wear, yet it's still miles away from some of the gay sh1t you see the more flamboyant/emo/etc guys wearing.